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Weekly 15: 2024‐05‐14

Laura Danniela Zárate edited this page May 24, 2024 · 5 revisions

Alejandro Ríos

  1. What did you do last week?

    I finalized my recommendation system requirement through AI. Fully implemented the system and integrated it with the OpenAI API. Also, I started to analyze how to improve the user experience and prompt guidance.

  2. What will you do this week?

    Finalize the part of user experience to make it clearer at the time of starting inside the application. Implementing clearer prompt guides, a call to action and a FridgeToFeast home page.

  3. Is there an obstacle?


Sara Cortés

  1. What did you do last week?

    I couldn't make much progress on my requirement.

  2. What will you do this week?

    Finalizing the last details of my requirement and implementing some of the suggestions made by the students in the project management course.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    There are doubts about how to apply the dark theme to the graphics.

Luis Torres

  1. What did you do last week?

    Recorded an entry for the usability analysis.

    Updated the code version and dependencies on the production server.

    Wrote and rehearsed the pitch.

  2. What will you do this week?

    Record my elevator pitch.

    Edit, upload, and link to the video for deliverable 4.

  3. Is there an obstacle?

    I have to work on the code for my Software Engineering course project.

Danniela Zárate

  1. What did you do last week?

    I finished my requirement, talk about some changes with my teammates and made the video for the delivery.

  2. What will you do this week?

    I'll finish up final details for the delivery with my teammates.

  3. Is there an obstacle?


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