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A rideshare system for autonomous vehicles


The current application only has a cli. The cli can be used to simulate what the autonomous vehicle would do if its movements and user requests occur in "step units". The app only has in memory persistence so once the cli is terminated all data is lost. The application was designed using domain driven principles. This makes it easy to switch out in memory repos with other types of persistence like mongo or a relational/sql variant.


  • pipenv
  • python 3.7


  • git clone
  • pipenv install
  • pipenv shell

Running the command line interface

  • python

Project Structure

  • domain: all business specific data models
  • infrastructure: all io for domain
  • usecases: specific unit of work for the application

Application Domain Models

  • Person: Stores data on users of the autonomous vehicle
  • Vehicle: Stores the state of the car and its planned itinerary
  • LocationMap: Used to calculate distances and shortest paths... essentially the map that's used by the vehicle for navigating


Run pytest to run all tests

For all tests to pass you need a Google Cloud API key set in the environment. See


  • Cleanup interfaces, need to transport more data on per call rather than performing many calls to get data
  • Create better command line tool. Used cmd2 which has too limited features to design a good cli for this application
  • Complete writing tests for full coverage
  • Complete google LocationMap gateway in order for the app to be used in a more "real world" way
  • Complete mongo persistence