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Hangman is the digitalized version of the famous word guessing game that everyone played at least once in school. It is written in Python and deployed on Heroku. Check it out!

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This Python-based Hangman game enables users to guess words, categorized into different topics and difficulty levels, by iteratively selecting letters, while visually tracking incorrect guesses through ASCII hangman illustrations.

You can find the live link here: Hangman-game


Table of Contents



The game starts with the games logo and a welcome introduction and explanation of the game.

The Hangman game provides a word-guessing experience where a player selects a category and difficulty level, then has to identify a hidden word by suggesting letters. A partial hangman figure gets drawn with each incorrect guess, and the player is allowed up to 6 mistakes. Displayed underscores signify the word length, and a list assists in tracking previously guessed letters.

The Player wins if he guesses the word before the hangman is fully drawn; otherwise, the correct word is revealed upon loss. The Player then can choose to play again or exit the game.

Game Structure

Start Screen

  • Logo and Welcome: A symbol-created logo is displayed along with a welcoming message.
  • Instructions: Provides easy-to-understand instructions for how to play.
  • Game Initiation: Player begins the game by pressing 'y'.

Start screen

Category and Difficulty Selection

  • Category Choice: Player selects a word category (foods, cars, countries).
  • Difficulty Choice: Player selects a difficulty level (easy, medium, hard).

Category and Difficulty

Input Validation

  • Correct Input: Ensures the player’s input adheres to acceptable parameters (e.g., 'y' to start, valid category, and difficulty).
  • Error Messaging: Informative error messages guide the player towards valid inputs.

Input Validation

Input Validation2

Main Game

  • Word Representation: Displays underscores (_) representing the secret word's letters.
  • Letter Guessing: Player attempts to reveal the word by guessing letters one at a time.
  • Hangman Figure: Incorrect guesses visually build a hangman drawing and guessess become less.
  • Guessed Letters: Displays a list to track and show letters the player has already guessed.

Main Game

End of Round

  • Outcome: Reveals whether the player won or lost and shows the correct word.
  • Replay Option: Presents the player with the choice to play again or exit.

End of round

Potential future updates

Future updates for the Hangman game include better player experience through expanded and customizable word categories, the addition of user profiles and competitive leaderboards, along with a notable uplift in graphical and user interaction, moving from ASCII to a more vibrant and intuitive UI/UX.

Hangman Game primary components

This Hangman game allows the user to guess words from chosen categories and difficulty levels. Below are the primary components and functions utilized in the game:

1. Word Management

Handles the selection and representation of words for the game.


choose_word(category, difficulty):

  • Description: Chooses a word based on the given category and difficulty.
  • Parameters:
    • category: The theme of the word (e.g., foods, cars, countries).
    • difficulty: The level of difficulty (e.g., easy, medium, hard).
  • Returns: A randomly selected word from the specified category and difficulty.


words dictionary:

  • Description: Contains lists of words categorized by theme and difficulty level.

2. Display Management

Manages the visual representation of the game.



  • Description: Displays the hangman figure based on the number of incorrect tries.
  • Parameters:
    • tries: Number of incorrect guesses made by the player.
  • Returns: A visual representation of the hangman figure for the current game state.


  • Description: Outputs the game's logo and provides an explanation of how to play.
  • Returns: Printed logo and game instructions.

3. Game Flow & Logic

Controls the game's main loop, logic, and interactions with the user.



  • Description: The main game loop where players guess letters and the game determines the outcome based on the guesses.
  • Returns: Boolean value indicating if the user wants to play another round.


  • Description: Prompts the user to decide if they want to play another round.
  • Returns: Boolean value (True if the user wants to play again, False otherwise).

Game Initialization:

The game prompts the user to start, choose a category, and select a difficulty level. It then engages the player in rounds of guessing letters, displaying progress, and determining the game outcome.


Validator Testing

Validator Testing

Hangman Game - Manual Testing

Test Scenario 1: Start the Game

Test Steps:

  1. Execute the program.
  2. Prompted to press 'y' to start the game.

Test Input:

  • y


  • Hangman logo and game explanation displayed.
  • Prompt to press 'y' to start the game appeared.
  • Successful transition to category selection.

Test Scenario 2: Category Selection

Test Steps:

  1. Prompted to select a category (foods/cars/countries).

Test Input:

  • foods


  • Successful transition to difficulty selection.

Test Input:

  • games


  • Error message displayed: "Error Message: Please choose foods, cars, or countries."

Error Message

Test Scenario 3: Difficulty Selection

Test Steps:

  1. Prompted to choose word difficulty (easy, medium, hard).

Test Input:

  • easy


  • Successful transition to main game loop.

Test Input:

  • extreme


  • Error message displayed: "Error Message: Please choose easy, medium, or hard."

Error Message

Test Scenario 4: Guess a Letter

Test Steps:

  1. Prompted to guess a letter.
  2. Enter a valid letter.
  3. Enter an invalid character.
  4. Enter multiple letters.

Test Input:

  1. a
  2. 9
  3. ab


  1. Feedback displayed depending on whether the letter is in the word.
  2. Error message displayed: "Error: Only letters allowed"

Error Message

  1. Error message displayed: "Error: Only one letter a time allowed"

Error Message

Test Scenario 5: Guess the Entire Word

Test Steps:

  1. Continue guessing letters until the word is completed or all attempts are used up.


  • Upon guessing the entire word correctly, a congratulatory message is displayed.


  • Upon using up all attempts without guessing the word, a message with the correct word and encouragement to try again is displayed.

Next Time

Test Scenario 6: Play Again

Test Steps:

  1. After a game finishes, player is prompted to play again.
  2. Choose to play again.
  3. Choose not to play again.

Test Input:

  1. y
  2. n


  1. Restarted the game.
  2. Displayed the message: "Thank you for playing, have a nice day! ┏( ͡ᵔ _⦣ ͡ᵔ)┛ "

Play Again

Test Input:

  1. r


  1. Displayed the message: "Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'."

Invalid Input


The game functions as expected, and user interactions are handled correctly.


  • Languages:
    • Python
  • Platform:
    • Heroku



When the player was asked to enter "y" to start the game the game kept looping the same question over and over.


Add != instead of === to while_start_game inside the play_hangman() function.

Error Fixed


  • FreeCodeCamp showcased how to use Data Structures (dictionaries and lists), and also how to correctly manipulate strings (like .lower() and .strip() )

  • Reddit this subreddit has been a big help in explaining to me Modular Programming for my project.

  • Fsymbols great tool and helped me create the temporary game logo.

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Hangman is the digitalized version of the famous word guessing game that everyone played at least once in school. It is written in Python and deployed on Heroku. Check it out!







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