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My own personal portfolio website

Inspired by leerob


  • src/content/* - MDX data that is used for my blog
  • src/lib/* - Short for "library", a collection of helpful utilities or code for external services.
  • src/app/* - The actual pages.
  • public/* - Static assets including fonts and images.
  • prisma/* - My Prisma schema, which uses Vercels Postgres database.
  • src/styles/* - A small amount of global styles. I'm mostly using vanilla Tailwind CSS.
  • src/messages/* - All translations objects

Running Locally

git clone
cd Portfolio
pnpm i
pnpm dev

Create a .env file similar to .env.example

Cloning / Forking

Please review the license and remove all of my personal information (resume, blog posts, images, etc.).