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Alex Averill edited this page Aug 12, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the ESUS3 wiki! Current version of the Event Sign Up System

#Install Instructions Install instructions: This will walk you through installing a standard two division setup for ESUS, if you only need one division just install ESUS into the base directory.

First download ESUS from: Requirements: Php5 mysql

Next setup a database for each install of ESUS, for two division setup two different databases. The naming convention tends to work best as esus_competition_b and esus_competition_c

Once you have your databases setup upload and unpack the zip file from step one. You should unpack the files into the following structure for two divisions:

[url]/[Competition]/b/[ESUS Files] and [url]/[Competition]/c/[ESUS Files]

Next navigate to install.php in each directory that you unpacked files into and enter the information to each box in the install dialog.

Once you have added a new administrator account delete install.php and new_admin.php from each directory.

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