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alexblaessle edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 3 revisions

Installing PyFRAP (short version)

We provide an installation script for PyFRAP for each of the three major operating systems (OSX, Windows, Linux). This section describes how to install PyFRAP using these scripts. This assumes that your computer does not have any specific python installations running. Moreover, it will automatically download Fiji and Gmsh. Note that the installation can take a while depending on the download speed of Gmsh and Fiji. Also note that to make use of some of PyFRAP's meshing functionalities, you need to install and link openscad. For Linux users, openscad already gets installed using the following script.

It is important to execute the following steps exactly as described to guarentee a working PyFRAP installation.


This describes how to install PyFRAP on Debian-based operating systems such as Ubuntu. Linux generally already comes with a Python installation so it is not necessary to install Anaconda. The following instructions only work with a native Python installation.

  1. Download PyFRAP as described here.
  2. Open a terminal and navigate to the folder containing PyFRAP.
  3. Type
sudo ./
  1. Type


Even though OSX comes with a Python installation, we highly recommend using Anaconda instead. The following instructions only work with Anaconda.

  1. Install Anaconda (Python version 2.7) as described here.
  2. Download and unzip PyFRAP to your computer.
  3. In Finder, navigate to your PyFRAP folder.
  4. Double-click on install_osx.command (you might need to press Control meanwhile, or allow apps from anywhere, see here).
  5. Run PyFRAP by double-clicking runPyFRAP.command (you might need to press Control meanwhile, or allow apps from anywhere, see here).
  6. You can now run PyFRAP and analyze FRAP experiments. A tutorial on how to use PyFRAP's GUI to do so can be found here.

Optional: If you want to use some of PyFRAP's more complicated meshing options, you will need to install openscad.

  1. Download and install openscad from here.
  2. In PyFRAP, go to settings and adjust the path (FolderContainingPyFRAP\pyfrp\executables\openscad\


In order for PyFRAP to run properly, you must ensure during the installation of all components to only select file paths that do not contain any spaces. A good directory for installation compatible with proper running of PyFRAP is C:\FRAP

  1. Install Anaconda (Python version 2.7) as described here (in the Advanced Installation Options, check the Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable option).
  2. Download and unzip PyFRAP to your computer.
  3. In explorer, navigate to your PyFRAP folder.
  4. Double-click on install_win.bat.
  5. Copy gmsh to your Anaconda Scripts folder
    • Find your Anaconda installation directory (You can use the Windows find function and search for python.exe. Most of the time it is located in C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Local\Continuum\Anaconda)
    • At the same time, in your PyFRAP installation directory, navigate to *FolderContainingPyFRAP\pyfrp\executables\gmsh* (where FolderContainingPyFRAP is your PyFRAP installation directory).
    • Copy gmsh.exe to the Scripts folder in the Anaconda installation folder.
  6. Run PyFRAP by double-clicking runPyFRAP.bat.
  7. You can now run PyFRAP and analyze FRAP experiments. A tutorial on how to use PyFRAP's GUI to do so can be found here .

Optional: If you want to use some of PyFRAP's more complicated meshing options, you will need to install openscad.

  1. Download and install openscad from here.
  2. In PyFRAP, go to settings and adjust the path (FolderContainingPyFRAP\pyfrp\executables\openscad\openscad.exe).