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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 3, 2022. It is now read-only.


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Archivation Note

As of now, I lost interest on this project and shifted focus to other things. That's why I have to archive rfap-pycli in an unfinished state. If you are interested in continuing this project, please email me, so I can explain some details to you or unarchive this repo and add you as contributor.


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CLI Client for rfap. See related projects for compatible applications and protocol specification.


As we are in an early development stage, so big changes come often and not everything is backward- and forward-compatible. So always check the required librfap version in the release notes. The bleeding-edge version from this repo should be compatible with the bleeding-edge version of librfap, although it might not always the case.

Please note that Python 3.10 is required because of use of new syntax structures in this project which were added in Python 3.10 (match-case-statement).


git clone
cd rfap-pycli
sudo make install


./ [-s server-address] [-c] [-d]



commands description
cat <file>, read <file> print <file> show content of a file
cd <folder> change working directory
cfg, config, set change config values for current session
clear, cls clear screen
copy <source> <destin>, cp <source> <destin> copy file from source to destination
copydir <source> <destin>, cpdir <source> <destin> copy folder from source to destination
edit <file>, write <file>, v <file> enter new content for a file
exec, debug execute python command (debug mode only)
exit, quit, :q, disconnect disconnect and exit
help print help
ls <folder>, list <folder>, dir <folder> list directory
mkdir <folder>, makedir <folder> create directory
move <source> <destin>, mv <source> <destin>, rename <source> <destin> move file from source to destination
movedir <source> <destin>, mvdir <source> <destin> move folder from source to destination
pwd print working directory
rm <file>, remove <file>, del <file>, delete <file> delete file
rmdir <folder>,deldir <folder> delete folder
save <file> <local destination> save file locally
touch <file>, create <file> create file
upload <local file> <destin> upload a local file

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