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Alex Glow edited this page Oct 27, 2019 · 13 revisions

Personal freedom and self-determination

In the outer trigon, Hibiscus combines Fortune and Adventure: daring to follow our hearts and chance the consequences. Striking out – into the unknown, and sometimes in the baseball sense. :)

In 2009 I had a dream, where we danced on the shores of a glowing river, and ate small clustered buds of hibiscus flowers... it was not allowed, but it was what I wanted, and I knew it was a better way. Even if it hurt others. (Here is a song I wrote about the dream.)

Acknowledge the truth, the roll of the dice... Don't martyr yourself to soften the inevitable.
I've learned again and again that being free is better than being stuck in a painful situation, even if it means being more alone. (And anyway, you don't have to be alone.)

Another theme song for this one: Freedom '90. All we have to do now is take these lies and make them true somehow; all we have to see is that I don't belong to you, and you don't belong to me.
