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Releases: alexisakers/HTMLString

πŸ”– v6.0.1 β€” 2020-10-01

01 Oct 16:19
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  • Add Obj-C tests


  • Fix infinite loop when using Obj-C methods

πŸ”– v6.0.0 β€” 2020-09-28

28 Sep 14:31
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  • Require iOS 9 and Swift 5
  • Removed mutate-in-place methods


  • Improve overall performance
  • Fix build warnings with Xcode 12

Migration Guide

  1. Adding Unicode Entities
  • Replace addingUnicodeEntities by addingUnicodeEntities()
  • Replace addUnicodeEntities() by addingUnicodeEntities()
  1. Adding ASCII Entities
  • Replace addingASCIIEntities by addingASCIIEntities()
  • Replace addASCIIEntities() by addingASCIIEntities()
  1. Removing Entities
  • Replace removingHTMLEntities by removingHTMLEntities()
  • Replace removeHTMLEntities by removingHTMLEntities()


05 Jun 14:43
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4.1.0-beta.1 Pre-release
πŸ”– v4.1.0-beta.1

πŸ”– v4.0.2

08 May 07:24
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Update for Xcode 9.3 and Swift 4.1

  • Update project for Swift 4.1
  • Improve tests and documentation

πŸ”– v4.0.0

20 Sep 10:36
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Update for Xcode 9 and Swift 4

  • Update project for Swift 4
  • Improve tests and documentation
  • Run CI tests on mutliple platforms
  • Update metadata

πŸ”– v3.0.0

14 Feb 09:45
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HTMLString 3.0.0 makes everything Swiftier.

⚠️️ Source-breaking changes

The old API has been deprecated in favor of a new one that aligns to Foundation's API to add/remove percent encoding.

Swift API

  • escapingForUnicodeHTML has been renamed to addingUnicodeEntities
  • escapingForASCIIHTML has been renamed to addingASCIIEntities
  • unescapingFromHTML has been renamed to removingHTMLEntities

NSString Swift API

  • stringByEscapingForUnicodeHTML() has been renamed to addingUnicodeEntities()
  • stringByEscapingForASCIIHTML() has been renamed to addingASCIIEntities()
  • stringByUnescapingFromHTML() has been renamed to removingHTMLEntities()

NSString Objective-C API

  • stringByEscapingForUnicodeHTML has been renamed to stringByAddingUnicodeEntities
  • stringByEscapingForASCIIHTML has been renamed to stringByAddingASCIIEntities
  • stringByUnescapingFromHTML has been renamed to stringByRemovingHTMLEntities

Xcode fix-its should be able to help you migrate to the latest syntax.

βœ… Fixed/Improved

  • The Xcode project has now 1 target/platform
  • Fixed an error with build settings that caused the library to be unusable with Carthage
  • Better Objective-C annotation
  • More expressive and instructive README and docs

πŸ”– v2.1.2

16 Jan 16:23
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This release extends the library's compatibility to Objective-C projects using Mix and Match interoperability.

πŸ”– v2.1.1

05 Jan 20:48
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This minor release focuses on code, security and performance improvements.

New APIs

  • You can now perform custom escaping by escaping Unicode scalars individually.


  • Further improved the escaping algorithm, which is now up to 6 times faster.
  • Changed the escaping strategy: special characters are now escaped with decimal sequences. This allows for better compatibility with browsers (HTML 4.0 compatible) and better speed
  • Changed the Unicode escaping strategy: only escape characters that could cause an XSS injection
  • Added an asymptotic complexity approximation calculator (every algorithm is now O(N))


  • Removed .DS_Store

πŸ”– v2.1.0

04 Jan 12:02
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Meet HTMLString v2.1.0 and its huge performance improvements!

Escaping is now up to 6.5 times faster and unescaping up to 98 times faster. Check out the new benchmark reports for more details.

Internal Changes

  • Change the escaping algorithm (reduce instead of map)
  • Reduced the size of the escaping mappings

And also

⚠️ Source breaking changes

  • The Character extensions have been removed.

πŸ”– v2.0.1

06 Dec 12:52
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This release focuses on improving the library's performance : escaping is 99.37% (!) faster and unescaping is 10,38% faster in average (πŸŽ‰)

And also:

  • Changed the escaping/unescaping tables model
  • Better tests and coverage