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Operation Slack bot (OpsBot)

The idea of this bot is handle typical operations by issuing Slack command. Slack command /opsbot is used for this bot.

The first argument is subcommand. We are going to extend functionality of the bot by adding new subcommands. Currently implemented subcommands are:

  • ping (check if bot is ready to serve)
  • ansible_vault (encrypt secret by ansible-vault command-line tool)
  • secret (create short live link for one time access to the secret)
    /opsbot ping (check if bot is up & running)
    /opsbot ansible_vault list keys (list of available keys)
    /opsbot ansible_vault encrypt <key name> <secret name> <secret> (encrypt secret)
    /opsbot secret <secret> (create short live link for one time access to the secret)

Usage examples

  • get help for all available subcommands


       /opsbot ping (check if bot is up & running)
       /opsbot ansible_vault list keys (list of available keys)
       /opsbot ansible_vault encrypt <key name> <secret name> <secret> (encrypt secret)
       /opsbot secret <secret> (create short live link for one time access to the secret)
  • subcommand ansible_vault:

    get list of available keys

    /opsbot ansible_vault list keys

    List of available keys: prod int dev

    encrypt secret by prod key

    /opsbot ansible_vault encrypt prod my_secret_name my_super_strong_secret

    my_secret_name: !vault |
  • subcommand secret:

    create link to access secret

    /opsbot secret mysupersecret2share

    https://<OpsBot DNS name>/secret/18328be5-5c2b-4c8e-8d0b-2c816ae4bc0d

    send (via Slack, email etc) this link to colleague you want to share the secret, this link is available for 10 minutes and could be accessed only one time

    curl https://<OpsBot DNS name>/secret/18328be5-5c2b-4c8e-8d0b-2c816ae4bc0d
    curl https://<OpsBot DNS name>/secret/18328be5-5c2b-4c8e-8d0b-2c816ae4bc0d
    Not Found


OpsBot is build with Python using:

How to add new subcommands

New subcommand is separate Python package (directory with file in it) which should be placed in package cmd. Two functions should be implemented in subcommand package:

  • handler - mandatory, entry point to subcommand code

    async def handler(ack: AsyncAck, say: AsyncSay, respond: AsyncRespond,
                      body: dict, client: AsyncWebClient, payload: dict,
                      context: AsyncBoltContext, logger: Logger, args: list[str]):
  • get_cmd_usage - optional, get subcommand usage to form global /opsbot command usage (when just run /opsbot without any arguments)

    def get_cmd_usage(cmd, subcmd)
  • configure_web_app - optional, configure aiohttp web app (routes, background tasks, etc)

    def configure_web_app(bot: AsyncApp)

see code of secret subcommand.

To create new subcommand you can use ping subcommand as a boilerplate code:

cp -a src/slack/cmd/ping src/slack/cmd/mynewsubcommand

and then import it and add to list of subcommands.

from .cmd import mynewsubcommand

SUBCMDS: list[dict] = [
    {"subcmd": ["mynewsubcommand"], "module": mynewsubcommand},

Environments variables

Common variables

SLACK_BOT_TOKEN - Slack bot token, one of Slack app tokens

SLACK_APP_TOKEN - Slack app-level token, one of Slack app tokens

SLACK_CMD - Slack command used by users (default /opsbot)

HTTP_PORT - OpsBot http port (default 8080)

LOG_LEVEL - log level (default info)

APP_NAME - OpsBot app name, e.g. used by /info endpoint (default opsbot)

MY_URL - URL to access OpsBot by http (default localhost)

ansible_vault subcommand specific variables

ANSIBLE_VAULT_KEYS_DIR - path to directory with ansible-vault encryption keys (default os.getcwd() + "/ansible_vault_keys")

secret subcommand specific variables

SECRET_TTL - time period (in seconds) after which the secret is deleted if it wasn't requested (default 600)

SECRET_CLEANUP_PERIOD - time period (in seconds) between clean up run which removes expired (reached SECRET_TTL) secrets (default 10)

Health check and version endpoints

❯ curl https://<OpsBot DNS name>/health_check
{"status": "UP"}

❯ curl https://<OpsBot DNS name>/info
{"name": "opsbot", "version": "0.0.4"}

Prometheus metrics

If it's needed each subcommand could export Prometheus metrics regarding its usage (code example). Metrics endpoint - https://<OpsBot DNS name>/metrics.

# HELP opsbot_ansible_vault_encrypted_total total number of encrypted secrets
# TYPE opsbot_ansible_vault_encrypted_total counter
opsbot_ansible_vault_encrypted_total 3.0

# HELP opsbot_secrets_created_total total number of created secrets
# TYPE opsbot_secrets_created_total counter
opsbot_secrets_created_total 2.0

# HELP opsbot_secrets_expired_total total number of expired secrets
# TYPE opsbot_secrets_expired_total counter
opsbot_secrets_expired_total 0.0

# HELP opsbot_secrets_stored number of secrets stored in db now
# TYPE opsbot_secrets_stored gauge
opsbot_secrets_stored 0.0


Operation Slack bot






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