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A Hawker is "defined as a person who travels around selling goods, typically advertising them by shouting" Our application aims to connect street entertainers, vendors and popup food sellers with their clients in a seamless easy to use web app.

Authors: Alex Romero, Zixuan Zhang, Mike Marambio

Link to published cloud site:

Formalized Team Project Writeup

Note that the site looks and performs best on Google Chrome

Table of Contents


Project Summary

Hawkr is a Website/Mobile application which intends to bridge the gap between mobile vendors and cutomers/clients. Using AWS Services, React, NextJs, Tailwind, Supabase, and Google Maps API's we intend to create an all in one application which will create and bring these mobile vendor communities together.

Complete Project Description (abstract)

In the world of small mobile businesses location is critical, but often left unknown to the clients. Pop-up shops, and food trucks are often difficult to track down since they often move from location to location, thus making it difficult for customers to find where their favorite businesses are. Tourists, visitors, and those looking to try something new find locating mobile businesses without knowing of them first is virtually impossible. The solution to this is Hawkr. The Hawkr app will serve all small mobile vendors connecting them with customers who are interested in supporting them. This means that everyone in the entire community can locate and identify new and existing businesses in the vicinity through the use of Hawkr’s mapping.

To reach the widest audience possible, the first implementation of this project will be focused on developing a web-app. If time allows we will extend it to a dedicated mobile application. Through the use of this web-app, you’ll find your favorite mobile businesses and identify new ones!

Target Audience

This project is catered towards people who are interested in the mobile business market(e.g finding an new/recent shop). Mobile businesses will be interested in using Hawkr to attract larger traffic of consumers interested in their services/products. To reach the largest audience possible there is no limitation on the category of what a mobile businesses can provide. Thus consumers/users be able to find their favorite businesses as well as identify new ones.

Team Meeting day/times (in person and virtual)

Every Monday at 7P.M our sprints are planned and we discuss any current hurdles we are having.

Every Friday at 7P.M, we will meet to work on the current assignments, recap, or discuss anything of importance for the following week.

Summary of Technologies

Task Manager: Gitlab

Versioning System: Git

Project language(s): Javascript/Typescript Frameworks: NodeJS, NextJS, Express, TailwindCSS

Hosting Service/Cloud Provider: Amazon Web Services(AWS), Supabase(for our database)

Platforms Supported: Web App (If time allows we may turn/port the site into an app on iOS, and Android Application)

Databases used: Supabase ~ PostgreSQL

How to build and run the project

To build and run Hawkr there are several different avenues one could take. For our purposes, we have primarily hosted the site on AWS and Amplify(Using Route53 for domain routing).


  1. npm install. Since the project is built using React and NextJs. npm will need to be installed to run locally. Instructions to install npm are provided here.

  2. Supabase tables and .env file. The project was built in conjunction with the Supabase API. An account with a respective database and tables are required. Below are the table names, and properties. Once an account is created be sure to create a .env file in the root directory with your Supabase credentials.


UUID(uuid) state(int2) name(varchar) description(varchar)


shopID(uuid) vendorID(uuid) shopName(varchar) shopDescription(varchar) open(bool) timeOpen(time) timeOpen(time) messagesOn(bool) liveTracking(bool) hawkrType(varchar) shop_image_url(text)


UUID(uuid) location(json)


clientID(uuid) shopID(uuid)


messageID(uuid) clientID(uuid) shopID(uuid) content(json)

The default authentication table for Supabase is below:

Email Phone Provider Created Last Sign In User UID

How to run the project locally

  1. In the project folder run 'npm run dev' to run the project locally. If you plan to run the the project on hosting service. You can use 'npm run build' instead.

  2. The project should now output were it is being hosted from in the terminal/command line. Feel free to visit it in any browser.

How to build in AWS

  1. Create an account on AWS. link
  2. Type in AWS Amplify in the console management search
  3. Here you can Click on github or Deploy without git provider

If you chose to deploy with github:

  1. Sign in and authorize through github
  2. Select a repository that you cloned from
  3. Select a branch
  4. Verify build and test settings are proper
  6. Save and deploy

If you chose to deploy manually:

  1. Provide your app name and environment name
  2. Drag a zip file containing the build with your code
  3. Save and deploy

Typically, it takes 3-5 minutes to build and deploy a new project. Once complete, AWS will provide you with a URL which you may visit. Be aware, that once connected to the github repository, the site is now setup as a CI/CD site which will automatically build and go live as updates are pushed to the main repository.

How to build in Vercel

Since NextJS was created by Vercel. They allow free(with some cavetas) hosting. To build the project in Vercel simply do the following:

  1. Create an account in vercel. link
  2. Create a new project.
  3. Sign in with the github account where the repository is hosted or click on 'Import Third-Party Git Repository' and provide a link to the repository.
  5. Click 'deploy'

Typically, it takes 3-5 minutes to build and deploy a new project. Once complete, Vercel will provide you with a URL which you may visit.

Be aware, that once connected to the github repository, the site is now setup as a CI/CD site which will automatically build and go live as updates are pushed to the main repository.

The project has also been tested and is also hosted as a Vercel project here.

This page will be maintained and updated this page throughout the semester.