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alexmemory edited this page Jun 19, 2017 · 11 revisions

Download, configure and run the iBench experiments.

  1. Download and uncompress xProUni.tgz. The resulting xProUni folder contains the parameter settings for the iBench experiments and hold the results of the experiments.
  2. Edit cmd/config/pipeline/icde17.yaml:
  • Set pipelines_dir to the directory now containing xProUni
  • Set user under permdbms to the user name you chose when installing Perm.
  1. The active section of the file cmd/config/pipeline/icde17.yaml determines which experiments will run. Next to the name of each experiment is the figure in the ICDE-17 paper it will produce.
  2. From within cmd, run mkdir -p logs/pipeline/xProUni; mkdir -p logs/pipeline_components
  3. Run cmd/scripts/pipeline/
  4. The results of experiments run are collected in the HDF5 file xProUni/eval/result.h5.
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