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Provides data needed to track yield farming returns in sheets.

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Add to a sheet using tools -> script editor. Use FHPRICE, FHCHANGE, FHCOINS to get coin data.


  • Simple APY is an extrapolation of earnings since start. In other words, take the value at t=0, take the value at t=now, and draw a line through both points to t=1y. We probably get a more accurate prediction by including data of each days value, i.e. a trend line.

CoinGecko API Use

  • We use /coins/list to figure out CoinGecko coin IDs.
  • We use /simple/price to get a token price.
  • We use /coins/{id}/market_chart to get percent changes in price over arbitrary periods.


We'd like to not hit the CoinGecko API for every requested price. We therefore implement the following caching strategies.

  • The full list of tickers is cached for 4 hours.
  • A simple price is cached for 60 minutes.
  • A historic price is cached indefinitely, meaning for a given day in the past, the same price change is returned until a new day begins.