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vCD and IBM Cloud IAM SSO integration tool

Command line interface for integrating VMware virtual Cloud Director (vCD) with IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) single sign on authentication.


This repository provides a command line tool (iamvcd) that performs the rudimentary functions of integrating IBM Cloud IAM SSO authentication with a vCD organization. iamvcd can be used to: - Enable IAM SSO authentication for a vCD organization. - Import an IAM user to a vCD organization where IAM SSO authentication has been enabled.


The following instructions are necessary in order to successfully install, configure and use the iamvcd command line tool.


  • Git
  • Python 3.6+
  • A basic understanding of Git and Python virtual environments
  • An IBM Cloud IAM client id/secret
  • The vCD organization administrator username and password. The username's format is admin@<my_organization_name>.
  • The vCD organization's vCD base URL. For example:, the vCD here is daldir04.


The setup of the reference implementation and accompanying CLI iamvcd is relatively straight forward. The high level steps are:

  • Check out this Github repository with Git locally.
  • Create a Python virtual environment.
  • Activate your virtual environment.
git clone
cd vcd_am_sso
python -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
  • Install all relevant Python dependencies.
    • This repo requires the following libraries:

      • PyCryptodome - Handles the conversion of IAM Identity public RSA keys from JSON Web Key (JWK) to Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format.
      • Python requests - Handles the HTTP requests to APIs.
      • ilcli - A thin wrapper around Python's argparse library.
    • Installing dependencies differs slightly if you're an end user or if you're a developer interested in making changes to the repo.

      • If you're an end user execute the following:
      make install
      • If you're a developer execute the following:
      make develop

CLI Usage

The general assumptions of this usage section are that your virtual environment is active and your current directory is this repo's root directory.

Priming the environment

The command line interface depends on a handful of configurable operating system environment variables. They are listed below:

  • IAM_ROOT: The IAM root URL, e.g. or
  • VCD_ROOT: The vCD root URL, e.g.
  • ORG_ADMIN_USR: The specific organization admin user id, e.g. admin@test_dcea9c04d6f74d0ca2464887584c28e1.
  • ORG_ADMIN_PWD: The specific organization admin user password.
  • IAM_CLIENT_ID: The IBM Cloud IAM client id.
  • IAM_CLIENT_SECRET: The IBM Cloud client secret.

The script is provided for your convenience and can be updated and sourced prior to using iamvcd. Once has been updated accordingly you can set the environment variables by executing the following:

. ./scripts/

Enabling IAM SSO for a vCD organization

To enable IAM SSO for the vCD organization administered by the ORG_ADMIN_USR, use the CLI's integrate sub-command and execute the following:

iamvcd integrate

NOTE: Use the same command to refresh the IAM Identity public RSA keys periodically. The keys are rotated every 30 days so the versions stored for the vCD organization must be kept current in order to ensure authentication continues to function.

Enabling IAM user SSO authentication

Once IAM SSO has been enabled for a vCD organization you can grant an IAM user access to that vCD organization by importing that user into the vCD organization. To do this, use the CLI's import sub-command along with the user's IAM user ID and execute a command similar to the following:

iamvcd import --user

NOTE: Currently importing users is limited to a single user at a time when using the iamvcd CLI.

Happy authenticating!!