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Siran Yang edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 1 revision

In this section, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the Euler algorithm package on both PPI and Reddit data sets. The embedding size of all models is 256, and the training batch size is 512.

Neighbor aggregation algorithms such as GraphSAGE can use either supervised training mode or unsupervised training mode. We use suffixes to distinguish them. Algorithms such as LINE/DeepWalk can only use unsupervised training mode.

  • In the supervised training mode, we directly predict the label information. The training epoch number is 20 except for GAT. GAT is trained with 100 epochs for aligning the configuration of the paper.
  • In the unsupervised mode, we first train for 20 epochs to produce embedding of nodes. These embeddings are then used as the features of the Logistic Regression model for supervised training of20 epoch.

Below is the micro-F1 scores of all experiments:


Model Mirco-F1 scores reported in original papers Mirco-F1 scores in Euler Note
Random 0.396 0.415
DeepWalk NA 0.536
LINE-1stOrder NA 0.517 opt = sgd / lr = 2e-1
LINE-2ndOrder NA 0.535 opt = sgd / lr = 2e-1
GraphSage-GCN 0.465 0.460 opt = adam / lr = 2e-3
GraphSage-Mean 0.486 0.502 opt = adam / lr = 1e-3
GraphSage-Meanpool NA 0.486 opt = adam / lr = 1e-3
GraphSage-Maxpool 0.502 0.489 opt = adam / lr = 1e-3
GraphSage-GCN-Supervised 0.500 0.504 opt = adam / lr = 1e-2
GraphSage-Mean-Supervised 0.598 0.614 opt = adam / lr = 1e-2
GraphSage-Meanpool-Supervised NA 0.640 opt = adam / lr = 5e-3
GraphSage-Maxpool-Supervised 0.600 0.634 opt = adam / lr = 5e-3
ScalableGCN-Mean-Supervised NA 0.603 opt = adam / lr = 2e-1 / store lr = 2e-3
ScalableGCN-Meanpool-Supervised NA 0.606 opt = adam / lr = 5e-3 / store lr = 5e-4
GAT 0.973 0.948 opt = adam / lr = 5e-3 / head_num=4 / layer_num=3 / sample_neighbor=150


Model Mirco-F1 scores reported in original papers Mirco-F1 scores in Euler Note
Random 0.043 0.120
DeepWalk NA 0.841
LINE-1stOrder NA 0.813 opt = sgd / lr = 2e-1
LINE-2ndOrder NA 0.820 opt = sgd / lr = 2e-1
GraphSage-GCN-Supervised 0.930 0.917 opt = adam / lr = 1e-2
GraphSage-Mean-Supervised 0.950 0.933 opt = adam / lr = 1e-2
GraphSage-Meanpool-Supervised NA 0.928 opt = adam / lr = 5e-3
ScalableGCN-Mean-Supervised NA 0.929 opt = adam / lr = 1e-2 / store lr = 2e-3
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