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Dev: Creating a new PR

Leonardo Viana edited this page Oct 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

Forking and submitting your development work

Forking and cloning the repository

The first step to help on the AliceNet development is to fork the AliceNet repository (ideally using SSH). See the official github documentation for details on how to set up your ssh credentials and how to fork a repository.

Once you have created your fork, open a new terminal and run the following commands:

git clone --recursive[username]/alicenet.git
cd alicenet
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream

Building the repository from source code

Once you have your repository cloned, refer to the Building Documentation for more information on how to build the binary from the source code. Now, you can start to code, and when you have a binary compiling, proceed to the next step.


The last step, before creating a Pull Request to submit your work, is to make sure that all tests and linters are passing. Check Testing documentation for more information on how to run the unit tests and linter locally.

Submitting your work as a Pull Request

Now, is finally time to submit your work. See the github pull request documentation to see how to create a Pull Request from your fork against the AliceNet repository.

And again, thank you for your help!