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Utility package to run checks against FastAPI applications


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A small library that provides tooling to inspect and run tests against FastAPI applications.



poetry add fastapi-checks # with poetry
pip install fastapi-checks # with pip

For CLI usage

poetry add fastapi-checks --extras "cli" # with poetry
pip install fastapi-checks[cli] # with pip



General options

Parameter Description
--app (Required) The location of the FastAPI instance to use. Must be provided before any commands.
--config (Optional) The location of the config file to use. Must be provided before any commands
fastapi-checks --app "app_example.main:app" routes
fastapi-checks --config "myconfigfile.json" debug

Using a config file

The library uses pycosmiconfig to automatically detect and load configuration files. Among other formats, it supports the following:

  • a [tool.fastapi_checks] property in pyproject.toml
  • a fastapi_checks.json, fastapi_checks.yaml, fastapi_checks.toml file inside a .config subdirectory
  • a file

See the project's homepage for the full list of supported formats.

Available commands


View a summary of API routes. Available options:

  • --html: render the results as an interactive table in the browser (uses Dash).
  • --match: only show routes whose path matches a specific pattern.
    • This will be parsed as a regular expression (e.g., --match "0.1" will return all routes whose path includes "0.1"; --match "^/0.1" will return all routes whose path starts with "/0.1").
fastapi-checks routes
fastapi-checks routes --html
fastapi-checks routes --match "0.1"


Show debug information (e.g. config file, FastAPI application details).

fastapi-checks debug

Test runners

The library can also be used to write tests asserting against a FastAPI application.

An example (using Pytest):

from fastapi_checks.testing import FastApiChecks
from pytest import mark

from app_example.main import app  # the FastAPI app to assert against

# This is an alias for the App parser
FAC = FastApiChecks(app=app)

# Are all routes under /0.1 marked as deprecated?
def test_01_routes_are_deprecated(api_route):
    assert api_route.route.deprecated is True

# Are all generated operation IDs unique?
def test_unique_operation_ids():
    ids = [r.operation_id for r in FAC.api_routes()]
    ids_set = set(ids)

    assert len(ids_set) == len(ids)

For Pytest users, the library also exposes a fastapi_checks fixture. It requires declaring a fixture called fastapi_app, which should return a FastAPI instance. The fastapi_checks fixture will return the equivalent of FastApiChecks(app=fastapi_app) from the example above.

from pytest import fixture

def fastapi_app():
    from app_example.main import app  # the FastAPI app to assert against
    return app

def test_01_routes_are_deprecated(fastapi_checks):
    routes = fastapi_checks.api_routes(path_regex="0.1")

    for r in routes:
        assert len( > 0


The library's core functionalities are exposed through a few Pydantic models, which can be used to interact with FastAPI concepts (e.g. dependencies, routes). Each model exposes some useful methods, as well as the original object where applicable.


Wraps fastapi.FastAPI. The original FastAPI instance is available under the app property.

from fastapi_checks.models import App
from app_example.main import app

app_instance = App(app=app)

# Get the original FastAPI object
# A lot of data is directly available, through methods like .openapi()
# See the FastAPI documentation for more information

# Get all API routes
# They are returned as ApiRoute instances

# Get all API routes that match a RegExp

# Get all dependencies (recursively), by route path
# They are returned as Dependency instances

# Get all dependencies (recursively), for API routes that match a RegExp


Wraps fastapi.routing.APIRoute. The original APIRoute instance is available under the route property.

from fastapi_checks.models import App
from app_example.main import app

app_instance = App(app=app)

api_route = app_instance.api_routes()[0]

# Get the original APIRoute object

# Get the generated OpenAPI spec for the route

# Get the route's operation ID

# Get all dependencies (recursively)

# Get all unique dependencies (recursively)
# This filters out dependencies on the same callable

# Get the names of all (unique) dependencies (recursively)
# Each value will be either a method name or a class name

# Get all Mark instances attached to the route's (unique) dependencies

# Get the security requirements for the route
# At the moment, only the HTTPBearer scheme is supported"HTTPBearer")

# Check if the route's patch matches a RegExp
# This is used internally in App.api_routes() or App.dependencies()


Wraps fastapi.Depends. The original callable is available under the callable property.

from fastapi_checks.models import App
from app_example.main import app

app_instance = App(app=app)

api_route = app_instance.api_routes()[0]
dependency = api_route.dependencies()[0]

# Get the callable

# Get the name of the callable
# This is used internally in ApiRoute.dependency_names()

# Get the name of the argument where the dependency is injected, if applicable
# For app-, router-, and route-level dependencies, this will be null

# Get the route associated with the dependency
# assert dependency.route == api_route

# Get the context in which the dependency is called (directly or through nested dependencies)
# This will be either:
# - "path", for app-, router-, and route-level dependencies
# - "handler", for route handler dependencies

# Get the Mark instance attached to the dependency, if it exists
# This is used internally in ApiRoute.dependency_marks()

# Check if the dependency has / doesn't have certain tags
# NB: the tags must have been provided using the `mark` decorator
dependency.tags_include_all(tags=["tag1", "tag2"])
dependency.tags_exclude_all(tags=["tag3", "tag4"])
dependency.tags_include(tags=["tag1", "tag3"])


This model facilitates working with dependencies; it doesn't map to a FastAPI concept. It enables adding markup to callables being used as FastAPI dependencies, to help answer questions like "How many endpoints rely on a dependency with [tag]?". Mark annotations should be created using the mark decorator, and are available on Dependency objects.

Decorator usage:

# app_example/services/
from fastapi_checks.decorators import mark

def some_auth_dependency():

class AnotherAuthDependency:
    def __init__(*args, **kwargs):
    def __call__(*args, **kwargs):

Assertions on Mark instances:

# tests/
from fastapi_checks.testing import FastApiChecks
from app_example.main import app

FAC = FastApiChecks(app=app)

def test_all_routes_use_auth():
    api_routes = FAC.api_routes()
    for r in api_routes:
        assert r.dependency_marks.includes("auth"), f"{r.route.path} uses an auth dependency"

Model properties:

from fastapi_checks.models import App
from app_example.main import app

app_instance = App(app=app)

api_route = app_instance.api_routes()[0]
dependency = api_route.dependencies()[0]
mark = dependency.mark

# Get the "marked" callable

# Get the tags attached to the callable


  • Clone the repository
  • Install dependencies with poetry install
  • The following commands are available:
    • make fixes: lint files with Ruff
    • make checks: check files with Ruff
    • make typecheck: typecheck files with mypy
    • make test: run tests with Pytest
    • make test:cov: run tests with Pytest & report on coverage

For rapid development, you can run CLI commands against the sample FastAPI application located in app_example. In the root directory:

poetry run fastapi-checks routes


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.