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alkarinv edited this page Mar 27, 2013 · 6 revisions

These are the steps that will lead you through creating your first arena. These steps will lead you through making one for the match type arena, but you can also use it to create arenas for different types, like battleground(bg).

To make an arena you must, 1) Choose a name that you want your arena to be called, 2) Create it and set up at least one spawn point (though you will probably want 2). 3) Make sure people have permissions.

Creating your first Arena

  1. Stand at the location where you want the arena to be, first spawn location
  2. /arena create myArena (creates the arena "myArena" and sets 1st spawn).
  3. Stand at the location you want the second spawn to be
  4. /arena alter myArena 2 (creates the second spawn for "myArena")
  5. Give your players the correct permission to join an arena. permission is arena.arena.join
  6. type /arena join
  7. have some one else type /arena join
After this you will both be entered into the arena match where the last man standing wins.

Creating more arenas

Follow the same steps as before, but use a different arena name. for this one lets assume its in a tundra biome and call it "icy".

  1. Stand at the location where you want "icy" to be
  2. /arena create icy (creates the arena "icy" and sets 1st spawn).
  3. Stand at the location you want the second spawn to be
  4. /arena alter icy 2 (creates the second spawn for "icy")
Once this is done, you will now have two Arenas. One named "myArena" and one named "icy". Players will cycle through these two arenas. You can continue adding more arenas as long as they have a different name.

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