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POC for Allata Site using Gatsby, Contentful, and Netlify


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A proof of concept for the site redesign using Gatsby, Contentful and Netlify. Inspired by gatsby-contentful-starter.


  • Contentful integration with ready to go placeholder content
  • Netlify integration including a pre-built contact form
  • Minimal responsive design - made to customize or tear apart
  • Pagination logic
  • Styled components
  • SEO Friendly Component
    • JSON-LD Schema
    • OpenGraph sharing support
    • Sitemap Generation
  • Google Analytics
  • Progressive Web app
  • Offline Support
  • RSS Feed
  • Gatsby Standard module for linting Javascript with StandardJS
  • Stylelint support for Styled Components to lint the CSS in JS


Getting Started


git clone
npm i

Setup Contentful

  1. Request access to the test Contentful environment from John, Brice, or Ashley

  2. Enter information into the .contentful.json file.


Website Data

Edit /src/utils/siteConfig.js

module.exports = {
  siteTitle: 'Allata',
  siteTitleAlt: 'Allata',
  publisher: 'Allta',
    'A foundational POC for a new static site built with Gatsby, Contentful and Netlify',
  siteUrl: '',
  postsPerHomePage: 7,
  postsPerPage: 6,
  author: 'Allata',
  authorUrl: '',
  userTwitter: '@twitter',
  shortTitle: 'Allata',
  shareImage: '/logos/share.jpg',
  shareImageWidth: 900,
  shareImageHeight: 600,
  siteLogo: '/logos/logo-512.png',
  backgroundColor: '#e9e9e9',
  themeColor: '#121212',
  copyright: 'Copyright © 2019 Allata',

Note: If you do not see your changes reflected when developing locally, you may need to delete the .cache folder and restart the development server.


Edit /src/styles/theme.js

const theme = {
  colors: {
    base: '#121212',
    secondary: '#e9e9e9',
    tertiary: '#f3f3f3',
    highlight: '#5b8bf7',
  sizes: {
    maxWidth: '1200px',
    maxWidthCentered: '650px',
  responsive: {
    small: '35em',
    medium: '50em',
    large: '70em',

Using Gatsby Standard

  1. Quickly check your code for errors with the npm test script
  2. You can view the Gatsby Standard README for details on how to integrate this project's included Gatsby Standard, Stylelint, and Prettier modules into your text editor

Content and SEO

  1. You can replace the share.jpg and logo-512 files in the static/logos directory. After replacing these files ensure that you edit the image size dimensions specified in /src/utils/siteConfig.js
  2. Meta descriptions are defined in Contentful. If you choose to leave this field blank on new posts a 320 character excerpt of the post/page will be used.
  3. IMPORTANT: Be sure to manually enter at least one meta description on a page and post in Contentful or the site will fail to build.


Automated Netlify Deployment From Git

  1. Every time you push to master a deploy will automatically start and be published to production.

Automated Netlify Deployment From Contentful Webhook

  1. Anytime content is created/published/deleted in our Contentful site, the Gatsby site will be published to production.

Slack Notifications

  1. Deployment updates will be sent to our #allata-site-dev Slack channel

Useful Tips

  • If you make edits to your Contentful space while running gatsby develop you will need to stop it and rerun the command to see the changes reflected. For example a new post or page will not automatically show up until the website has been rebuilt.
  • The template assumes we have at least one page, one post and one tag in Contentful. If we do not the website will fail to build.
  • The SEO component assumes you have entered at least one meta description in Contentful for a post and one for a page. If you do not the website will fail to build. See the Content and SEO section above.
  • DO NOT store our Contentful access tokens or space ids anywhere in GitHub. Treat them like passwords.
  • Yarn Users: remove the yarn* line from the .gitignore file to avoid discrepancies in the Netlify deploy.


POC for Allata Site using Gatsby, Contentful, and Netlify








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