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Do not allow input queue to fill up
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The backend keeps at most one copy of each message on the input queue.
This makes MacVim feel a lot more responsive e.g. when scrolling the
screen.  It used to be that holding down 'j' to scroll and then
releasing 'j' would cause the screen to keep scrolling for a while even
after the release.
  • Loading branch information
b4winckler committed Sep 12, 2008
1 parent 4100056 commit 8e7466b
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Showing 2 changed files with 134 additions and 160 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/MacVim/MMBackend.h
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
NSDictionary *colorDict;
NSDictionary *sysColorDict;
NSDictionary *actionDict;
BOOL inputReceived;
BOOL tabBarVisible;
unsigned backgroundColor;
unsigned foregroundColor;
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293 changes: 134 additions & 159 deletions src/MacVim/MMBackend.m
Expand Up @@ -477,13 +477,6 @@ - (void)update
// waiting.
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
beforeDate:[NSDate distantPast]];

#if 0
// Keyboard and mouse input is handled directly, other input is queued and
// processed here. This call may enter a blocking loop.
if ([inputQueue count] > 0)
[self processInputQueue];

- (void)flushQueue:(BOOL)force
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -538,35 +531,35 @@ - (void)flushQueue:(BOOL)force

- (BOOL)waitForInput:(int)milliseconds
//NSLog(@"|ENTER| %s%d", _cmd, milliseconds);
// Return NO if we timed out waiting for input, otherwise return YES.
BOOL inputReceived = NO;

// Only start the run loop if the input queue is empty, otherwise process
// the input first so that the input on queue isn't delayed.
if ([inputQueue count]) {
inputReceived = YES;
} else {
NSDate *date = milliseconds > 0 ?
[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:.001*milliseconds] :
[NSDate distantFuture];

[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
// Wait for the specified amount of time, unless 'milliseconds' is
// negative in which case we wait "forever" (1e6 seconds translates to
// approximately 11 days).
CFTimeInterval dt = (milliseconds >= 0 ? .001*milliseconds : 1e6);

while (CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, dt, true)
== kCFRunLoopRunHandledSource) {
// In order to ensure that all input on the run-loop has been
// processed we set the timeout to 0 and keep processing until the
// run-loop times out.
dt = 0.0;
inputReceived = YES;

// I know of no way to figure out if the run loop exited because input was
// found or because of a time out, so I need to manually indicate when
// input was received in processInput:data: and then reset it every time
// here.
BOOL yn = inputReceived;
inputReceived = NO;

// Keyboard and mouse input is handled directly, other input is queued and
// processed here. This call may enter a blocking loop.
// The above calls may have placed messages on the input queue so process
// it now. This call may enter a blocking loop.
if ([inputQueue count] > 0)
[self processInputQueue];

//NSLog(@"|LEAVE| %s input=%d", _cmd, yn);
return yn;
return inputReceived;

- (void)exit
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1063,138 +1056,35 @@ - (void)updateModifiedFlag

- (oneway void)processInput:(int)msgid data:(in bycopy NSData *)data
// NOTE: This method might get called whenever the run loop is tended to.
// Normal keyboard and mouse input is added to input buffers, so there is
// no risk in handling these events directly (they return immediately, and
// do not call any other Vim functions). However, other events such
// as 'VimShouldCloseMsgID' may enter blocking loops that wait for key
// events which would cause this method to be called recursively. This
// in turn leads to various difficulties that we do not want to have to
// deal with. To avoid recursive calls here we add all events except
// keyboard and mouse events to an input queue which is processed whenever
// gui_mch_update() is called (see processInputQueue).

//NSLog(@"%s%s", _cmd, MessageStrings[msgid]);

// Don't flush too soon after receiving input or update speed will suffer.
[lastFlushDate release];
lastFlushDate = [[NSDate date] retain];

// Handle keyboard and mouse input now. All other events are queued.
if (InsertTextMsgID == msgid) {
[self handleInsertText:data];
} else if (KeyDownMsgID == msgid || CmdKeyMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];
int mods = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int len = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
NSString *key = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:bytes length:len
mods = eventModifierFlagsToVimModMask(mods);

[self handleKeyDown:key modifiers:mods];

[key release];
} else if (ScrollWheelMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];

int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int flags = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
float dy = *((float*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(float);

int button = MOUSE_5;
if (dy > 0) button = MOUSE_4;

flags = eventModifierFlagsToVimMouseModMask(flags);

int numLines = (int)round(dy);
if (numLines < 0) numLines = -numLines;
if (numLines == 0) numLines = 1;

gui.scroll_wheel_force = numLines;

gui_send_mouse_event(button, col, row, NO, flags);
} else if (MouseDownMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];
// Remove all previous instances of this message from the input queue, else
// the input queue may fill up as a result of Vim not being able to keep up
// with the speed at which new messages are received. This avoids annoying
// situations such as when the keyboard repeat rate is higher than what Vim
// can cope with (which would cause a 'stutter' when scrolling by holding
// down 'j' and then when 'j' was released the screen kept scrolling for a
// little while).

int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int button = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int flags = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int count = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);

button = eventButtonNumberToVimMouseButton(button);
if (button >= 0) {
flags = eventModifierFlagsToVimMouseModMask(flags);
gui_send_mouse_event(button, col, row, count>1, flags);
} else if (MouseUpMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];

int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int flags = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);

flags = eventModifierFlagsToVimMouseModMask(flags);

gui_send_mouse_event(MOUSE_RELEASE, col, row, NO, flags);
} else if (MouseDraggedMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];

int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int flags = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);

flags = eventModifierFlagsToVimMouseModMask(flags);

gui_send_mouse_event(MOUSE_DRAG, col, row, NO, flags);
} else if (MouseMovedMsgID == msgid) {
const void *bytes = [data bytes];
int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);

gui_mouse_moved(col, row);
} else if (AddInputMsgID == msgid) {
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
if (string) {
[self addInput:string];
[string release];
int i, count = [inputQueue count];
for (i = 1; i < count; i+=2) {
if ([[inputQueue objectAtIndex:i-1] intValue] == msgid) {
[inputQueue removeObjectAtIndex:i];
[inputQueue removeObjectAtIndex:i-1];
} else if (TerminateNowMsgID == msgid) {
isTerminating = YES;
} else {
// Not keyboard or mouse event, queue it and handle later.
//NSLog(@"Add event %s to input event queue", MessageStrings[msgid]);
[inputQueue addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:msgid]];
[inputQueue addObject:(data ? (id)data : (id)[NSNull null])];

// See waitForInput: for an explanation of this flag.
inputReceived = YES;
[inputQueue addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:msgid]];
[inputQueue addObject:(data ? (id)data : [NSNull null])];

- (oneway void)processInputAndData:(in bycopy NSArray *)messages
// TODO: Get rid of this method?
//NSLog(@"%s%@", _cmd, messages);

unsigned i, count = [messages count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i += 2) {
int msgid = [[messages objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
id data = [messages objectAtIndex:i+1];
if ([data isEqual:[NSNull null]])
data = nil;

[self processInput:msgid data:data];
// This is just a convenience method that allows the frontend to delay
// sending messages.
int i, count = [messages count];
for (i = 1; i < count; i+=2)
[self processInput:[[messages objectAtIndex:i-1] intValue]
data:[messages objectAtIndex:i]];

- (id)evaluateExpressionCocoa:(in bycopy NSString *)expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1309,8 +1199,6 @@ - (void)addInput:(in bycopy NSString *)input

[self addInput:input];
[self addClient:(id)client];

inputReceived = YES;

- (NSString *)evaluateExpression:(in bycopy NSString *)expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1636,17 +1524,17 @@ - (void)processInputQueue
if ([inputQueue count] == 0) return;

// NOTE: One of the input events may cause this method to be called
// recursively, so copy the input queue to a local variable and clear it
// before starting to process input events (otherwise we could get stuck in
// an endless loop).
// recursively, so copy the input queue to a local variable and clear the
// queue before starting to process input events (otherwise we could get
// stuck in an endless loop).
NSArray *q = [inputQueue copy];
unsigned i, count = [q count];

[inputQueue removeAllObjects];

for (i = 0; i < count-1; i += 2) {
int msgid = [[q objectAtIndex:i] intValue];
id data = [q objectAtIndex:i+1];
for (i = 1; i < count; i+=2) {
int msgid = [[q objectAtIndex:i-1] intValue];
id data = [q objectAtIndex:i];
if ([data isEqual:[NSNull null]])
data = nil;

Expand All @@ -1660,9 +1548,96 @@ - (void)processInputQueue

- (void)handleInputEvent:(int)msgid data:(NSData *)data
//NSLog(@"%s%s", _cmd, MessageStrings[msgid]);
if (InsertTextMsgID == msgid) {
[self handleInsertText:data];
} else if (KeyDownMsgID == msgid || CmdKeyMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];
int mods = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int len = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
NSString *key = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:bytes length:len
mods = eventModifierFlagsToVimModMask(mods);

[self handleKeyDown:key modifiers:mods];

[key release];
} else if (ScrollWheelMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];

int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int flags = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
float dy = *((float*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(float);

int button = MOUSE_5;
if (dy > 0) button = MOUSE_4;

flags = eventModifierFlagsToVimMouseModMask(flags);

int numLines = (int)round(dy);
if (numLines < 0) numLines = -numLines;
if (numLines == 0) numLines = 1;

gui.scroll_wheel_force = numLines;

gui_send_mouse_event(button, col, row, NO, flags);
} else if (MouseDownMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];

int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int button = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int flags = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int count = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);

if (SelectTabMsgID == msgid) {
button = eventButtonNumberToVimMouseButton(button);
if (button >= 0) {
flags = eventModifierFlagsToVimMouseModMask(flags);
gui_send_mouse_event(button, col, row, count>1, flags);
} else if (MouseUpMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];

int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int flags = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);

flags = eventModifierFlagsToVimMouseModMask(flags);

gui_send_mouse_event(MOUSE_RELEASE, col, row, NO, flags);
} else if (MouseDraggedMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];

int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int flags = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);

flags = eventModifierFlagsToVimMouseModMask(flags);

gui_send_mouse_event(MOUSE_DRAG, col, row, NO, flags);
} else if (MouseMovedMsgID == msgid) {
const void *bytes = [data bytes];
int row = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);
int col = *((int*)bytes); bytes += sizeof(int);

gui_mouse_moved(col, row);
} else if (AddInputMsgID == msgid) {
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
if (string) {
[self addInput:string];
[string release];
} else if (TerminateNowMsgID == msgid) {
isTerminating = YES;
} else if (SelectTabMsgID == msgid) {
if (!data) return;
const void *bytes = [data bytes];
int idx = *((int*)bytes) + 1;
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