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Extending Testrecorder with Custom Components

Testrecorder provides some common features in the base framework. However we are aware of many features that would fit certain real problems, that cannot be solved in a generic way. So we designed Testrecorder to be extensible.

The Architecture of Testrecorder is extensible at certain points:

  • Custom serializers allow you to simplify the model of a recorded object
  • Custom setup generators allow you to adjust the way the model is transformed to test setup code
  • Custom matcher generators allow you to adjust the way the model is transformed to matcher code
  • Custom snapshot consumers allow you to plug in another class that will receive the serialized model (the default snapshot consumer generates tests but your custom consumer may do anything)

You can write such extensions in the workspace of your applications. You can even write testrecorder extension libraries, including your extensions.

Custom Serializers

Custom serializers allow you to collect information that is not available to the default serializers, or to aggregate information in a more succinct way.

For a custom serializer example we choose an object that is practically not serializable in a generic way, such as Thread. The internals of Thread are needed, but most users just initialize a thread and rely on the jvm to keep the correct state. With such knowledge in mind we can simplify the serialization process in certain scenarios. Have a look at this serializer (source code of this example could be found here):

public class ThreadSerializer implements Serializer<SerializedObject> {

    public ThreadSerializer() {

    public List<Class<?>> getMatchingClasses() {
        return asList(Thread.class);

    public SerializedObject generate(Type type) {
        return new SerializedObject(type);

    public Stream<?> components(Object object, SerializerSession session) {
        Builder<Object> builder = Stream.builder();
        Thread thread = (Thread) object;
        try {
            Field field = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("target");
            Reflections.accessing(field).exec(f -> {
                Runnable runnable = (Runnable) f.get(thread);
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) {
            throw new SerializationException(e);

    public void populate(SerializedObject serializedObject, Object object, SerializerSession session) {
        try {
            Thread thread = (Thread) object;
            Field field = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("target");
            SerializedField serializedField = serializedFieldOf(session, thread, field);
        } catch (ReflectiveOperationException | SecurityException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());


We will explain this class step by step. Consider the class definition:

public class ThreadSerializer implements Serializer<SerializedObject>

A serializer must implement net.amygdalum.testrecorder.types.Serializer and should expose a generic type parameter that is emitted as model. SerializedObject is quite convenient, yet one could even emit custom types that are derived from SerializedValue.

Each serializer needs a public standarad constructor (no paramaters):

public ThreadSerializer() {

In order to dispatch the correct objects to the new serializer we have to implement getMatchingClasses().

public List<Class<?>> getMatchingClasses() {
    return asList(Thread.class);

This gives the dispatching serialization process a hint that only objects of type Thread should be passed to this serializer. Note that the serialization process does not support types associated to multiple serializers (other than deserializers).

The creation phase is started with the method generate(Type type).

public SerializedObject generate(Type type) {
    return new SerializedObject(type);

This method is only expected to return a reference to the serialized object that later would be populated. It is passed the actual type of of the object. Throwing an exception will be caught and lead to the next best serializer to be considered.

At creation phase we also need the dependencies of the object. These should be returned in components(Object object, SerializerSession session):

public Stream<?> components(Object object, SerializerSession session) {
    Builder<Object> builder = Stream.builder();
    Thread thread = (Thread) object;
    Runnable runnable = (Runnable) fieldOf(thread, Thread.class, "target");

This method should return all objects that should be provided in a serialized way in the later populate phase (you can view these objects as dependencies or components). In this case we only need the target runnable of the thread to be serialized, so we extract it from the thread and return it as stream.

The split between creation and population phase is because of some dependency management that the references are needed for. Between the phases all components are serialized, and after this their serialized value is available in the session.

The population phase calls the method populate(SerializedObject serializedObject, Object object):

public void populate(SerializedObject serializedObject, Object object) {
    Thread thread = (Thread) object;
    SerializedField serializedField = resolvedFieldOf(session, thread, Thread.class, "target");

This method has access to all components and literals in serialized form through resolvedValueOf(SerializerSession session, Type type, Object value) or resolvededFieldOf(SerializerSession session, Object object, Field field). These methods only recall these serialized value. If you need some value in the populate phase, you have to expose them in components(Object object, SerializerSession session) such that they can be serialized between the phases.

Fortunately the SerializedObject created by this serializer complies with the default setup generators and the default matcher generators, so we will not have to write custom deserializers.

To register your ThreadSerializer for serialization dispatch you will have to:

  • create a directory agentconfig in your class path
  • create a file net.amygdalum.testrecorder.types.Serializer in this directory
  • put the full qualified class name com.almondtools.testrecorder.examples.serializers.ThreadSerializer into this file

Custom Deserializers

While Custom Serializers allow you to collect more detailed information, Custom Deserializers (Generators) allow you to present gathered information in a more readable, more maintainable way. Testrecorder uses two types of code generators - generators for setup code (Setup Phase, Arrange Phase) and generators for matcher code (Verification Phase, Assert Phase).

You can extend both phases with custom generators. Let us have a look at an example (source code of this example could be found here). It consists of:

  • a simple serializer (the default serializer for date maintains a really complicated model, so we decided to serialize it in a custom way)
  • a setup generator (discussed in a following section)
  • a matcher generator (discussed in a following section)
  • a date matcher (the architecture of testrecorder enforces that results must be matched in a single step, so we need a matcher for date, not for the date components).

Custom Setup Generators

The example setup generator for our example looks like this:

public class DateSetupGenerator extends DefaultSetupGenerator<SerializedImmutable<Date>> implements Adaptor<SerializedImmutable<Date>> {

    public Class<SerializedImmutable> getAdaptedClass() {
        return SerializedImmutable.class;

    public boolean matches(Type type) {
        return type.equals(Date.class);

    public Computation tryDeserialize(SerializedImmutable<Date> value, Deserializer generator) {
        DeserializerContext context = generator.getContext();
        TypeManager types = context.getTypes();
        types.registerTypes(Date.class, Calendar.class);

        Date date = value.getValue();
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
        int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
        int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        List<String> statements = new ArrayList<>();
        String calexpression = context.newLocal("cal");
        statements.add(assignLocalVariableStatement(types.getVariableTypeName(Calendar.class), calexpression, callMethod(types.getRawTypeName(Calendar.class), "getInstance")));
        statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH", String.valueOf(day)));
        statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.MONTH", String.valueOf(month)));
        statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.YEAR", String.valueOf(year)));
        String expression = callMethod(calexpression, "getTime");
        return Computation.expression(expression, mostSpecialOf(value.getUsedTypes()).orElse(Object.class), statements);


We explain this setup generator step by step. We begin with the specification of the adapted class getAdaptedClass()

  public Class<SerializedImmutable> getAdaptedClass() {
    return SerializedImmutable.class;

This method specifies the type of the serialized value which is handled by this generator. It must return a subclass of SerializedValue. For the example we chose to adapt the class SerializedImmutable, with respect to our serializer, which produces a SerializedImmutable<Date>.

The next method matches(Type type) defines another property of the serialized value that can be handled:

  public boolean matches(Type type) {
    return type.equals(Date.class);

Where getAdaptedClass() defines the type of the serialized value, matches(Type type) constrains the type of the real value. This method allows to handle multiple types (not only one as in the serializer). For each supported type this method should return true. Since we want our example generator to handle Date we return true for Date.class.

Note that matching getAdaptedClass() and matches(Type type) is not sufficient to guarantee that this Class will generate code. A model object class can be adapted by more than one SetupGenerator, the first matching is chosen for generation, and its result is committed if the generation process did not fail. If the first SetupGenerator fails the next is considered (and so on).

Now let us examine the method tryDeserialize(SerializedImmutable<Date> value, Deserializer generator):

  public Computation tryDeserialize(SerializedImmutable<Date> value, Deserializer generator) {
    DeserializerContext context = generator.getContext();
    TypeManager types = generator.getTypes();
    types.registerTypes(Date.class, Calendar.class);
    Date date = value.getValue();
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
    List<String> statements = new ArrayList<>();
    String calexpression = generator.newLocal("cal");
    statements.add(assignLocalVariableStatement(types.getBestName(Calendar.class), calexpression, callMethod(types.getBestName(Calendar.class), "getInstance")));
    statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH", String.valueOf(day)));
    statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.MONTH", String.valueOf(month)));
    statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.YEAR", String.valueOf(year)));
    String expression = callMethod(calexpression, "getTime");
    return new Computation(expression, value.getResultType(), statements);

It is passed the value to generate and an object of type SetupGenerators, which is a Facade to other generators. The first thing we should do in such a setup generator is registering the types that should be imported (we will need Calendar and Date):

    TypeManager types = generator.getTypes();
    types.registerTypes(Date.class, Calendar.class);

Then we extract the data to match from the value, meaning the day, the month and the year:

    Date date = value.getValue();
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
    int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
    int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);

Then we will build the statements for the setup section:

    List<String> statements = new ArrayList<>();
    String calexpression = generator.newLocal("cal");
    statements.add(assignLocalVariableStatement(types.getBestName(Calendar.class), calexpression, callMethod(types.getBestName(Calendar.class), "getInstance")));
    statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH", String.valueOf(day)));
    statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.MONTH", String.valueOf(month)));
    statements.add(callMethodStatement(calexpression, "set", "Calendar.YEAR", String.valueOf(year)));

The upper block generates the following lines (given a date 2012-12-24):

Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
cal1.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 24);
cal1.set(Calendar.MONTH, 11);
cal1.set(Calendar.YEAR, 2012);

The last step is the returning of the computation. A Computation should contain a value, a type and supplementary statements. The statements were computed in the former steps. The type is Date and the expression is the Calendar converted to a date with getTime().

    String expression = callMethod(calexpression, "getTime");
    return Computation.expression(expression, mostSpecialOf(value.getUsedTypes()).orElse(Object.class), statements);

The expression which gets the value of the Computation will be the setup value for the test. The value that is constructed in the setup phase of the test would then be cal1.getTime().

To register your DateSetupGenerator for deserialization dispatch you will have to:

  • create a directory agentconfig in your class path
  • create a file net.amygdalum.testrecorder.deserializers.builder.SetupGenerator in this directory
  • put the full qualified class name com.almondtools.testrecorder.examples.deserializers.DateSetupGenerator into this file

Custom Matcher Generators

The example matcher generator looks like this:

public class DateMatcherGenerator extends DefaultMatcherGenerator<SerializedImmutable<Date>> implements Adaptor<SerializedImmutable<Date>> {

    public Class<SerializedImmutable> getAdaptedClass() {
        return SerializedImmutable.class;

    public boolean matches(Type type) {
        return type.equals(Date.class);

    public Computation tryDeserialize(SerializedImmutable<Date> value, Deserializer generator) {
        DeserializerContext context = generator.getContext();
        Date date = value.getValue();
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        TypeManager types = context.getTypes();
        String expression = callMethod(types.getRawTypeName(DateMatcher.class), "matchesDate");
        expression = callMethod(expression, "withDay", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)));
        expression = callMethod(expression, "withMonth", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)));
        expression = callMethod(expression, "withYear", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)));
        return Computation.expression(expression, Matcher.class);

The matcher generator is similar to the setup generator. First you have to define a method getAdaptedClass():

  public Class<SerializedImmutable> getAdaptedClass() {
    return SerializedImmutable.class;

This method specifies the type of the serialized value which is handled by this generator. It must return a subclass of SerializedValue. As in the setup generator we chose to adapt the class SerializedImmutable.

The next method matches(Type type) defines another property of the serialized value that can be handled:

  public boolean matches(Type type) {
    return type.equals(Date.class);

Where getAdaptedClass() defines the type of the serialized value, matches(Type type) constrains the type of the real value. This method allows to handle multiple types (not only one as in the serializer). For each supported type this method should return true. Since we want our example generator to handle Date we return true for Date.class.

As in the SetupGenerator both methods getAdaptedClass() and matches(Type type) only specify which types could be handled. Since multiple MatcherGenerator can adapt the same serialized value type and even the same real type, there is a conflict resolution which will prefer the first generator that can successfully generate a matcher (using a sequence defined by the generator hierarchy).

Now let us examine the method tryDeserialize(SerializedImmutable<Date> value, Deserializer generator):

  public Computation tryDeserialize(SerializedImmutable<Date> value, Deserializer generator) {
    DeserializerContext context = generator.getContext();
    Date date = value.getValue();
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
    TypeManager types = generator.getTypes();
    String expression = callMethod(types.getBestName(DateMatcher.class), "matchesDate");
    expression = callMethod(expression, "withDay", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)));
    expression = callMethod(expression, "withMonth", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)));
    expression = callMethod(expression, "withYear", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)));
    return new Computation(expression, Matcher.class);

At first we start unwrapping the value which should be matched. Since Date is a little bit tricky we first extract a Calendar from the date:

    Date date = value.getValue();
    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();

Next we do the necessary imports. We want to match a Date and we therefore use a DateMatcher which could be found aside the example source code. We aim to produce code that is similar to the following lines (given a date 2012-12-31):


We prepare this statement step by step:

    String expression = callMethod(types.getBestName(DateMatcher.class), "matchesDate");

prepares the first line.

    expression = callMethod(expression, "withDay", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)));

prepares the line matching the day of month.

    expression = callMethod(expression, "withMonth", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)));

prepares the line matching the month. Note that months in Java are zero-based, the december will be mapped to 11.

    expression = callMethod(expression, "withYear", valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)));

prepares the line for year.

    return new Computation(expression, Matcher.class);

returns the whole expression with a type Matcher. Testrecorder is yet not really mature in its type inference. It is not guaranteed that using another type than the raw Matcher would generate compiling test code. You can try out, but we do not know whether this will be eventually supported.

To register your DateMatcherGenerator for deserialization dispatch you will have to:

  • create a directory agentconfig in your class path
  • create a file net.amygdalum.testrecorder.deserializers.matcher.MatcherGenerator in this directory
  • put the full qualified class name com.almondtools.testrecorder.examples.deserializers.DateMatcherGenerator into this file

Custom Snapshot Consumers

Custom Serializers and Deserializers are designed to serve the main purpose of testrecorder - generating tests.

But Testrecorder is not limited to test generation. One may skip the test generation and receive the serialized data immediately for further processing.

An example of a custom snapshot consumer could look like this:

public class CustomSnapshotConsumer implements SnapshotConsumer {
  public CustomSnapshotConsumer(AgentConfiguration config) {
  public void accept(ContextSnapshot snapshot) {
    System.out.println("captured call of " + snapshot.getMethodName());

Every time a snapshot is recorded this consumer will print a message captured call of <method>

To plug in this snapshot consumer:

  • create a directory agentconfig in your class path
  • create a file net.amygdalum.testrecorder.profile.SnapshotConsumer in this directory
  • put the full qualified class name com.almondtools.testrecorder.examples.CustomSnapshotConsumer into this file