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Michael Fitzpatrick-Ruth edited this page Jul 30, 2016 · 6 revisions

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#Fields ##Subscribe Form Values

###Field: Confirm name = confirm
type = hidden

Value Options description
one Send one confirmation message
one_hello Do not confirm and send only one hello
many_hello Do not confirm and send one hello for each account
none Do not confirm and do not send hello message

###Field: Source name = confirm
type = hidden
The subscribe source of a subscriber. Seems like it should be the name of web form.

###Field: List name = list
type = hidden
The account name.

###Field: DlvListID name = DlvListID
type = hidden
Integer value of your list ID

###Field: DlvWebFormID name = DlvWebFormID
type = hidden
36 character random alphanumeric ID of your web form

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