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extension of sheaf morphism on a basis
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alreadydone committed Oct 10, 2021
1 parent b365367 commit 121a344
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Showing 3 changed files with 189 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/algebraic_geometry/locally_ringed_space.lean
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Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ instance : has_coe_to_sort LocallyRingedSpace :=
def 𝒪 : sheaf CommRing X.to_Top := X.to_SheafedSpace.sheaf

/-- A morphism of locally ringed spaces is a morphism of ringed spaces
such that the morphims induced on stalks are local ring homomorphisms. -/
such that the morphisms induced on stalks are local ring homomorphisms. -/
def hom (X Y : LocallyRingedSpace) : Type* :=
{ f : X.to_SheafedSpace ⟶ Y.to_SheafedSpace //
∀ x, is_local_ring_hom (PresheafedSpace.stalk_map f x) }
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186 changes: 186 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/sheaves/sheaf_condition/basis_le.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Junyan Xu. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Junyan Xu
import topology.sheaves.presheaf
import topology.sheaves.sheaf_condition.opens_le_cover

# A consequence of the sheaf condition about covers by open sets in a topological basis

universes v u

noncomputable theory

open category_theory
open category_theory.limits
open topological_space
open opposite
open topological_space.opens

namespace Top

variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]
variables {X : Top.{v}} (B : set (opens X)) (F G : presheaf C X) (U : opens X) (𝒰 : set (opens X))

namespace presheaf

namespace sheaf_condition

def basis_le_s (V : opens X) := V ≤ U ∧ V ∈ B
def basis_le : Type v := { V // basis_le_s B U V }
def basis_le_fam := λ V : basis_le B U, V.val

instance : category (basis_le B U) := category_theory.full_subcategory _

private def fsi := (full_subcategory_inclusion _ : 𝒰 ⥤ opens X)

def basis_le_cocone : cocone (fsi (basis_le_s B U)) :=
{ X := U,
ι := { app := λ V, } }

def basis_le_cocone' : cocone (fsi (basis_le_s B U)) :=
{ X := supr (basis_le_fam B U),
ι := { app := opens.le_supr _ } }

lemma cocone_ext {c1 c2 : cocone (fsi 𝒰)}
(h : c1.X = c2.X) : c1 = c2 :=
cases c1, cases c2, congr, exact h, convert cast_heq _ _, dsimp at h, rw h,

lemma self_eq_supr_basis_le (hB : is_basis B) : supr (basis_le_fam B U) = U :=
apply subtype.eq, rw hB.open_eq_sUnion' U.2,
dsimp, ext, rw [mem_coe, mem_supr],
exact ⟨λ⟨⟨V,hVU,hVB⟩,hx⟩, ⟨V,⟨⟨V,hVB,rfl⟩,hVU⟩,hx⟩,
λ⟨_,⟨⟨V,hVB,rfl⟩,hVU⟩,hx⟩, ⟨⟨V,hVU,hVB⟩,hx⟩⟩,

lemma basis_le_cocone_eq (hB : is_basis B) : basis_le_cocone B U = basis_le_cocone' B U :=
cocone_ext _ (self_eq_supr_basis_le B U hB).symm

private def bl2b : basis_le B U ⥤ B :=
{ obj := λV, ⟨V.1,V.2.2⟩,
map := λ_ _, id,
map_id' := by simp,
map_comp' := λ _ _, by simp }

lemma bl2b2o : bl2b B U ⋙ fsi B = fsi (basis_le_s B U) := rfl

private def bl2bo := (bl2b B U).op

def basis_le_self (V : B) : basis_le B V := ⟨V,le_of_eq rfl,V.2

lemma basis_le_self_bl2bo (V : B) :
(bl2bo B V).obj (op (basis_le_self B V)) = op V :=
by unfold bl2bo bl2b; dsimp; congr; apply subtype.eq; refl

def basis_le_presheaf_cone := F.map_cone (basis_le_cocone B U).op

lemma basis_le_presheaf_cone_app (V : (basis_le B U)ᵒᵖ) :
(basis_le_presheaf_cone B F U).π.app V = V.unop.2.1.hom.op := rfl

lemma basis_le_presheaf_cone_app_id (V : B) :
(basis_le_presheaf_cone B F V).π.app (op (basis_le_self B V)) = 𝟙 (F.obj (op V))
:= by rw [basis_le_presheaf_cone_app, ←F.map_id]; refl

def lim_basis_le : Type (max u v) :=
Π (U : opens X), is_limit (basis_le_presheaf_cone B F U)

lemma mono_to_cover_of_sheaf_condition (hF : F.sheaf_condition_opens_le_cover)
⦃ι : Type v⦄ (𝒰 : ι → opens X) (hU : supr 𝒰 = U) (A : C) (f g : A ⟶ F.obj (op U))
-- hU is a hack to avoid "motive not type correct" in mono_to_basis_le_of_sheaf_condition below
(h : ∀ i, f ≫ (hU.rec (opens.le_supr 𝒰 i)).op = g ≫ (hU.rec (opens.le_supr 𝒰 i)).op) :
f = g :=
subst hU, apply (hF 𝒰).hom_ext, intro V, dsimp at ⊢, let i := V.unop.2.some,
let i1 := opens.le_supr 𝒰 i, let i2 := V.unop.2.some_spec.hom,
have : (opens_le_cover_cocone 𝒰).ι.app V.unop = i2 ≫ i1 := rfl,
rw [this, op_comp, F.map_comp, ←category.assoc, h i, category.assoc],

lemma mono_to_basis_le_of_sheaf_condition (hB : is_basis B)
(hF : F.sheaf_condition_opens_le_cover) (A : C) (f g : A ⟶ F.obj (op U))
(h : ∀ V : basis_le B U, f ≫ V.2.1.hom.op = g ≫ V.2.1.hom.op) :
f = g :=
mono_to_cover_of_sheaf_condition F _ hF _
(self_eq_supr_basis_le _ U hB) _ _ _ (λ V, by convert h V)

lemma cone_opens_w (c : cone ((fsi 𝒰).op ⋙ F))
{x : 𝒰} {y : opens X} (h : y ∈ 𝒰) (f : op ↑x ⟶ op y) :
c.π.app (op x) ≫ f = c.π.app (op ⟨y,h⟩) :=
let f' : (⟨y,h⟩ : 𝒰) ⟶ x := f.unop in c.w f'.op

def cone_opens_le_cover_of_cone_basis_le (hB : is_basis B) (hF : F.sheaf_condition_opens_le_cover)
(c : cone ((fsi (basis_le_s B U)).op ⋙ F)) :
cone ((fsi (opens_le_cover_s (basis_le_fam B U))).op ⋙ F) :=
use c.X, refine ⟨λW, c.π.app (op W.unop.2.some) ≫ W.unop.2.some_spec.hom.op, _⟩,
intros W₁ W₂ _,
apply mono_to_basis_le_of_sheaf_condition B F W₂.unop.1 hB hF,
intro W, dsimp at ⊢, simp only [category.id_comp, category.assoc, ←F.map_comp, ←op_comp] at ⊢,
rw [cone_opens_w, cone_opens_w],
exact ⟨W.2.1.trans (W₂.unop.2.some_spec.trans W₂.unop.2.some.2.1), W.2.2⟩,

theorem lim_basis_le_of_sheaf_condition (hB : is_basis B)
(hF : F.sheaf_condition_opens_le_cover) : lim_basis_le B F :=
intro U, unfold basis_le_presheaf_cone, rw basis_le_cocone_eq B U hB,
let f := cone_opens_le_cover_of_cone_basis_le B F U hB hF,
have hU := hF (basis_le_fam B U), fsplit,
exact λc, hU.lift (f c),
intros c V, abstract fac
{ let hV : ∃ V', V.unop ≤ V' := ⟨V.unop, le_of_eq rfl⟩,
convert hU.fac (f c) (op ⟨V.unop.1, hV⟩) using 1,
exact (c.w hV.some_spec.hom.op).symm },
intros c ι h, apply mono_to_cover_of_sheaf_condition F _ hF _ rfl,
intro V, specialize h (op V),
rwa ← lim_basis_le_of_sheaf_condition.fac B F hB hF U hU c (op V) at h,

theorem sheaf_hom_extn_from_basis (hG : G.sheaf_condition_opens_le_cover)
(hB : is_basis B) (α : (fsi B).op ⋙ F ⟶ _ ⋙ G) :
∃! αext : F ⟶ G, 𝟙 _ ◫ αext = α :=
have hl := lim_basis_le_of_sheaf_condition B G hB hG,
set c : Π U, cone ((fsi (basis_le_s B U)).op ⋙ G) :=
λ U, let α' := 𝟙 (bl2bo B U) ◫ α in
⟨F.obj (op U), (basis_le_presheaf_cone B F U).π ≫ α'⟩ with hc,
-- must first define α', strange error when α' is inlined
fsplit, fsplit, exact λ U, (hl U.unop).lift (c U.unop),
{ intros U V i,
apply mono_to_basis_le_of_sheaf_condition B G V.unop hB hG,
cases i.unop, cases down, intro W, rw category.assoc,
convert congr_arg (λ f, i ≫ f) ((hl V.unop).fac (c V.unop) (op W)) using 1,
convert (hl U.unop).fac (c U.unop) (op ⟨W.1,W.2.1.trans down,W.2.2⟩) using 1,
rw [category.assoc, ←G.map_comp], refl,
rw [nat_trans.comp_app, nat_trans.comp_app, ←category.assoc],
congr, rw [basis_le_presheaf_cone_app, ←F.map_comp], refl },
{ ext V', set V := V'.unop with hV,
convert (hl V).fac (c V) (op (basis_le_self B V)) using 1,
dsimp at ⊢, rw [(fsi B).map_id, op_id, G.map_id, category.comp_id,
basis_le_presheaf_cone_app_id, category.id_comp], congr,
rw [basis_le_self_bl2bo, hV], refl },
{ intros β h, ext U, apply (hl U.unop).uniq (c U.unop),
intro V, rw [basis_le_presheaf_cone_app, ←β.naturality],
dsimp at ⊢, rw ← h, dsimp at ⊢,
rw [(fsi B).map_id, op_id, G.map_id, category.comp_id, category.comp_id],
congr },

end sheaf_condition

end presheaf

end Top
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/topology/sheaves/sheaf_condition/opens_le_cover.lean
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Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ namespace sheaf_condition
The category of open sets contained in some element of the cover.
def opens_le_cover : Type v := { V : opens X // ∃ i, V ≤ U i }
def opens_le_cover_s (V : opens X) := ∃ i, V ≤ U i
def opens_le_cover : Type v := { V // opens_le_cover_s U V }

instance [inhabited ι] : inhabited (opens_le_cover U) :=
⟨⟨⊥, default ι, bot_le⟩⟩
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