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Hello there

General Kenobi

Here's my dotfiles. If you want anything specific, just copy ahead. I use dotbot, so if you want to use it as-is, typey type this:

git clone
cd .dots/

Note that this will also install everything I usually need if you're on Arch (thanks to [dotbot-pacaur])). No pictures or keybinding tables here since it's evolving until I settle in my own hardware and workflow (there's definitely Vi navigation and probably a custom keymap somewhere in here).

Edit: it seems I've settled on a specific design, so I should maybe describe after a while. My commit messages will only be "backup" from now on (as if they were more descriptive before).


  • Numix for GUI applications run as root
  • Arc-darker for most GTK apps
  • Configure Qt apps to use GTK theme via qt5ct
  • Colorschemes via pywal, otherwise Nord for Atom, modified Gruvbox for terminal and Pyte for Gvim during the day (Gruvbox otherwise)
    • Solarized for Wikipedia (user CSS + Wikipedia Paper)
    • Reddit-No-Frills

Set up some decent templating engine like [gorice]; wal or wpgtk doesn't cut it, but I think [this wallpaper] is pretty nice, so I probably won't move as much from now on.


  • Shell: Zsh + Powerlevel9k
  • Editor: Vim
  • Main plugins:
    • Calendar
    • [Vmail] (separate gem based on Vim)
    • [Airline]
    • [Gundo]
    • [Tabular]
    • [Pandoc] + [Goyo]
    • [Vimtex]
    • [vim-minimap]
  • Terminal: Termite + Tmux
  • PDF viewer: Zathura
  • Email: vmail; settling into mutt + offlineimap seems too much of a hassle (offlineimap is a great tool nonetheless)
  • Notes: ~/todo.txt + Vim for everything
  • Password manager: pass (+git +rofi)

gorice this wallpaper dotbot-pacaur

Vmail Airline Gundo Tabular Pandoc Goyo Vimtex vim-minimap