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A RedisConf 2021 Hackathon Project that solves for the ineffiencies around internal transfers within a company

Manager View


Associate View


Usage and High Level Feature Overview

User Registration, Login, and Session Storage

  • Registration
    • Only requires an email and password
    • Email must be unique
    • Password needs to be at least 8 characters long and must contain an upper case, lower case, number, and special character
    • Password is hashed and salted
  • Login
    • Only requires a registered email and password
    • Stores a new session entry on successful login
  • Session Storage
    • Has a max age value of 1200000
    • Uses RedisStore as session storage
    • Includes a secret prefix

User Profile Creation

  • All users must create a new profile on login
  • Requires a first name, last name, selection of whether you are a manager or not, manager name, team name, selection of office location, and selection of programming languages
  • Once submitted, the user should be able to access the main dashboard

Main Dashboard

  • As a Manager you can:
    • Create a new Req for your team
    • Cancel a created Req
    • Accept a Req application
    • Reject a Req application
  • As an Associate you can:
    • Browse open reqs
    • Apply to a req
    • Cancel an application
  • As a Manager or Associate you can:
    • View team members

Req Creation

  • To create a new Req you have to click the "New Req" button
  • Requires Req name, office location, associate level, programming languages, and description
  • The Req will be published with the hiring manager name, team, and a unique Req ID

Req Workflow

  • Currently there is a Submit (Associate) -> Accept (Hiring Manager) model for completing an internal transfer
  • Future state it should be Submit (Associate) -> Accept (Hiring Manager) -> Accept Acceptance (Associate) -> Accept Transfer (Current Manager)
  • This would require that all parties agree on the transfer before it is completed


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • ReactJS
  • Material UI
  • Redis
  • RedisSearch
  • RedisGraph


Architecture Diagram


Data Types

  • Redis
    • User - A registered user
      • Properties
        • id - unique id
        • email
        • password
  • RedisGraph
    • :Employee - A registered user profile for an associate
      • Properties
        • id - User id
        • name - Full Name
        • firstName
        • lastName
        • programmingLanguages - List of programming languages
        • associateLevel - Can be 1,2,3,4
        • officeLocation - New York, Arlington, or San Francisco (hardcoded for now)
        • teamName
        • manager - Manager's full name
        • isManager - false
    • :Manager - A registered user profile for a manager
      • Properties
        • id - User id
        • name - Full Name
        • firstName
        • lastName
        • programmingLanguages - List of programming languages
        • associateLevel - Manager
        • officeLocation - New York, Arlington, or San Francisco (hardcoded for now)
        • teamName
        • manager - Full Name
        • isManager - true
    • :Team
      • Properties
        • name - Name of the team
    • :Associate Level
      • Properties
        • name - Name of the level
        • level - Can be 1,2,3,4 or Manager
        • yearsExperience - Can be 1,3,5, or 10
        • cost - Can be 75000, 100000, 150000, or 200000
    • :ProgammingLanguage
      • Properties
        • name - Name of the programming language
    • :OfficeLocation
      • Properties
        • name - Name of the office location
        • state
        • full_address
    • :Req
      • Properties
        • name - Name of the Req
        • managerId - ID of the hiring manager
        • teamName - Name of the team for which the Req is for
        • manager - Full name of the manager
        • associateLevel
        • officeLocation
        • programmingLanguages
        • description


Screenshot Screenshot

RedisGraph Relationships

  • (:Employee)-[:Has_Skill]->(:ProgrammingLanguage)
  • (:Employee)-[:Is_Associate_Level]->(:AssociateLevel)
  • (:Employee)-[:Is_Closest_To]->(:OfficeLocation)
  • (:Employee)-[:Is_Part_Of]->(:Team) -(:Employee)-[:Is_Managed_By]->(:Manager)
  • (:Manager)-[:Is_Managed_By]->(:Manager)
  • (:Manager)-[:Is_Part_Of]->(:Team)
  • (:Req)-[:Requires_Skill]->(:ProgrammingLanguage)
  • (:Req)-[:Requires_Associate_Level]->(:AssociateLevel)
  • (:Req)-[:Requires_Office_Location]->(:OfficeLocation)
  • (:Req)-[:Hiring_For]->(:Team)
  • (:Req)-[:Hiring_Manager]->(:Manager)

API Routes

  • /api/health
    • GET
    • Returns 'API Healthy' if API is reachable
  • /api/redis_health
    • GET
    • Returns RedisGraph and RedisSearch connection status (single connection if local)
  • /api/checkSession
    • GET
    • Returns 'Active' if currently logged in user's session is active
  • /api/register
    • POST
    • Params:
      • email (String)
      • password (String)
    • Returns 'Registered' if registration is successful
  • /api/login
    • POST
    • Params:
      • email (String)
      • password (String)
    • Returns 'Correct' if login is successful
  • /api/logout
    • GET
    • Returns 'Logged Out' if logout is successful
  • /api/email
    • GET
    • Returns email of logged in user if successful
  • /api/profile
    • POST
    • Params:
      • name (String)
      • firstName (String)
      • lastName (String)
      • programmingLanguages (List of strings)
      • associateLevel (Int)
      • officeLocation (String)
      • teamName (String)
      • manager (String)
      • isManager (Boolean)
    • Returns 'Employee Profile Created' if successful
  • /api/profile
    • GET
    • Returns profile of logged in user if successful
  • /api/team/members
    • GET
    • Returns team members of logged in user if successful
  • /api/team/manager
    • GET
    • Returns manager of logged in user if successful
  • /api/team/req
    • POST
    • Params:
      • name (String)
      • teamName (String)
      • programmingLanguages (List of strings)
      • associateLevel (Int)
      • officeLocation (String)
      • manager (String)
      • description (String)
    • Returns 'Req Created' if successful
  • /api/team/reqs
    • GET
    • Returns reqs for currently logged in user if it's a Manager
  • /api/team/applications
    • GET
    • Returns applications for currently logged in user's team if it's a Manager
  • /api/reqs
    • GET
    • Returns reqs not including recommended reqs for currently logged in user if it's an associate
  • /api/reqs/recommended
    • GET
    • Returns recommended reqs not including other reqs for currently logged in user if it's an associate
  • /api/reqs/applied
    • GET
    • Returns reqs that the current user has applied to if it's an associate
  • /api/req/apply
    • POST
    • Params:
      • reqId (Int)
    • Returns 'Applied for Req!' if successful
  • /api/req/delete
    • POST
    • Params:
      • reqId (Int)
    • Returns 'Req Deleted!' if successful
  • /api/req/cancel
    • POST
    • Params:
      • reqId (Int)
    • Returns 'Req Application Cancelled!' if successful
  • /api/req/reject
    • POST
    • Params:
      • reqId (Int)
      • id (Int)
    • Returns 'Req Rejected!' if successful
  • /api/req/accept
    • POST
    • Params:
      • reqId (Int)
      • id (Int)
    • Returns 'Req Accepted!' if successful

Running it locally


  • Node
  • NPM
  • Docker
  • RedisInsight (optional)

Local installation

  1. git clone {this repository}
  2. cd RediTeam
  3. docker pull redislabs/redismod
  4. docker run -p 6379:6379 redislabs/redismod
  5. npm run build
  6. npm run load
  • You may get a bunch of errors. Ignore those.
  1. npm run dev

You should now be able to navigate to localhost:3000/Login and log in using any of the emails from populated fake data or register a new users.

Fake Data

The below fake data is automatically loaded into the application during step 5 of the installation process.

# Fake logins and profiles
  "login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 1,
                  "name" : "Adrian Yu",
                  "firstName" : "Adrian",
                  "lastName" : "Yu",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Python", "Javascript"],
                  "associateLevel" : "Manager",
                  "officeLocation" : "New York",
                  "teamName" : "Team A",
                  "manager" : "Adrian Yu",
                  "isManager" : true
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 2,
                  "name" : "Ardell Hyer",
                  "firstName" : "Ardell",
                  "lastName" : "Hyer",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Node.js", "Ruby"],
                  "associateLevel" : "Manager",
                  "officeLocation" : "Arlington",
                  "teamName" : "Team B",
                  "manager" : "Ardell Hyer",
                  "isManager" : true
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 3,
                  "name" : "Ranee Dubreuil",
                  "firstName" : "Ranee",
                  "lastName" : "Dubreuil",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Python", "Javascript", "Node.js"],
                  "associateLevel" : "Manager",
                  "officeLocation" : "San Francisco",
                  "teamName" : "Team C",
                  "manager" : "Ranee Dubreuil",
                  "isManager" : true
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 4,
                  "name" : "Camille Crosbie",
                  "firstName" : "Camille",
                  "lastName" : "Crosbie",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Python"],
                  "associateLevel" : 1,
                  "officeLocation" : "San Francisco",
                  "teamName" : "Team C",
                  "manager" : "Ranee Dubreuil",
                  "isManager" : false
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 5,
                  "name" : "Maximo Radford",
                  "firstName" : "Maximo",
                  "lastName" : "Radford",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Python", "Javascript"],
                  "associateLevel" : 2,
                  "officeLocation" : "San Francisco",
                  "teamName" : "Team C",
                  "manager" : "Ranee Dubreuil",
                  "isManager" : false
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 6,
                  "name" : "Sol Heckel",
                  "firstName" : "Sol",
                  "lastName" : "Heckel",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Python", "Javascript", "Node.js"],
                  "associateLevel" : 3,
                  "officeLocation" : "New York",
                  "teamName" : "Team C",
                  "manager" : "Ranee Dubreuil",
                  "isManager" : false
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 7,
                  "name" : "Giuseppina Gobin",
                  "firstName" : "Giuseppina",
                  "lastName" : "Gobin",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Javascript", "Node.js"],
                  "associateLevel" : 2,
                  "officeLocation" : "New York",
                  "teamName" : "Team B",
                  "manager" : "Ardell Hyer",
                  "isManager" : false
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 8,
                  "name" : "Chi Romanik",
                  "firstName" : "Chi",
                  "lastName" : "Romanik",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Javascript", "Node.js", "Python", "Ruby"],
                  "associateLevel" : 4,
                  "officeLocation" : "Arlington",
                  "teamName" : "Team B",
                  "manager" : "Ardell Hyer",
                  "isManager" : false
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 9,
                  "name" : "Denny Castaneda",
                  "firstName" : "Denny",
                  "lastName" : "Castaneda",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Python"],
                  "associateLevel" : 1,
                  "officeLocation" : "Arlington",
                  "teamName" : "Team B",
                  "manager" : "Ardell Hyer",
                  "isManager" : false
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 10,
                  "name" : "Linnie Laroque",
                  "firstName" : "Linnie",
                  "lastName" : "Laroque",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Javascript", "Node.js"],
                  "associateLevel" : 2,
                  "officeLocation" : "New York",
                  "teamName" : "Team A",
                  "manager" : "Adrian Yu",
                  "isManager" : false
  {"login" :   {"email" : "", "password" : "Abc123!"},
  "profile" : {	
                  "id" : 11,
                  "name" : "John Smith",
                  "firstName" : "John",
                  "lastName" : "Smith",
                  "programmingLanguages" : ["Javascript", "Node.js", "Python"],
                  "associateLevel" : 3,
                  "officeLocation" : "San Francisco",
                  "teamName" : "Team A",
                  "manager" : "Adrian Yu",
                  "isManager" : false
# Fake Reqs

  {"name" : "Software Engineer 2",
  "managerId" : 1,
  "teamName" : "Team A",
  "manager" : "Adrian Yu",
  "associateLevel" : 2,
  "programmingLanguages" : ["Javascript","Node.js"],
  "officeLocation" : "New York",
  "description" : "Looking for a strong Javascript engineer to build and maintain our awesome full stack apps!"
  {"name" : "Software Engineer 3",
  "managerId" : 3,
  "teamName" : "Team C",
  "manager" : "Ranee Dubreuil",
  "associateLevel" : 3,
  "programmingLanguages" : ["Javascript", "Node.js", "Python"],
  "officeLocation" : "San Francisco",
  "description" : "Looking for a very capable engineer with lots of Javascript and Python experience to help lead the buildout out of some of our new systems."


No description, website, or topics provided.






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