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Tyler O'Neil authored and Tyler O'Neil committed Feb 26, 2013
1 parent 600516d commit b78602c
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Showing 12 changed files with 968 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# Emacs backup files
215 changes: 215 additions & 0 deletions drdae_obj.m
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function [ cost, grad, numTotal, pred_cell ] = drdae_obj( theta, eI, data_cell, targets_cell, fprop_only, pred_out)
%PRNN_OBJ MinFunc style objective for Deep Recurrent Denoising Autoencoder
% theta is the full parameter vector
% eI contains experiment / network architecture
% data_cell is a cell array of matrices. Each a distinct length is a cell
% entry. Each matrix has a time series example in each column
% targets_cell is parallel to data, but contains the labels for each time
% fprop_only is a flag that only computes the cost, no gradient
% eI.recurrentOnly is a flag for computing gradients for only the
% recurrent layer. All other gradients set to 0
% numTotal is total number of frames evaluated
% pred_out is a binary flag for whether pred_cell is populated
% pred_cell only filled properly when utterances one per cell

%% Debug: Turns this into an identity-function for debugging rest of system
if isfield(eI, 'objReturnsIdentity') && eI.objReturnsIdentity
cost = 0; grad = 0; numTotal = 0;
for l = 1:numel(data_cell)
numUtterances = size(data_cell{l}, 2);
original_vector = reshape(data_cell{l}, eI.winSize*eI.featDim, []);
midPnt = ceil(eI.winSize/2);
original_vector = original_vector((midPnt-1)*14+1 : midPnt*14, :);
pred_cell{l} = reshape(original_vector, [], numUtterances);

%if isempty(return_activation),
return_activation = 0;

%% Load data from globals if not passed in (happens when run on RPC slave)
global g_data_cell;
global g_targets_cell;
isSlave = false;
if isempty(data_cell)
data_cell = g_data_cell;
targets_cell = g_targets_cell;
isSlave = true;
pred_cell = cell(1,numel(data_cell));
act_cell = cell(1,numel(data_cell));
%% default short circuits to false
if ~isfield(eI, 'shortCircuit')
eI.shortCircuit = 0;

%% default dropout to false
if ~isfield(eI, 'dropout')
eI.dropout = 0;

%% setup weights and accumulators
[stack, W_t] = rnn_params2stack(theta, eI);
cost = 0; numTotal = 0;
outputDim = eI.layerSizes(end);
%% setup structures to aggregate gradients
stackGrad = cell(1,numel(eI.layerSizes));
W_t_grad = zeros(size(W_t));
for l = 1:numel(eI.layerSizes)
stackGrad{l}.W = zeros(size(stack{l}.W));
stackGrad{l}.b = zeros(size(stack{l}.b));
if eI.shortCircuit
stackGrad{end}.W_ss = zeros(size(stack{end}.W_ss));
%% check options
if ~exist('fprop_only','var')
fprop_only = false;
if ~exist('pred_out','var')
pred_out = false;

% DROPOUT: vector of length of hidden layers with 0 or 1
% (to drop or keep activation unit) with prob=0.5
hActToDrop = cell(numel(eI.layerSizes-1),1);
for i=1:numel(eI.layerSizes)-1
if eI.dropout
hActToDrop{i} = round(rand(eI.layerSizes(i),1));
hActToDrop{i} = ones(eI.layerSizes(i),1);

%% loop over each distinct length
for c = 1:numel(data_cell)
data = data_cell{c};
targets = {};
if ~isempty(targets_cell), targets = targets_cell{c}; end;
uttPred = [];
T =size(data,1) / eI.inputDim;
% store hidden unit activations at each time instant
hAct = cell(numel(eI.layerSizes-1), T);
for t = 1:T
%% forward prop all hidden layers
for l = 1:numel(eI.layerSizes)-1
if l == 1
hAct{1,t} = stack{1}.W * data((t-1)*eI.inputDim+1:t*eI.inputDim, :);
hAct{l,t} = stack{l}.W * hAct{l-1,t};
hAct{l,t} = bsxfun(@plus, hAct{l,t}, stack{l}.b);
% temporal recurrence. limited to single layer for now
if l == eI.temporalLayer && t > 1
hAct{l,t} = hAct{l,t} + W_t * hAct{l,t-1};
% nonlinearity
if strcmpi(eI.activationFn,'tanh')
hAct{l,t} = tanh(hAct{l,t});
elseif strcmpi(eI.activationFn,'logistic')
hAct{l,t} = 1./(1+exp(-hAct{l,t}));
error('unrecognized activation function: %s',eI.activationFn);
%dropout (hActToDrop will be all ones if no dropout specified)
hAct{1,t} = bsxfun(@times, hAct{1,t}, hActToDrop{l});
% forward prop top layer not done here to avoid caching it
%% compute cost and backprop through time
if eI.temporalLayer
delta_t = zeros(eI.layerSizes(eI.temporalLayer),size(data,2));
for t = T:-1:1
l = numel(eI.layerSizes);
%% forward prop output layer for this timestep
curPred = bsxfun(@plus, stack{l}.W * hAct{l-1,t}, stack{l}.b);
% add short circuit to regression prediction if model has it
if eI.shortCircuit
curPred = curPred + stack{end}.W_ss ...
* data((t-1)*eI.inputDim+1:t*eI.inputDim, :);
if pred_out, uttPred = [curPred; uttPred]; end;
% skip loss computation if no targets given
if isempty(targets), continue; end;
curTargets = targets((t-1)*outputDim+1:t*outputDim, :);
%% compute cost. Squared L2 loss
delta = curPred - curTargets;
cost = cost + 0.5 * sum(delta(:).^2);
if fprop_only, continue; end;
%% regression layer gradient and delta
stackGrad{l}.W = stackGrad{l}.W + delta * hAct{l-1,t}';
stackGrad{l}.b = stackGrad{l}.b + sum(delta,2);
% short circuit layer
if eI.shortCircuit
stackGrad{end}.W_ss = stackGrad{end}.W_ss + delta ...
* data((t-1)*eI.inputDim+1:t*eI.inputDim, :)';
delta = stack{l}.W' * delta;
%% backprop through hidden layers
for l = numel(eI.layerSizes)-1:-1:1
% aggregate temporal delta term if this is the recurrent layer
if l == eI.temporalLayer
delta = delta + delta_t;
% push delta through activation function for this layer
% tanh unit choice assumed
if strcmpi(eI.activationFn,'tanh')
delta = delta .* (1 - hAct{l,t}.^2);
elseif strcmpi(eI.activationFn,'logistic')
delta = delta .* hAct{l,t} .* (1 - hAct{l,t});
error('unrecognized activation function: %s',eI.activationFn);

% gradient of bottom-up connection for this layer
if l > 1
stackGrad{l}.W = stackGrad{l}.W + delta * hAct{l-1,t}';
stackGrad{l}.W = stackGrad{l}.W + delta * data((t-1)*eI.inputDim+1:t*eI.inputDim, :)';
% gradient for bias
stackGrad{l}.b = stackGrad{l}.b + sum(delta,2);

% compute derivative and delta for temporal connections
if l == eI.temporalLayer && t > 1
W_t_grad = W_t_grad + delta * hAct{l,t-1}';
% push delta through temporal weights
delta_t = W_t' * delta;
% push delta through bottom-up weights
if l > 1
delta = stack{l}.W' * delta;
% reduces avg memory usage but doesn't reduce peak
%hAct(:,t) = [];
pred_cell{c} = uttPred;
% Return the activations for this utterance.
if return_activation,
act_cell{c} = cell2mat(hAct);
% keep track of how many examples seen in total
numTotal = numTotal + T * size(targets,2);

%% stack gradients into single vector and compute weight cost
wCost = numTotal * eI.lambda * sum(theta.^2);
grad = rnn_stack2params(stackGrad, eI, W_t_grad, true);
grad = grad + 2 * numTotal * eI.lambda * theta;

avCost = cost/numTotal;
avWCost = wCost/numTotal;
cost = cost + wCost;

%% print output
if ~isSlave && ~isempty(targets_cell)
fprintf('loss: %f wCost: %f \t',avCost, avWCost);
fprintf('wNorm: %f rNorm: %f oNorm: %f\n',sum(stack{1}.W(:).^2),...
sum(W_t(:).^2), sum(stack{end}.W(:).^2));
% plot(theta,'kx');drawnow;
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions getAllFiles.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
function fileList = getAllFiles(dirName)
% fileList = getAllFiles(dirName)
% returns a list of all files contained in directory tree
dirData = dir(dirName); %# Get the data for the current directory
dirIndex = [dirData.isdir]; %# Find the index for directories
fileList = {dirData(~dirIndex).name}'; %'# Get a list of the files
if ~isempty(fileList)
fileList = cellfun(@(x) fullfile(dirName,x),... %# Prepend path to files
subDirs = {dirData(dirIndex).name}; %# Get a list of the subdirectories
validIndex = ~ismember(subDirs,{'.','..'}); %# Find index of subdirectories
%# that are not '.' or '..'
for iDir = find(validIndex) %# Loop over valid subdirectories
nextDir = fullfile(dirName,subDirs{iDir}); %# Get the subdirectory path
fileList = [fileList; getAllFiles(nextDir)]; %# Recursively call getAllFiles

59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions htkread.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
function [ DATA, HTKCode ] = htkread( Filename )
% [ DATA, HTKCode ] = htkread( Filename )
% Read DATA from possibly compressed HTK format file.
% Filename (string) - Name of the file to read from
% DATA (nSamp x NUMCOFS) - Output data array
% HTKCode - HTKCode describing file contents
% Compression is handled using the algorithm in 5.10 of the HTKBook.
% CRC is not implemented.
% Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
% July 3, 2002
% Based on function mfcc_read written by Alexis Bernard

if fid<0,
error(sprintf('Unable to read from file %s',Filename));

% Read number of frames
nSamp = fread(fid,1,'int32');

% Read sampPeriod
sampPeriod = fread(fid,1,'int32');

% Read sampSize
sampSize = fread(fid,1,'int16');

% Read HTK Code
HTKCode = fread(fid,1,'int16');

% Read the data
if bitget(HTKCode, 11),
nSamp = nSamp-4;
% disp(sprintf('htkread: Reading %d frames, dim %d, compressed, from %s',nSamp,DIM,Filename));

% Read the compression parameters
A = fread(fid,[1 DIM],'float');
B = fread(fid,[1 DIM],'float');

% Read and uncompress the data
DATA = fread(fid, [DIM nSamp], 'int16')';
DATA = (repmat(B, [nSamp 1]) + DATA) ./ repmat(A, [nSamp 1]);

% disp(sprintf('htkread: Reading %d frames, dim %d, uncompressed, from %s',nSamp,DIM,Filename));

% If not compressed: Read floating point data
DATA = fread(fid, [DIM nSamp], 'float')';

79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions htkwrite.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
function htkwrite( DATA, Filename, HTKCode, sampPeriod )
% htkwrite( DATA, Filename, HTKCode, sampPeriod )
% Write DATA to HTK format file.
% Filename (string) - Name of the file to write to
% DATA (NFRAMES x NUMCOFS) - data to write
% HTKCode (scalar) - code describing write format
% Default value: 512+64+3 means LPCC_C_E
% sampPeriod (scalar) - sample period, in 100ns units
% Default value: 100000 means 10ms
% DATA must be already formatted for HTK, i.e. coefficients first, then
% energy, then deltas if desired, then delta-energies if desired, etc.
% This function DOES NOT CHECK compatibility of HTKCode with DATA matrix.
% HTKCode is only checked to see whether or not we should perform compression.
% Compression is performed using the algorithm in 5.10 of the HTKBook.
% CRC is not supported by this function.
% Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
% July 3, 2002
% Based on function mfcc_write written by Alexis Bernard

% Find out whether or not compression is requested
if nargin<3,
HTKCode = 3; % Default code is LPCC
HTKCode = bitset(HTKCode, 7); % Set the energy bit
HTKCode = bitset(HTKCode, 11); % Set the compression bit

% Open the file
if fid<0,
error(sprintf('Unable to write to file %s',Filename));

% Find nSamp and NCOFS
[ nSamp, NCOFS ] = size(DATA);

% Write sampPeriod
if nargin<4,
sampPeriod = 100000;

% If data are compressed, write compression parameters and compressed data
if bitget(HTKCode, 11),
sampSize = 2*NCOFS;
%disp(sprintf('htkwrite: Writing %d frames, dim %d, compressed, to %s',nSamp,NCOFS,Filename));

% Create and write the compression parameters
xmax = max(DATA);
xmin = min(DATA);
A = 2*32767./(xmax-xmin);
B = (xmax+xmin)*32767 ./ (xmax-xmin);
fwrite(fid, A, 'float');
fwrite(fid, B, 'float');
% Write compressed data
Xshort = round( repmat(A,[nSamp 1]) .* DATA - repmat(B,[nSamp 1]) );
fwrite(fid, Xshort', 'int16');
sampSize = 4*NCOFS;
%disp(sprintf('htkwrite: Writing %d frames, dim %d, uncompressed, to %s',nSamp,NCOFS,Filename));

% Write uncompressed data
fwrite(fid, DATA', 'float');


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