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Deep-Neural Network for Brain Tumor Classification in Pediatric Patients

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Brain Tumor Classification

Deep-Neural Network for Brain Tumor Classification in Pediatric Patients

Tumor Classification Categories

  • DIPG - Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma
  • EP - Ependymomas
  • MB - Medulloblastoma
  • PILO - Pilocytic
  • Normal - Healthy Brain

Packages, Versions and Installation instructions

Package Name Version
python 3.6
tensorflow 1.12
keras 2.1.5
keras-applications 1.0.7
keras-preprocessing 1.0.9
matplotlib 3.0.2
imageio 2.4.1
Pillow * 5.4.1
scikit-learn 0.20.2
scikit-image 0.14.1
numpy 1.15.4
pandas 0.24.1
pydicom* 1.2.2
nibabel 2.3.3
progressbar 2.5

* - See note below regarding OpenJPEG prerequisite

To install the above packages -

  • if python is symlink to python 3.x --> pip install --user <Package Name>
  • if python is symlink to python 2.x --> pip3 install --user <Package Name>

Transfer Learning Layers

Transfer Learning Model Model Key
ResNet 50 resnet
Inception V3 inception
InceptionResNet V2 inceptionresnet
Xception xception
DenseNet 121 densenet
VGG 19 vgg

Instructions to Train and Evaluate the Models

  1. Install the above packages and dependencies.

  2. git clone

  3. Set up source directory as shown below in Folder section.

  4. python --> generates the data directory, which contains the cleaned, resized and partitioned data to train and evaluate the models. Also generates the meta directory, which contains the list of files required for reading the a particular partition.

  5. Train the AutoEncoders - There are 6 types of models, each using specific kinds of Transfer Learning layers. Refer Model Key from the Transfer Learning Layers section. The models are configured with EarlyStopping and can continue training over multiple runs. Train all these models. The command to train the models is --> python autoencoder <Model Key> <Batch Size>. Examples -

    • python autoencoder vgg 48
    • python autoencoder densenet 48
  6. Train the Classifiers - Train the Classifiers associated with each type of Model (Model Key). The code also tunes the dropout hyper-parameter for the Fully Connected Layers between 0.1 and 0.5 inclusive. The command to train the models is --> python classifier <Model Key> <Batch Size>. Examples -

    • python classifier vgg 48
    • python classifier densenet 48
  7. python - Generate the vectors required for training the Paraclassifiers. Also identifies and stores the best hyperparameters for each type of Model. This will create the paraclassifier subdirectory inside data directory and para_*.csv inside meta directory.

  8. Train the Paraclassifiers - Train the Classifiers associated with each type of Model (Model Key). This code can also train an ensemble model using the average vectors from all the models. The command to train the models is --> python paraclassifier <Model Key> <Batch Size>. Examples -

    • python paraclassifier vgg 32
    • python paraclassifier densenet 32
    • python paraclassifier ensemble 32
  9. Evaluate the Classifiers - Evaluate the accuracy of the classifiers on test dataset. python classifier --> This generates the clf_results.csv table in logs directory.

  10. Evaluate the Paraclassifiers - Evaluate the accuracy of the paraclassifiers on test dataset. python paraclassifier --> This generates the para_results.csv table in logs directory. This is the final accuracy of our models.

Instructions to Run Inference using our Models

  1. Switch to root of repository.
  2. jupyter notebook --> Start the Jupyter Notebook environment.
  3. Open Tumor Classifier.ipynb.
  4. Put in the path to your MRI scan in the path variable.
  5. Execute all the cells in the Notebook.


  • Tumor Classifier.ipynb - Notebook for using our model to predict class of tumor, ie Inference using our Model.
  • Exploring Data.ipynb - Notebook for visualizing the different types of MRI scans present in the Data set.
  • Visualization - AutoEncoder.ipynb - Notebook for visualizing the results from training the AutoEncoder.
  • Visualization - Classifier.ipynb - Notebook for visualizing the results from training the Classifier.
  • Visualization - Paraclassifier.ipynb - Notebook for visualizing the results from training the Paraclassifier.


  • - Code to clean data and preprocess.
  • - Code to generate vectors for each plane in brain.
  • - Code for Generator classes to train the models.
  • - Code for training the Models using training and validation datasets.
  • - Code for evaluating the Models against the test dataset, and generating the overall statistics.


  • source - Folder for storing the raw DICOM/NII images

    • DIPG
      • Seattle
      • Stanford
    • PILO
      • Stanford
    • MB
      • Seattle
      • Stanford
    • EP
      • Seattle
      • Stanford
    • katie_annotated_metadata - metadata for the Tumor dataset
    • Normal - Healthy Children Brain Scans
    • flipped_clinical_NormalPedBrainAge_StanfordCohort.csv - metadata for healthy brains
    • Task01_Brain Tumor - From the BRATS 2018 dataset. Download from here
      • imagesTr - Training images
      • imagesTs - Testing images
      • labelTr - Labels for Training images (For segmentation)(ignored)
      • dataset.json - metadata for this dataset
  • data - Folder to store cleaned data (generated by

    • autoencode - Folder for cleaned files for AutoEncoder
      • train - Folder for cleaned train files
      • valid - Folder for cleaned validation files
    • classifier - Folder for cleaned files for Classifier
      • train - Folder for cleaned train files
      • valid - Folder for cleaned validation files
      • test - Folder for cleaned test files
    • paraclassifier - Folder for cleaned files for Paraclassifier
      • train - Folder for cleaned train files
      • valid - Folder for cleaned validation files
      • test - Folder for cleaned test files
  • docs - Folder for storing static content and documents

    • autoencoder - Images and Graphs related to Autoencoder Visualizations
    • classifier - Images and Graphs related to Classifier Visualizations
    • paraclassifier - Images and Graphs related to Paraclassifier Visualizations
    • reference - Reference implementation plots of the Model in Object Oriented Fashion
    • densenet - Reference implementation plots of the Model in with DenseNet 121
    • inception - Reference implementation plots of the Model in with Inception V3
    • inceptionresnet - Reference implementation plots of the Model in with InceptionResNet V2
    • resnet - Reference implementation plots of the Model in with ResNet 50
    • vgg - Reference implementation plots of the Model in with VGG 19
    • xception - Reference implementation plots of the Model in with Xception
  • weights - Folder to store all model weights

  • models - Folder to store all model codes

  • logs - Folder to store all logs

  • meta - Folder to store all the training metadata

[NOTE] JPEG2000 decoding

Pillow needs to be installed with support for JPEG2000 lossless compression, which is the compression used in some the MRI DICOM scans. In order to do that, install OpenJPEG before installing Pillow. The steps to install OpenJPEG are -

  1. Install cmake to build OpenJPEG --> see this for local user installation and avoiding sudo in step 8 and 9
  2. git clone
  3. cd openjpeg
  4. mkdir build
  5. cd build
  6. cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  7. make
  8. sudo make install
  9. sudo make clean

Restart the session. Now install Pillow, followed by pydicom


Deep-Neural Network for Brain Tumor Classification in Pediatric Patients






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