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Mark Nadal edited this page Jun 28, 2021 · 9 revisions

A JavaScript Hacker's Cheatsheet Guide to Rust

While Mark is porting his database to Rust, all he wanted to know was how to do this javascript in Rust:

var Groceries = {
  add_milk: function(obj, value){
    obj.milk = value;

var obj = {};
Groceries.add_milk(obj, "1gallon whole");

if(undefined !== obj.milk){
  console.log("here!", obj.milk);

  console.log(key, obj[key]);

Here's how: (try it on the online Rust playground)

use std::collections::HashMap;

type Object = HashMap<String, Value>;
enum Value {

struct Groceries;
impl Groceries {
    fn add_milk(obj: &mut Object, value: Value) {
        obj.insert("milk".to_string(), value);

fn main() {
    let mut obj = Object::new();
    Groceries::add_milk(&mut obj, Value::Text("1gallon whole".to_string()));
    println!("{:?}", obj.get("milk"));

    if let Some(value) = obj.get("milk") {
        println!("here! {:?}", value);
    for key in obj.keys() {
        println!("{}: {:?}", key, obj.get(key));

This page will be updated as his learnings progress.

If you see anything that could be simplified or improve performance, please contact him immediately.


In 2019, I saw Rik Arends build a code editor from scratch, including font rendering and text selection, that could scroll through tens of thousands of lines of colorized text in milliseconds, all in 300KB. And most mind blowing of all, it worked on every platform: all web, all desktops, all mobile.

To compare, the smallest build of Sublime Text I'd seen was 3MB, with stuff like VS Code at 100MB+. The vim WASM is 730KB, though I'm not sure how efficiently that was built.

At that moment, I knew I was dealing with futuristic alien technology stuff, you know, like 1990s-level 3D video games and OS that could fit on a floppy disk. Forget webpack cult, this was the new religion I was going to start. Tiny, performant, universal. After all, GUN core does 5KB ops/sec and is only 9KB of JavaScript (+3KB default adapters), compare to Pouch (37KB), jQuery (30KB), Vue (23KB), etc.

Whatever language Rik used, I'd have to admit defeat it was objectively superior. If I could dream, it would be Haskell or APL. But what if it was Java? The amount of shame I'd feel...

Oh phew, Rust!


Outstanding compliments to Rust and the Rust community, docs, and everything. However, the docs can be deceptive as they try to ease you into the language (which is probably a good thing), but can be triggering. An example may be beautifully simple, almost look python-like, and will even run! But if you try to edit anything slightly or make the example a reusable pattern, the syntax suddenly changes by 2X before it can compile.

But with so many guides out there, why yet another one?

Why this guide?

This "guide" is meant for pragmatists who don't care about language commitment, just performance minded JSers who want to port pieces of their code to Rust and ship faster. It is also case-specific targeted to me - the JavaScript patterns I use:

  • No dependencies
  • No build systems
  • No "new" JS language features
  • No classes, just utility functions
  • "Just give me objects (hashmaps), function calls, if statements and loops!"

It will be updated as I make progress porting GUN to Rust - which is extremely low priority task right now. It will contain my generic learnings and "patterns" as I go along my way.

If you're interested in seeing this sooner, join the community and schedule a "let's port GUN to Rust!" pair programming call that we livestream!

This wiki is where all the GUN website documentation comes from.

You can read it here or on the website, but the website has some special features like rendering some markdown extensions to create interactive coding tutorials.

Please feel free to improve the docs itself, we need contributions!

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