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Releases: amidaware/tacticalrmm

Release v0.14.6

09 Aug 21:49
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  • Fixed #1238 Run as User permission issues with temp dir. Also standardized the temp directory used by the agent for various tasks (running scripts, agent updates etc), all files will now be created in %PROGRAMDATA%\TacticalRMM so please make sure to update your AV exclusions (C:\ProgramData\TacticalRMM\*).
  • Fixed #1239 Fixed agent update when SELinux is enforcing.
  • Fixed #1174 (again) Issues with Reboot Later.
  • Update to Django 4.1

Release v0.14.5

01 Aug 23:02
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  • Fixed Run As User not working for non-admin users (requires agent v2.2.1)


  • Added Run As User support for all methods of running commands and scripts (requires agent v2.2.0 and only supported on Windows workstations SKUs, not Server). A "Run As User" checkbox is now available throughout the UI when running commands and scripts. To make a script always run as user, check the "Run As User" checkbox in the Script Editor. Doing so will override any of the ad hoc "Run As User" checkboxes throughout the UI and force that script to always run in the context of the logged in user (do this for script check or tasks that need to run as user). See video below for a quick example:

Release v0.14.4

01 Aug 18:24
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  • Added Run As User support for all methods of running commands and scripts (requires agent v2.2.0 and only supported on Windows workstations SKUs, not Server). A "Run As User" checkbox is now available throughout the UI when running commands and scripts. To make a script always run as user, check the "Run As User" checkbox in the Script Editor. Doing so will override any of the ad hoc "Run As User" checkboxes throughout the UI and force that script to always run in the context of the logged in user (do this for script check or tasks that need to run as user). See video below for a quick example:

Release v0.14.3

27 Jul 07:22
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  • Fixed #1174 Setting a date in the past for "Reboot Later" would cause the agent to crash.
  • Fixed #1189 When editing a task, UI was not populating with the original datetime of the task.
  • Fixed #1193 Windows update patch policy off by one day, causing patches to be installed a day late.
  • Fixed a bug affecting script checks part of an automation policy where the cache was not being invalidated after editing the contents of the script, causing the agent to run the old script.
  • Added #1224 Include latest agent version in monitoring API endpoint.
  • Update MeshCentral to 1.0.60
  • Added the Nginx reuseport socket option to help with instances with high agent counts.
  • Switched to official Nginx repos to update Nginx from 1.18 to 1.22. Note: when running the update script you will receive a prompt that looks like the text below. Make sure you choose the default action (just press Enter or type 'N') to keep your current version.
Configuration file '/etc/nginx/nginx.conf'
 ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
 ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
    N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
      D     : show the differences between the versions
      Z     : start a shell to examine the situation
 The default action is to keep your current version.
*** nginx.conf (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ?

Note for those on Debian 10: the update script will fail and exit after trying to update nginx. Once it fails, please run the following and then run the update script again

sudo apt --fix-broken install
sudo apt upgrade

Full Changelog: v0.14.2...v0.14.3

Release v0.14.2

10 Jul 03:37
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Release v0.14.2

  • Increased Nginx limit on the maximum number of open files for worker processes. This solves various issues on instances with high agent counts.
  • Docker: removed unneeded compose port.

Release v0.14.1

  • Fixed agent crash on Windows 7 /Server 2008 R2
  • Fixed Windows 11 showing as Windows 10 #892 #1075

Release v0.14.0

  • Switched to NATS websocket for agent<->server communication. This removes the need to publicly expose port 4222 TCP and now the only open port needed is 443 TCP. You must leave port 4222 open though until all your agents are updated to v2.1.0 at which point you may close port 4222 in your firewall.

  • Note for those running UNSUPPORTED setups or proxies (HAProxy, NPM, Traefik, Kubernetes etc. Ignore this section if you are on a traditional or docker install): NATS still listens on 4222 (for internal communication between various trmm services) but now also listens internally on localhost:9235 (websocket protocol). Agent NATS traffic now connects to nginx public port 443 which is proxy passed to localhost:9235 so you will need to implement this manually in your proxy settings. You may refer to this commit to see how a supported nginx setup implements it (make sure to only proxy pass traffic that matches the pattern You must implement this in your custom proxy before upgrading to this release.

  • If for whatever reason you can't use NATS websocket or just want to keep things the way they were before this release, check out these docs on how to fall back to NATS standard.

  • Note for docker users: the docker-compose.yml file has changed this release so make sure to delete the old one and re-download the latest one (just copy paste from the docker update docs).

  • Added an API endpoint which can be called to monitor your TRMM instance's health, check docs for instructions.

  • Changed the uWSGI config to automatically scale workers based on load. Previously, the number of workers and threads was calculated based on number of cpu cores but required manual load testing to tune to optimal values. Now the workers will dynamically increase/decrease based on server load, which will solve issues with no workers being available during long running http requests and/or high number of requests per second caused by agents slamming the server.

  • Agent binaries now follow a consistent naming format tacticalagent-vX.X.X-os-arch to prepare for mac agent and any future agent OS that we will support.

  • Fixed a bug where orphaned tasks were not being removed.

  • Frontend code has been moved to its own repo and build tool has been switched to Vite instead of Webpack.

  • The frontend build is now compiled using github actions on every release and uploaded as a tarball to github releases. This removes the need to compile it during a trmm update which lately was using a ton of RAM and causing OOM errors and updates to fail. The update script now downloads this pre-compiled tarball.

  • Added a new find service management command.

  • Added a new method to bulk recover agents (Tools > Recover All Agents) which will restart both the tacticalagent and meshagent services across all machines, which helps when restoring.

  • Fixed an integer out of range error that would cause scripts or command results to not be saved in the database when return code value was greater than 2147483647.

  • Fixed #10 linux agent update doesn't work when /tmp is mounted on different filesystem.

  • Agent is now built with golang 1.18.3

  • Code refactoring and optimizations

  • Update MeshCentral to 1.0.43

Release v0.14.1

08 Jul 06:43
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Release v0.14.1

  • Fixed agent crash on Windows 7 /Server 2008 R2
  • Fixed Windows 11 showing as Windows 10 #892 #1075

Release v0.14.0

  • Switched to NATS websocket for agent<->server communication. This removes the need to publicly expose port 4222 TCP and now the only open port needed is 443 TCP. You must leave port 4222 open though until all your agents are updated to v2.1.0 at which point you may close port 4222 in your firewall.
  • If you have more than a few hundred agents, you should increase nginx's open file limit as now each agent uses an additional nginx connection. You can do so by adding the following line to the top of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
worker_rlimit_nofile 1000000;
  • Note for those running UNSUPPORTED setups or proxies (HAProxy, NPM, Traefik, Kubernetes etc. Ignore this section if you are on a traditional or docker install): NATS still listens on 4222 (for internal communication between various trmm services) but now also listens internally on localhost:9235 (websocket protocol). Agent NATS traffic now connects to nginx public port 443 which is proxy passed to localhost:9235 so you will need to implement this manually in your proxy settings. You may refer to this commit to see how a supported nginx setup implements it (make sure to only proxy pass traffic that matches the pattern You must implement this in your custom proxy before upgrading to this release.

  • If for whatever reason you can't use NATS websocket or just want to keep things the way they were before this release, check out these docs on how to fall back to NATS standard.

  • Note for docker users: the docker-compose.yml file has changed this release so make sure to delete the old one and re-download the latest one (just copy paste from the docker update docs).

  • Added an API endpoint which can be called to monitor your TRMM instance's health, check docs for instructions.

  • Changed the uWSGI config to automatically scale workers based on load. Previously, the number of workers and threads was calculated based on number of cpu cores but required manual load testing to tune to optimal values. Now the workers will dynamically increase/decrease based on server load, which will solve issues with no workers being available during long running http requests and/or high number of requests per second caused by agents slamming the server.

  • Agent binaries now follow a consistent naming format tacticalagent-vX.X.X-os-arch to prepare for mac agent and any future agent OS that we will support.

  • Fixed a bug where orphaned tasks were not being removed.

  • Frontend code has been moved to its own repo and build tool has been switched to Vite instead of Webpack.

  • The frontend build is now compiled using github actions on every release and uploaded as a tarball to github releases. This removes the need to compile it during a trmm update which lately was using a ton of RAM and causing OOM errors and updates to fail. The update script now downloads this pre-compiled tarball.

  • Added a new find service management command.

  • Added a new method to bulk recover agents (Tools > Recover All Agents) which will restart both the tacticalagent and meshagent services across all machines, which helps when restoring.

  • Fixed an integer out of range error that would cause scripts or command results to not be saved in the database when return code value was greater than 2147483647.

  • Fixed #10 linux agent update doesn't work when /tmp is mounted on different filesystem.

  • Agent is now built with golang 1.18.3

  • Code refactoring and optimizations

  • Update MeshCentral to 1.0.43

Release v0.14.0

07 Jul 21:45
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  • Switched to NATS websocket for agent<->server communication. This removes the need to publicly expose port 4222 TCP and now the only open port needed is 443 TCP. You must leave port 4222 open though until all your agents are updated to v2.1.0 at which point you may close port 4222 in your firewall.
  • If you have more than a few hundred agents, you should increase nginx's open file limit as now each agent uses an additional nginx connection. You can do so by adding the following line to the top of /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
worker_rlimit_nofile 1000000;
  • Note for those running UNSUPPORTED setups or proxies (HAProxy, NPM, Traefik, Kubernetes etc. Ignore this section if you are on a traditional or docker install): NATS still listens on 4222 (for internal communication between various trmm services) but now also listens internally on localhost:9235 (websocket protocol). Agent NATS traffic now connects to nginx public port 443 which is proxy passed to localhost:9235 so you will need to implement this manually in your proxy settings. You may refer to this commit to see how a supported nginx setup implements it (make sure to only proxy pass traffic that matches the pattern You must implement this in your custom proxy before upgrading to this release.

  • If for whatever reason you can't use NATS websocket or just want to keep things the way they were before this release, check out these docs on how to fall back to NATS standard.

  • Note for docker users: the docker-compose.yml file has changed this release so make sure to delete the old one and re-download the latest one (just copy paste from the docker update docs).

  • Added an API endpoint which can be called to monitor your TRMM instance's health, check docs for instructions.

  • Changed the uWSGI config to automatically scale workers based on load. Previously, the number of workers and threads was calculated based on number of cpu cores but required manual load testing to tune to optimal values. Now the workers will dynamically increase/decrease based on server load, which will solve issues with no workers being available during long running http requests and/or high number of requests per second caused by agents slamming the server.

  • Agent binaries now follow a consistent naming format tacticalagent-vX.X.X-os-arch to prepare for mac agent and any future agent OS that we will support.

  • Fixed a bug where orphaned tasks were not being removed.

  • Frontend code has been moved to its own repo and build tool has been switched to Vite instead of Webpack.

  • The frontend build is now compiled using github actions on every release and uploaded as a tarball to github releases. This removes the need to compile it during a trmm update which lately was using a ton of RAM and causing OOM errors and updates to fail. The update script now downloads this pre-compiled tarball.

  • Added a new find service management command.

  • Added a new method to bulk recover agents (Tools > Recover All Agents) which will restart both the tacticalagent and meshagent services across all machines, which helps when restoring.

  • Fixed an integer out of range error that would cause scripts or command results to not be saved in the database when return code value was greater than 2147483647.

  • Fixed #10 linux agent update doesn't work when /tmp is mounted on different filesystem.

  • Agent is now built with golang 1.18.3

  • Code refactoring and optimizations

  • Update MeshCentral to 1.0.43

Release v0.13.4

15 May 07:20
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  • More DB/API optimizations
  • Fixed #1020 Disable auto quoting when using variable substitution on batch scripts
  • Fixed #1097 Task Run does not show name in Script/Command column under History tab
  • Fixed #1110 Quirks with clicking links in notifications
  • Fixed #1118 Sites not sorting alphabetically
  • Fixed #8 reboot required logic on RHEL based systems
  • Fixed file extension when downloading shell scripts from Script Editor UI
  • Fixed install script on Linux Mint
  • Fixed check policy copy issue where copied checks are all of type diskspace
  • Update to Python 3.10.4
  • Update to MeshCentral 1.0.22


Full Changelog: v0.13.3...v0.13.4

Release v0.13.3

25 Apr 01:35
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More fixes for bugs introduced in v0.13.0

  • Fixed variable substitution in policy script checks not working
  • Fixed #1093 PERSISTENT_MESH_CONFIG=1 not working in Docker

Full Changelog: v0.13.2...v0.13.3

Release v0.13.2

25 Apr 00:37
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More fixes for bugs introduced in v0.13.0

  • Fixed variable substitution in automated policy tasks not working
  • Fixed #1092 Default tabs not loading correctly
  • More slow query optimization

Full Changelog: v0.13.1...v0.13.2