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Miika Alonen edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 14 revisions

Euclidean rhythm categories

Euclidean rhythms are listed here by the necklace length and characterized as Even, Deep, Irregular or by the number of consecutive beats as Single, Double, Triple, Quad, Quintuple and rest as Dense.

Categories Even, Deep and Irregular (Aksak) are described in The Distance Geometry of Music (Etymologies are also mostly derived from the same source). Even rhythms have all offbeats evenly spaced without any consecutive beats. Some rhythms can also be categorized as deep (Erdos or Winograd), using fancy mathematical proofs.

For a rhythm to be Winograd-deep, all the distances must appear a unique number of times. In order to be an Erdos-deep, it is only required that any distance that appears must have a unique multiplicity. In Erdos-deep rhythms have points equally spaced around the necklace and all Winograd-deep rhytms are also Erdos deep but also always have exactly one consecutive beat in the rhythm necklace. Irregular rhythms (also known as Aksak have a combination of unequal beats and have sort of ethnic feel.

Rest of the euclidean rhythms fall into the categories characterized by number of consecutive beats. Single is used for uneven rhythms that dont qualify as irreqular, but also doesnt have any consecutive beats. Double is used for rhythms that have pair of onbeats in a row. Mixed Double is used for mixed pairs and single beats. Triple is used for three consecutive beats and so on ... Consecutive beats larger than 5 (Quintuple) are just marked as Dense


Even: 1 2

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,2> 10 Deep Erdos
<2,2> 11 Dense


Even: 1 3 Odd: 2

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,3> 100 Even - Deep Erdos
<2,3> 101 Deep Winograd West Africa, Latin America, Nubia, Northern Canada
<3,3> 111 Dense


Even: 1 2 4 Odd: 3

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,4> 1000 Deep Erdos Classic
<2,4> 1010 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,4> 1011 Triple Brazil, Bali, Colombia, Greece, Spain, Persia, Trinidad
<4,4> 1111 Dense


Even: 1 5 Odd: 2 3 4

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,5> 10000 Deep Erdos
<2,5> 10010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Classical music, Jazz, Greece, Macedonia, Namibia, Persia, Rwanda
<3,5> 10110 Deep Winograd Korean, Rumanian, Persia
<4,5> 10111 Dense Greece
<5,5> 11111 Dense


Even: 1 2 3 6 Odd: 4 5

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,6> 100000 Deep Erdos
<2,6> 100100 Deep Erdos
<3,6> 101010 Even - Deep Erdos
<4,6> 101101 Double
<5,6> 101111 Dense Arab
<6,6> 111111 Dense


Even: 1 7 Odd: 2 3 4 5 6

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,7> 1000000 Deep Erdos
<2,7> 1000100 Deep Erdos
<3,7> 1001010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Bulgaria, Greece, Sudan, Turkestan
<4,7> 1011010 Deep Winograd Bulgaria
<5,7> 1011101 Mixed Triple Arab
<6,7> 1011111 Dense Greek
<7,7> 1111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 4 8 Odd: 3 5 6 7

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,8> 10000000 Deep Erdos
<2,8> 10001000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,8> 10010100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak Balinese, Central Africa, Greece, India, Latin America, West Africa, Sudan, Cuba
<4,8> 10101010 Even
<5,8> 10110101 Mixed Double Egypt, Korea, Latin America, West Africa, Cuba
<6,8> 10111011 Triple
<7,8> 10111111 Dense Libya, Tuareng
<8,8> 11111111 Dense


Even: 1 3 9 Odd: 2 4 5 6 7 8

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,9> 100000000 Deep Erdos
<2,9> 100001000 Deep Erdos
<3,9> 100100100 Even - Deep Erdos
<4,9> 100101010 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak Greece, Macedonia, Turkey, Zaïre
<5,9> 101101010 Deep Winograd Arab
<6,9> 101101101 Double
<7,9> 101111011 Dense Greece
<8,9> 101111111 Dense
<9,9> 111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 5 10 Odd: 3 4 6 7 8 9

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,10> 1000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,10> 1000010000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,10> 1000100100 Deep Erdos India
<4,10> 1001010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<5,10> 1010101010 Even
<6,10> 1011010110 Mixed Double
<7,10> 1011101101 Mixed Triple Turkey
<8,10> 1011110111 Dense
<9,10> 1011111111 Dense
<10,10> 1111111111 Dense


Even: 1 11 Odd: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,11> 10000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,11> 10000010000 Deep Erdos
<3,11> 10001001000 Deep Erdos North India
<4,11> 10010100100 Irregular Authentic Aksak Southern India, Serbia
<5,11> 10010101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Classical music, Bulgaria, Northern India, Serbia
<6,11> 10110101010 Deep Winograd
<7,11> 10110101101 Mixed Double
<8,11> 10111011011 Mixed Triple
<9,11> 10111110111 Dense
<10,11> 10111111111 Dense
<11,11> 11111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 3 4 6 12 Odd: 5 7 8 9 10 11

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,12> 100000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,12> 100000100000 Even - Deep Erdos Africa
<3,12> 100010001000 Even - Deep Erdos Africa
<4,12> 100100100100 Even African
<5,12> 100101010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak Spain, Macedonia, South Africa
<6,12> 101010101010 Even Africa
<7,12> 101101010110 Mixed Double West Africa, Ghana, Cuba
<8,12> 101101101101 Double Guinea
<9,12> 101110111011 Triple
<10,12> 101111101111 Dense
<11,12> 101111111111 Dense Oman
<12,12> 111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 13 Odd: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,13> 1000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,13> 1000000100000 Deep Erdos
<3,13> 1000010001000 Deep Erdos
<4,13> 1000100100100 Deep Erdos
<5,13> 1001010010010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Macedonia
<6,13> 1001010101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Macedonia
<7,13> 1011010101010 Deep Winograd
<8,13> 1011010110110 Mixed Double
<9,13> 1011101101101 Mixed Triple
<10,13> 1011110111011 Triple
<11,13> 1011111101111 Dense
<12,13> 1011111111111 Dense
<13,13> 1111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 7 14 Odd: 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,14> 10000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,14> 10000001000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,14> 10000100010000 Deep Erdos North India
<4,14> 10001001000100 Single
<5,14> 10010100100100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<6,14> 10010101001010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<7,14> 10101010101010 Even
<8,14> 10110101011010 Mixed Double
<9,14> 10110101101101 Mixed Double Algeria
<10,14> 10111011011101 Triple
<11,14> 10111101110111 Mixed Quad
<12,14> 10111111011111 Dense
<13,14> 10111111111111 Dense
<14,14> 11111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 3 5 15 Odd: 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,15> 100000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,15> 100000001000000 Deep Erdos
<3,15> 100001000010000 Even - Deep Erdos India
<4,15> 100010010001000 Deep Erdos North India
<5,15> 100100100100100 Even
<6,15> 100101001010010 Irregular Quasi Aksak
<7,15> 100101010101010 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak Bulgaria
<8,15> 101101010101010 Deep Winograd
<9,15> 101101011010110 Mixed Double
<10,15> 101101101101101 Double
<11,15> 101110110111011 Triple
<12,15> 101111011110111 Quad
<13,15> 101111111011111 Dense
<14,15> 101111111111111 Dense
<15,15> 111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 4 8 16 Odd: 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,16> 1000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,16> 1000000010000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,16> 1000001000010000 Deep Erdos
<4,16> 1000100010001000 Even
<5,16> 1000100100100100 Deep Erdos Brazilian, West Africa, Rap, Rumba, Son, Gahu
<6,16> 1001010010010100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<7,16> 1001010101001010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak Brazilian, Macedonian, West Africa
<8,16> 1010101010101010 Even
<9,16> 1011010101011010 Mixed Double West and Central African, and Brazilia
<10,16> 1011010110110101 Mixed Double
<11,16> 1011101101101101 Mixed Triple
<12,16> 1011101110111011 Triple
<13,16> 1011111011110111 Dense
<14,16> 1011111110111111 Dense
<15,16> 1011111111111111 Dense
<16,16> 1111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 17 Odd: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,17> 10000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,17> 10000000010000000 Deep Erdos
<3,17> 10000010000100000 Deep Erdos
<4,17> 10000100010001000 Deep Erdos
<5,17> 10001001001000100 Deep Erdos
<6,17> 10010100100100100 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<7,17> 10010101001010010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Macedonia
<8,17> 10010101010101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Bulgaria
<9,17> 10110101010101010 Deep Winograd
<10,17> 10110101011010110 Mixed Double
<11,17> 10110101101101101 Mixed Double
<12,17> 10111011011011101 Mixed Triple
<13,17> 10111101110111011 Mixed Quad
<14,17> 10111110111101111 Dense
<15,17> 10111111110111111 Dense
<16,17> 10111111111111111 Dense
<17,17> 11111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 3 6 9 18 Odd: 4 5 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,18> 100000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,18> 100000000100000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,18> 100000100000100000 Even - Deep Erdos
<4,18> 100001000100001000 Single
<5,18> 100010010001000100 Deep Erdos
<6,18> 100100100100100100 Even
<7,18> 100101001001010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak Bulgaria
<8,18> 100101010100101010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<9,18> 101010101010101010 Even
<10,18> 101101010101101010 Mixed Double
<11,18> 101101011011010110 Mixed Double
<12,18> 101101101101101101 Double
<13,18> 101110110111011101 Mixed Triple
<14,18> 101111011101111011 Mixed Quad
<15,18> 101111101111101111 Quintuple
<16,18> 101111111101111111 Dense
<17,18> 101111111111111111 Dense
<18,18> 111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 19 Odd: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,19> 1000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,19> 1000000000100000000 Deep Erdos
<3,19> 1000000100000100000 Deep Erdos
<4,19> 1000010001000010000 Deep Erdos
<5,19> 1000100100010001000 Deep Erdos
<6,19> 1000100100100100100 Deep Erdos
<7,19> 1001010010010010100 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<8,19> 1001010100101001010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Bulgaria
<9,19> 1001010101010101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<10,19> 1011010101010101010 Deep Winograd
<11,19> 1011010101101011010 Mixed Double
<12,19> 1011010110110110101 Mixed Double
<13,19> 1011101101101101101 Double
<14,19> 1011101101110111011 Mixed Triple
<15,19> 1011110111011110111 Mixed Quad
<16,19> 1011111101111101111 Dense
<17,19> 1011111111101111111 Dense
<18,19> 1011111111111111111 Dense
<19,19> 1111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 4 5 10 20 Odd: 3 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,20> 10000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,20> 10000000001000000000 Deep Erdos
<3,20> 10000001000001000000 Deep Erdos India
<4,20> 10000100001000010000 Even
<5,20> 10001000100010001000 Even
<6,20> 10001001001000100100 Even
<7,20> 10010100100100100100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<8,20> 10010100101001010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<9,20> 10010101010100101010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<10,20> 10101010101010101010 Even
<11,20> 10110101010101101010 Mixed Double West and Central Africa
<12,20> 10110101101011010110 Mixed Double
<13,20> 10110101101101101101 Mixed Double
<14,20> 10111011011011101101 Mixed Triple
<15,20> 10111011101110111011 Triple
<16,20> 10111101111011110111 Quad
<17,20> 10111111011111011111 Dense
<18,20> 10111111111011111111 Dense
<19,20> 10111111111111111111 Dense
<20,20> 11111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 3 7 21 Odd: 2 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,21> 100000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,21> 100000000001000000000 Deep Erdos
<3,21> 100000010000001000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<4,21> 100000100001000010000 Deep Erdos
<5,21> 100001000100010001000 Deep Erdos
<6,21> 100010010001001000100 Irregular
<7,21> 100100100100100100100 Even
<8,21> 100101001001010010100 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak
<9,21> 100101010010101001010 Irregular Quasi Aksak
<10,21> 100101010101010101010 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak
<11,21> 101101010101010101010 Deep Winograd
<12,21> 101101010110101011010 Mixed Double
<13,21> 101101011011010110101 Mixed Double
<14,21> 101101101101101101101 Double
<15,21> 101110110111011011101 Mixed Triple
<16,21> 101111011101110111011 Triple
<17,21> 101111101111011110111 Dense
<18,21> 101111110111111011111 Dense
<19,21> 101111111111011111111 Dense
<20,21> 101111111111111111111 Dense
<21,21> 111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 11 22 Odd: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,22> 1000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,22> 1000000000010000000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,22> 1000000010000001000000 Deep Erdos
<4,22> 1000001000010000010000 Single
<5,22> 1000010001000100001000 Deep Erdos
<6,22> 1000100100010001001000 Even
<7,22> 1000100100100100100100 Deep Erdos
<8,22> 1001010010010010100100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<9,22> 1001010100101001010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak Bulgaria
<10,22> 1001010101010010101010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<11,22> 1010101010101010101010 Even
<12,22> 1011010101010110101010 Mixed Double
<13,22> 1011010101101011010110 Mixed Double
<14,22> 1011010110110110101101 Mixed Double
<15,22> 1011101101101101101101 Mixed Triple
<16,22> 1011101101110111011011 Mixed Triple
<17,22> 1011110111011101111011 Mixed Quad
<18,22> 1011111011110111110111 Dense
<19,22> 1011111110111111011111 Dense
<20,22> 1011111111110111111111 Dense
<21,22> 1011111111111111111111 Dense
<22,22> 1111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 23 Odd: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,23> 10000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,23> 10000000000010000000000 Deep Erdos
<3,23> 10000000100000010000000 Deep Erdos
<4,23> 10000010000100000100000 Deep Erdos
<5,23> 10000100010000100001000 Deep Erdos
<6,23> 10001001000100010001000 Deep Erdos
<7,23> 10001001001001000100100 Deep Erdos
<8,23> 10010100100100100100100 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<9,23> 10010100100101001010010 Irregular Authentic Aksak Bulgaria
<10,23> 10010101010010101001010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<11,23> 10010101010101010101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<12,23> 10110101010101010101010 Deep Winograd
<13,23> 10110101010110101011010 Mixed Double
<14,23> 10110101101101011010110 Mixed Double
<15,23> 10110101101101101101101 Double
<16,23> 10111011011011011101101 Mixed Triple
<17,23> 10111011011101110111011 Mixed Triple
<18,23> 10111101110111101111011 Mixed Quad
<19,23> 10111110111101111101111 Dense
<20,23> 10111111101111110111111 Dense
<21,23> 10111111111110111111111 Dense
<22,23> 10111111111111111111111 Dense
<23,23> 11111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 3 4 6 8 12 24 Odd: 5 7 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,24> 100000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,24> 100000000000100000000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,24> 100000001000000010000000 Deep Erdos
<4,24> 100000100000100000100000 Even
<5,24> 100001000100001000010000 Deep Erdos
<6,24> 100010001000100010001000 Even
<7,24> 100010010010001001000100 Deep Erdos
<8,24> 100100100100100100100100 Even
<9,24> 100101001001010010010100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak Central Africa
<10,24> 100101010010100101010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<11,24> 100101010101010010101010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak Central African and Bulgaria
<12,24> 101010101010101010101010 Even
<13,24> 101101010101010110101010 Mixed Double West and Central Africa
<14,24> 101101010110101101010110 Mixed Double
<15,24> 101101011011010110110101 Mixed Double
<16,24> 101101101101101101101101 Double
<17,24> 101110110110111011011101 Mixed Triple
<18,24> 101110111011101110111011 Triple
<19,24> 101111011101111011110111 Mixed Quad
<20,24> 101111101111101111101111 Quintuple
<21,24> 101111111011111110111111 Dense
<22,24> 101111111111101111111111 Dense
<23,24> 101111111111111111111111 Dense
<24,24> 111111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 5 25 Odd: 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,25> 1000000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,25> 1000000000000100000000000 Deep Erdos
<3,25> 1000000001000000010000000 Deep Erdos
<4,25> 1000000100000100000100000 Deep Erdos
<5,25> 1000010000100001000010000 Even
<6,25> 1000010001000100010001000 Deep Erdos
<7,25> 1000100100010001001000100 Deep Erdos
<8,25> 1000100100100100100100100 Deep Erdos
<9,25> 1001010010010010010100100 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak
<10,25> 1001010010100101001010010 Irregular Quasi Aksak
<11,25> 1001010101001010100101010 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak
<12,25> 1001010101010101010101010 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak
<13,25> 1011010101010101010101010 Deep Winograd
<14,25> 1011010101011010101101010 Mixed Double
<15,25> 1011010110101101011010110 Mixed Double
<16,25> 1011010110110110110101101 Mixed Double
<17,25> 1011101101101101101101101 Double
<18,25> 1011101101110111011011101 Mixed Triple
<19,25> 1011110111011101110111011 Triple
<20,25> 1011110111101111011110111 Quad
<21,25> 1011111101111101111101111 Quintuple
<22,25> 1011111111011111110111111 Dense
<23,25> 1011111111111101111111111 Dense
<24,25> 1011111111111111111111111 Dense
<25,25> 1111111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 13 26 Odd: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,26> 10000000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,26> 10000000000001000000000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,26> 10000000010000000100000000 Deep Erdos
<4,26> 10000001000001000000100000 Single
<5,26> 10000010000100001000010000 Deep Erdos
<6,26> 10000100010001000010001000 Even
<7,26> 10001001000100010001001000 Deep Erdos
<8,26> 10001001001001000100100100 Single
<9,26> 10010100100100100100100100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<10,26> 10010100100101001010010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<11,26> 10010101001010010101001010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<12,26> 10010101010101001010101010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<13,26> 10101010101010101010101010 Even
<14,26> 10110101010101011010101010 Mixed Double
<15,26> 10110101011010110101011010 Mixed Double
<16,26> 10110101101101011010110110 Mixed Double
<17,26> 10110101101101101101101101 Mixed Double
<18,26> 10111011011011011101101101 Mixed Triple
<19,26> 10111011011101110111011011 Mixed Triple
<20,26> 10111101110111011110111011 Mixed Quad
<21,26> 10111110111101111011110111 Mixed Quintuple
<22,26> 10111111011111011111101111 Quintuple
<23,26> 10111111110111111101111111 Dense
<24,26> 10111111111111011111111111 Dense
<25,26> 10111111111111111111111111 Dense
<26,26> 11111111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 3 9 27 Odd: 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,27> 100000000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,27> 100000000000001000000000000 Deep Erdos
<3,27> 100000000100000000100000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<4,27> 100000010000010000001000000 Deep Erdos
<5,27> 100000100001000010000010000 Deep Erdos
<6,27> 100001000100001000100001000 Even
<7,27> 100010010001000100010001000 Deep Erdos
<8,27> 100010010010001001000100100 Deep Erdos
<9,27> 100100100100100100100100100 Even
<10,27> 100101001001001010010010100 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak
<11,27> 100101010010100101001010010 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak
<12,27> 100101010100101010100101010 Irregular Quasi Aksak
<13,27> 100101010101010101010101010 Deep - Irregular Erdos - Quasi Aksak
<14,27> 101101010101010101010101010 Deep Winograd
<15,27> 101101010101101010101101010 Mixed Double
<16,27> 101101010110101101011010110 Mixed Double
<17,27> 101101011011011010110110101 Mixed Double
<18,27> 101101101101101101101101101 Double
<19,27> 101110110110111011011101101 Mixed Triple
<20,27> 101110110111011101110111011 Mixed Triple
<21,27> 101111011101111011101111011 Mixed Quad
<22,27> 101111101111011110111110111 Dense
<23,27> 101111110111110111111011111 Dense
<24,27> 101111111101111111101111111 Dense
<25,27> 101111111111111011111111111 Dense
<26,27> 101111111111111111111111111 Dense
<27,27> 111111111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 4 7 14 28 Odd: 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,28> 1000000000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,28> 1000000000000010000000000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,28> 1000000000100000000100000000 Deep Erdos
<4,28> 1000000100000010000001000000 Even
<5,28> 1000001000010000010000010000 Deep Erdos
<6,28> 1000010001000010000100010000 Single
<7,28> 1000100010001000100010001000 Even
<8,28> 1000100100010010001001000100 Single
<9,28> 1000100100100100100100100100 Deep Erdos
<10,28> 1001010010010010010100100100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<11,28> 1001010010010100101001010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<12,28> 1001010100101010010101001010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<13,28> 1001010101010101001010101010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<14,28> 1010101010101010101010101010 Even
<15,28> 1011010101010101011010101010 Mixed Double
<16,28> 1011010101101010110101011010 Mixed Double
<17,28> 1011010110110101101011010110 Mixed Double
<18,28> 1011010110110110110101101101 Mixed Double
<19,28> 1011101101101101101101101101 Mixed Triple
<20,28> 1011101101110110111011011101 Mixed Triple
<21,28> 1011101110111011101110111011 Triple
<22,28> 1011110111011110111101110111 Mixed Quad
<23,28> 1011111011110111110111110111 Dense
<24,28> 1011111101111110111111011111 Dense
<25,28> 1011111111101111111101111111 Dense
<26,28> 1011111111111110111111111111 Dense
<27,28> 1011111111111111111111111111 Dense
<28,28> 1111111111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 29 Odd: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,29> 10000000000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,29> 10000000000000010000000000000 Deep Erdos
<3,29> 10000000001000000001000000000 Deep Erdos
<4,29> 10000000100000010000001000000 Deep Erdos
<5,29> 10000010000100000100000100000 Deep Erdos
<6,29> 10000100010000100001000010000 Deep Erdos
<7,29> 10000100010001000100010001000 Deep Erdos
<8,29> 10001001000100010010001001000 Deep Erdos
<9,29> 10001001001001001000100100100 Deep Erdos
<10,29> 10010100100100100100100100100 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<11,29> 10010100100101001010010010100 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<12,29> 10010101001010010100101010010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<13,29> 10010101010100101010100101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<14,29> 10010101010101010101010101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<15,29> 10110101010101010101010101010 Deep Winograd
<16,29> 10110101010101101010101101010 Mixed Double
<17,29> 10110101011010110101101010110 Mixed Double
<18,29> 10110101101101011010110110101 Mixed Double
<19,29> 10110101101101101101101101101 Double
<20,29> 10111011011011011011101101101 Mixed Triple
<21,29> 10111011011101110110111011011 Mixed Triple
<22,29> 10111101110111011101110111011 Mixed Quad
<23,29> 10111101110111101111011110111 Mixed Quad
<24,29> 10111110111101111101111101111 Dense
<25,29> 10111111101111110111111011111 Dense
<26,29> 10111111111011111111011111111 Dense
<27,29> 10111111111111110111111111111 Dense
<28,29> 10111111111111111111111111111 Dense
<29,29> 11111111111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 3 5 6 10 15 30 Odd: 4 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,30> 100000000000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,30> 100000000000000100000000000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,30> 100000000010000000001000000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<4,30> 100000001000000100000001000000 Single
<5,30> 100000100000100000100000100000 Single
<6,30> 100001000010000100001000010000 Even
<7,30> 100001000100010001000010001000 Deep Erdos
<8,30> 100010010001000100010010001000 Single
<9,30> 100010010010001001001000100100 Single
<10,30> 100100100100100100100100100100 Even
<11,30> 100101001001001010010010100100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<12,30> 100101001010010100101001010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<13,30> 100101010100101010010101001010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<14,30> 100101010101010100101010101010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<15,30> 101010101010101010101010101010 Even
<16,30> 101101010101010101101010101010 Mixed Double
<17,30> 101101010101101010110101011010 Mixed Double
<18,30> 101101011010110101101011010110 Mixed Double
<19,30> 101101011011011010110110101101 Mixed Double
<20,30> 101101101101101101101101101101 Double
<21,30> 101110110110111011011011101101 Mixed Triple
<22,30> 101110110111011101110110111011 Mixed Triple
<23,30> 101111011101110111011110111011 Mixed Quad
<24,30> 101111011110111101111011110111 Quad
<25,30> 101111101111101111101111101111 Quintuple
<26,30> 101111111011111101111111011111 Dense
<27,30> 101111111110111111111011111111 Dense
<28,30> 101111111111111101111111111111 Dense
<29,30> 101111111111111111111111111111 Dense
<30,30> 111111111111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 31 Odd: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,31> 1000000000000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,31> 1000000000000000100000000000000 Deep Erdos
<3,31> 1000000000010000000001000000000 Deep Erdos
<4,31> 1000000010000001000000010000000 Deep Erdos
<5,31> 1000000100000100000100000100000 Deep Erdos
<6,31> 1000001000010000100001000010000 Deep Erdos
<7,31> 1000010001000100001000100001000 Deep Erdos
<8,31> 1000100100010001000100010001000 Deep Erdos
<9,31> 1000100100100010010001001000100 Deep Erdos
<10,31> 1000100100100100100100100100100 Deep Erdos
<11,31> 1001010010010010010010100100100 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<12,31> 1001010010010100101001010010010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<13,31> 1001010100101001010100101010010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<14,31> 1001010101010010101010010101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<15,31> 1001010101010101010101010101010 Irregular Authentic Aksak
<16,31> 1011010101010101010101010101010 Deep Winograd
<17,31> 1011010101010110101010110101010 Mixed Double
<18,31> 1011010101101011010101101010110 Mixed Double
<19,31> 1011010110110101101011010110110 Mixed Double
<20,31> 1011010110110110110110101101101 Mixed Double
<21,31> 1011101101101101101101101101101 Mixed Triple
<22,31> 1011101101101110110111011011101 Mixed Triple
<23,31> 1011101101110111011101110111011 Mixed Triple
<24,31> 1011110111011101111011101111011 Mixed Quad
<25,31> 1011111011110111101111011110111 Dense
<26,31> 1011111101111101111101111101111 Dense
<27,31> 1011111110111111011111110111111 Dense
<28,31> 1011111111110111111111011111111 Dense
<29,31> 1011111111111111101111111111111 Dense
<30,31> 1011111111111111111111111111111 Dense
<31,31> 1111111111111111111111111111111 Dense


Even: 1 2 4 8 16 32 Odd: 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Euclid Binary Category Type Etymylogy
<1,32> 10000000000000000000000000000000 Deep Erdos
<2,32> 10000000000000001000000000000000 Even - Deep Erdos
<3,32> 10000000000100000000010000000000 Deep Erdos
<4,32> 10000000100000001000000010000000 Even
<5,32> 10000001000001000001000000100000 Deep Erdos
<6,32> 10000010000100001000001000010000 Single
<7,32> 10000100010000100001000100001000 Deep Erdos
<8,32> 10001000100010001000100010001000 Even
<9,32> 10001001000100010010001001000100 Deep Erdos
<10,32> 10001001001001001000100100100100 Single
<11,32> 10010100100100100100100100100100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<12,32> 10010100100101001001010010010100 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<13,32> 10010101001010010100101001010010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<14,32> 10010101010010101001010101001010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<15,32> 10010101010101010100101010101010 Irregular Pseudo Aksak
<16,32> 10101010101010101010101010101010 Even
<17,32> 10110101010101010101101010101010 Mixed Double
<18,32> 10110101010110101011010101011010 Mixed Double
<19,32> 10110101011010110101101011010110 Mixed Double
<20,32> 10110101101101011011010110110101 Mixed Double
<21,32> 10110101101101101101101101101101 Mixed Double
<22,32> 10111011011011011011101101101101 Mixed Triple
<23,32> 10111011011101110110111011011101 Mixed Triple
<24,32> 10111011101110111011101110111011 Triple
<25,32> 10111101110111101111011101111011 Mixed Quad
<26,32> 10111110111101111011111011110111 Dense
<27,32> 10111111011111011111011111101111 Dense
<28,32> 10111111101111111011111110111111 Dense
<29,32> 10111111111101111111110111111111 Dense
<30,32> 10111111111111111011111111111111 Dense
<31,32> 10111111111111111111111111111111 Dense
<32,32> 11111111111111111111111111111111 Dense
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