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Running the Example Application Locally

To run this example application on your local host:

$ git clone

$ cd necessary-basin

$ npm install && npm start

Running the Example Application on a Single-node OpenShift Cluster

If you have a single-node OpenShift cluster, such as Minishift or Red Hat Container Development Kit, installed and running, you can also deploy your example application there. A single-node OpenShift cluster provides you with access to a cloud environment that is similar to a production environment.

To deploy your example application to a running single-node OpenShift cluster:

$ oc login -u developer -p developer

$ oc new-project MY_PROJECT_NAME

$ npm install && npm run openshift

More Information

You can learn more about this example application and rest of the Node.js runtime in the Node.js Runtime Guide.

Red Hat tools used

1.Red Hat Application Runtime - NodeJs and SpringBoot
2.OpenShift Container platform
3.Red Hat Fuse
4.Red Hat AMQ
5.Red Hat 3scale
6.Red Hat Single Sign-on (SSO)

How did I use Red Hat tools ?

1.Red Hat Application Runtime - NodeJs and SpringBoot : React app is running on top of NodeJs runtime and Microservice is running on top of SpringBoot Runtime. We used it to maintain cloud native architecture.
2.OpenShift Container platform - Responsible to deploy and run my web app in cloud container.
3.Red Hat Fuse : We integrated React client, Backend microservice and postgress database using Red Hat Fuse.
4.Red Hat AMQ : To achieve event based messaging asynchronously we used AMQ streams/messaging broker
5.Red Hat 3scale : Exposed Rest API's through 3scale to third party and community to search EV chargig and swapping stations.We alos planning to monotize through 3scale.
6.Red Hat Single Sign-on (SSO) : Used Red hat SSO to incorporate SAML 2.0,OpenId connect and OAuth2.0 to secure web application with cutting edge technology.