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Useful custom functions made with or for ggplot2.


  • stat_summary_boxplot(): draws a boxplot without outliers in a ggplot. To calculate mean, do comparisons and other stuff, all points are taken into account (including outliers).
  • stat_info_boxplot(): adds information in a ggplot boxplot about the number observations, mean, median or sd of each group.
  • stat_point_boxplot(): draws a point for the mean, median, minimum, maximum or quartile values in a boxplot.
  • stat_line_boxplot(): same as stat_point_boxplot(), but draws a line instead of a point.
  • fill_strips_top(): allows to color the top strips of a ggplot with facets.
  • fill_strips_right(): allows to color the right strips of a ggplot with facets.
  • shaded_2d_venn(): creates a 2D Venn diagram with the desired highlighted areas.
  • shaded_3d_venn(): creates a 3D Venn diagram with the desired highlighted areas.
  • draw_polygon(): draws a polygon in several shapes (e.g. square, triangle, L-like...).
  • theme_clean(): custom theme for ggplots that allows to customize almost everything from a plot.
  • theme_custom(): custom theme for ggplots that allows to customize almost everything from a plot.
  • theme_ggvenn(): custom theme for ggplot-based Venn diagrams, specially designed for plots made with ggvenn::ggvenn().
  • remove_axis(): remove the axes of a ggplot.
  • remove_x_axis(): remove the X axis of a ggplot.
  • remove_y_axis(): remove the Y axis of a ggplot.
  • add_border(): adds a border around the plot area of a ggplot.
  • add_grid(): adds the grid in the plot area of a ggplot.
  • ch_panel_bg(): changes the panel background of a ggplot.
  • ch_plot_bg(): changes the plot background of a ggplot.
  • rm_strips(): remove strips of a facetted ggplot.
  • rm_strips_x(): remove strips from the X axis of a facetted ggplot.
  • rm_strips_y(): remove strips from the Y axis of a facetted ggplot.
  • ch_strips(): customize strips from a facetted ggplot.
  • ch_strips_x(): customize strips from the X axis of a facetted ggplot.
  • ch_strips_y(): customize strips from the Y axis of a facetted ggplot.


ggmitji requires the following R packages:

  • ggplot2 (all functions)
  • magrittr (shaded_2d_venn(), shaded_3d_venn()), for the pipe (%>%).
  • polyclip (shaded_2d_venn(), shaded_3d_venn())
  • cowplot (fill_strips_top(), fill_strips_right())
  • ggpubr (theme_custom())

Install ggmitji

To install ggmitji you have to run the following command in R:

# if not installed, install the devtools package from CRAN 
if(!require(devtools)) { install.packages("devtools") }

# install ggmitji from this Github repository 


This package has been developed by Adrià Mitjavila Ventura. Some ideas were taken from internet forums.

If you want to contribute to this package, make a post in the issues section in this repository or fork this repository adding your code and do a pull request.


If you use this package, please cite this repository and give it a star.


  • 1.0.0:

    • Initial package.
  • 1.1.0:

    • Add new function: draw_polygon().
    • shaded_*d_venn(): add internal function to calculate coordinates of circles instead of relying on VennDiagram.
  • 2.0.0:

    • Add new theme functions: remove_axis(), remove_x_axis(), remove_y_axis(), add_border(), add_grid(), ch_panel_bg(), ch_plot_bg().
    • shaded_*d_venn(): change cowplot::theme_nothing() for ggplot2::theme_void().
    • draw_polygon(): change cowplot::theme_nothing() for ggplot2::theme_void().
    • draw_polygon(): add internal function to calculate circle coordinates instead of relying on ggforce::geom_circle().
    • draw_polygon(): add "heart" and "diamond" as new shapes.
  • 2.0.1:

    • shaded_*d_venn(): fix a bug that didn't allow to paint more than one area.
  • 3.0.0:

    • Add new functions to customize the strips of a facetted ggplot: rm_strips(), rm_strips_x(), rm_strips_y(), ch_strips(), ch_strips_x(), ch_strips_y().
    • stat_info_boxplot(): add option to write the sum of the observations.
  • 3.0.1:

    • Add new fill_strips*() functions.
  • 4.0.0:

    • Add new function: stat_line_boxplot().
  • 4.0.1:

    • Add new theme: theme_clean().


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