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Mike Caprio edited this page Nov 19, 2015 · 50 revisions

All challenge pages are listed below; each challenge's page contains links to datasets and formats or downloads of sample files specifically for the solution to that challenge. Each challenge has several solutions that a team of 5 or more people can work on; there are at least 22+ different solutions to work on - but if you have more ideas for solutions that use the data or achieve the goals of the challenge, please suggest them to Hack The Dinos organizers!

  • Backyard Expedition App: Educational App For Submitting "Backyard Fossils" To The Museum (4-5 solutions)

  • Bone Explorer: A System to Browse and Download CT Scans of Specimens (4 solutions)

  • Build A Brain: Automate the Comparing of Image Values to Reverse Engineer Dinosaur Brains (3-4 solutions)

  • Card Catalog Crowdsourcer: A System To Enable Transcription Of Card Catalog Entries (2 solutions)

  • Dig Up The Past: A System to Transcribe Field Notes from Dinosaur Expeditions (3 solutions)

  • Digital Field Book: Create A Mobile App To Aid Paleontologists In Documenting Expeditions (2 solutions)

  • Dino Viz: Create Visualizations of Dinosaur Data (As many solutions as needed)

  • Frick Fossil Finder: Crowdsourcing System To Catalog The World Famous Frick Collection (2 solutions)

  • Paleo Games: Make Educational Games that Teach Paleo Facts (As many solutions as needed)

  • Trees To Data: Convert PDFs of Evolutionary Trees into Data (2 solutions)