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Provides a way to display and update content live.



A wrapper and minimal UI for content that updates live in the client instance as new content is available in the source document.

amp-live-list provides instant content updates from the client. Depending on implementation, it can update the DOM without user interaction, such as refreshing or navigating to a different page. The core use case for this component is live blogs: coverage for breaking news or live events where the user can stay on or keep returning to the same page to see new updates as they come in. Common examples are award shows, sporting events, and elections.

Below we have an example of multiple amp-live-list on a single page. Notice that only the firstamp-live-list has a fixed position button, while the second one is inside the component with a sliding animation.

The polling interval will also be 16000 and not 20000 milliseconds, as we choose the lowest one.

<style amp-custom>
  amp-live-list > [update] {
    display: none;

  #fixed-button {
    position: fixed;
    top: 10px;
    left: 50%;
    transform: translateX(-50%);

  .slide.amp-active {
    overflow-y: hidden;
    height: 100px;
    max-height: 150px;
    transition-property: height;
    transition-duration: 0.2s;
    transition-timing-function: ease-in;
    background: #3f51b5;

  .slide.amp-hidden {
    max-height: 0;

  // We need to override "display: none" to be able to see
  // the transition effect on the 2nd live list.
  #live-list-2 > .amp-hidden[update] {
    display: block;

  <button update id="fixed-button" class="button" on="tap:live-list-1.update">
    new updates on live list 1
  <div items>
    <div id="live-list-1-item-2" data-sort-time="1462814963592">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="logo">
    <div id="live-list-1-item-1" data-sort-time="1462814955597">
      <div class="card">
        <div class="logo">

  <div update class="slide" on="tap:live-list-2.update">
    new updates on live list 2
  <div items>
    <div id="live-list-2-item-2" data-sort-time="1464281932879">world</div>
    <div id="live-list-2-item-1" data-sort-time="1464281932878">hello</div>

To learn how to use amp-live-list in a blog, see the Create a Live Blog tutorial.

How it works

In the background, while an AMP page using <amp-live-list> is displayed on the client, the AMP runtime polls the origin document on the host for updates. When the client receives a response, it then filters and dynamically inserts those updates back into the page on the client. Publishers can customize the polling rate in order to control the number of incoming requests, and AMP caches like the Google AMP Cache can perform optimizations to reduce the server response payload, saving client bandwidth and CPU cycles.

The amp-live-list component has 3 sections. We'll refer to these sections as "reference points" and they are denoted by an attribute. These reference points must be a direct child of the amp-live-list component. The 3 reference points are:

  • update (mandatory)
  • items (mandatory)
  • pagination (optional)

For more details, see the "Reference Points" section below.


  <button update on="tap:my-live-list.update">You have updates!</button>
  <div items></div>
  <!-- pagination is optional -->
  <div pagination></div>


In most implementations for live blogs, content is either pushed by the server to the client instance of a page, or the client polls a JSON endpoint to receive updates. The implementation for this component is different, in that the client instance of the page polls the server copy of the document for updates to the items reference point. For instance: if the user is viewing a document served from an AMP cache, the client will poll that document hosted on that AMP cache for updates; if the user is viewing a document served from a web publisher's origin domain (e.g. ""), then the client will poll the document hosted on that origin domain for updates.

This means that publishers of content do not need to set up a JSON endpoint or push mechanism for this component to work. New content just needs to be published to the same URL, with a valid amp-live-list markup, and the user will have that content pulled into their client instance during the next poll (poll intervals are configurable in the component, and are valid above the minimum of 15 seconds).

When multiple amp-live-list components are on a page, we choose the smallest polling interval across the amp-live-list components and use that as the polling interval.

Reference Points


The update reference point is shown when new items are received from the server, to provide an affordance for users to refresh the page with new items when they are available. It is hidden by default (through an .amp-hidden class whose style can be overridden). You may style this reference point as a fixed position item if you want a floating button on the page like on social media websites, to draw the reader's attention to take action. Currently the update reference point is not shown for either updates (using data-update-time) or tombstone (using data-tombstone) operations without an insert (newly discovered id's) operation.

[tip type="note"]

When using position: fixed we highly recommend that you use an id selector or a css selector with no other css combinators, because complex combinators cannot be moved into the fixed layer (fixed layer is an iOS workaround for webkit's fixed position bug.


The actual action handler may be at a descendant and does not have to be at the update reference point. the amp-live-list component then has an internal update method than can receive the action. See the on="tap:my-live-list.update" handler.


  <div update class="outer-container">
    <div class="inner-container">
      <button class="btn" on="tap:my-live-list.update">Click me!</button>
  <div items></div>


The items reference point is where new items are inserted, replaced or removed. Children of the items reference point are required to have an id and a data-sort-time attribute.


The pagination reference point is where any sort of pagination markup is located. We recommend having a small subtree underneath this reference point as the amp-live-list component will be doing an inline replace of the DOM received from the server in case the page count had increased. We don't do any special diffing and just outright replace the contents.

Update Behavior and User Experience

When updates are discovered by the client from polling the server document, any newly discovered id's from children of the items reference point will turn the update reference point visible. A user action is required for these items to be inserted into the client's live DOM. We scroll the top of the amp-live-list component into view when the reader clicks on the update action.

If a data-update-time attribute is present and its value is a number higher than the original data-sort-time on the attribute, the item will be updated in place through a replaceChild operation. If a data-tombstone attribute is present the element's subtree will be emptied out and the item is hidden through css (see amp-live-list.css).

If a replace or tombstone operation is found but no insert (no new items) is found on a poll request, the replace and the tombstone operation will occur without the need for a reader's action. The component and the AMP runtime will try and maintain the viewport's scroll position but since a replace could have components in its subtree that cause a resize (amp-twitter, amp-iframe, etc.) after the fact, we discourage having a lot of replace operations through the data-update-time attribute.

How Pagination works

As AMP's focus is on performance we recommend the publisher keep a low number of items on a single page by limiting the number of children the items reference point has, as well as setting a good data-max-items-per-page value. Neither the client nor any cache that may be used knows anything about the full number of items. so it is up to the publisher to update the pagination reference point correctly based on the number of valid items. Items which have the data-tombstone attribute for example should not be counted, as they are hidden.

Once the number of valid live items is over the data-max-items-per-page value, the component will try and remove items that are below the viewport until the number the live items is equal or below the data-max-items-per-page value. The number of items may possibly be over the data-max-items-per-page value if the item for deletion is not below the viewport.

When a reader is not on page 1 of the document, the disabled attribute should be applied to all amp-live-list components since the component will still try to insert new items if it identifies any and has no notion that is not on the first page.

Server Side filtering

See the documentation for Server side filtering.


id (required)

To uniquely identify an amp-live-list (since multiple are allowed on a single page).


Time (in milliseconds) interval between checks for new content (15000 ms minimum is enforced). If no data-poll-interval is provided it will default to the 15000 ms minimum.

data-max-items-per-page (required)

Maximum number of child entries. Additional elements are assumed to be on the next "page". If the number of children items is greater than the number provided on the attribute, the number of children items will be the new data-max-items-per-page. Once the number of live items on an amp-live-list is over the data-max-items-per-page limit items below the viewport will be fully removed from the live DOM.


No polling will occur. Recommended when not on page 1 (looking at archival data) and when the article is no longer fresh and should no longer be updated.

Attributes on items reference point children

Usually attribute requirements are only enforced on the actual component but because we need to anchor and make decisions on the client, we will also need to require an items and update attribute on a direct child of amp-live-list. Children of the items reference point will also have attribute requirements.

id (required)

The ID of the items child must never change.

data-sort-time (Required)

Timestamp used for sorting entries. Higher timestamps will be inserted before older entries. We recommend using Unix time (the number of seconds that have elapsed since Thursday, 1 January 1970).

data-update-time (Optional)

Timestamp when the entry was last updated. Use this attribute to trigger an update on an existing item: the client will replace all existing content in this item with the new, updated content, without triggering the appearance of the update reference point. We recommend using Unix time (the number of seconds that have elapsed since Thursday, 1 January 1970).

data-tombstone (Optional)

If present, the entry is assumed to be deleted.

sort (Optional)

If present and has a value of "ascending" (any other value is currently invalid), newer items will be inserted at the bottom of the live-list instead of the top.


The amp-live-list exposes the following actions you can use AMP on-syntax to trigger.


Updates DOM elements with new discovered updates.


On very slow connections the javascript and styles of the component might arrive later than when the body is unhidden (the amp-boilerplate style timesout) so we highly recommend adding the following styles below in your own amp-custom styles.

amp-live-list > [update] {
  display: none;

When we apply the amp-active class to the update reference point it will set display: block.

An amp-live-list-item class is added to all the children of the items reference point.

All newly inserted items will also have the amp-live-list-item-new class added, and will be removed once the next set of new items are inserted on a subsequent update. You can add a highlighting effect like the css below.

.amp-live-list-item-new {
  animation: amp-live-list-item-highlight 2s;

@keyframes amp-live-list-item-highlight {
  0% {
    box-shadow: 0 0 5px 2px rgba(81, 203, 238, 1);
  100% {
    box-shadow: 0;

There is css that hides children of the items reference point that have the data-tombstone attribute which can be overridden by doing:

amp-live-list > [items] > [data-tombstone] {
  display: block;

An .amp-hidden and .amp-active class is added to the update reference point, and you can hook into this class to add transitions.


See amp-live-list rules in the AMP validator specification.