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207 lines (178 loc) · 11 KB

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207 lines (178 loc) · 11 KB

Change Log


  • Changed php allowed versions to include 8.3
  • Fixed issue where orders could be processing but not capture payment
  • Fixed issue with amazon-product-add.js 404 not found (thanks @tim-breitenstein-it!)
  • Fixed issue where a variable could be undefined (thanks @dimitriBouteiile!)
  • Fixed issue where incorrect message "can't create invoice" could be displayed


  • Changed sequence of placing Magento order/processing Amazon payment to reduce likelihood of transactions with no associated order IDs in Seller Central
  • Fixed KeyUpgrade patch error when the database tables are prefixed
  • Fixed overwriting of existent CV2 configs on KeyUpgrade
  • Improved behavior of PDP button (ensure product is added to cart before initiating Amazon checkout)
  • Fixed unresponsive PDP button on Safari mobile
  • Fixed non-centered PDP button on mobile view
  • Fixed incorrect type casting when decrypting Auto Key Exchange payloads
  • Fixed updateCheckoutSession call in headless environments when the session helper returns a new/empty quote (thanks, @bheindl!)
  • Changed response format of checkout session details GraphQL query to adhere to best practices (thanks, @dimitriBouteille!)
  • Added Amazon Pay payment region to storeConfig GraphQL query (thanks again, @dimitriBouteiile!)


  • Remove platform/module version information from button payloads
  • Fixed admin display bug regarding upgrading legacy keys when a CV2 public key ID already exists
  • Fixed invoice comment noise with Automatic Authorization Mode


  • Added support for subscriptions, requires the ParadoxLabs Adaptive Subscription module
  • Added platformid for APB payload
  • Fixed phpcs warnings for php 8
  • Fixed issue with installing the module when there is no existing CV1 config
  • Fixed issue when an Allowed Country was somehow saved with an empty string


  • Added Key Upgrade feature (automatically upgrade CV1 keys to CV2 if updating from legacy module)
  • Fixed backward compatibility with Zend availability
  • Fixed render issue with multiple Amazon Sign In buttons on the same page


  • Fixed PHP 7 compatibility


  • Removed usage of Zend libraries and updated requirements for PHP 8.2/Magento 2.4.6 compatibility
  • Fixed issue where coupon usage is not properly decremented when placing order fails


  • Changed how buttons are rendered for compatibility with estimated order amount feature
  • Removed estimated order amount from PDP button


  • Added configurable options for checkout and signin cancel return urls
  • Added estimated order amount to the button payload
  • Fixed issue with ExceptionLogger using a removed method
  • Fixed issue with customer names having characters that Magento doesn’t allow
  • Fixed issue with APB and virtual orders when taxes are applied
  • Improved compatibility with b2b modules and address display
  • Updated config to not show Auto Key Exchange button for JPY as it is not supported


  • Fixed issue with invalid array reference if a transaction doesn’t have a charge permission
  • Fixed issue with GraphQL config query supporting omitPayloads
  • Fixed issue with switching stores to refresh the Amazon Pay button config


  • Added Graphql support
  • Added endpoints to fetch individual config types
  • Change how buttons are rendered so they are not blocked waiting for config
  • Fixed an error when using the REST complete endpoint with a declined card
  • Updated some translations


  • Change to display billing address for US/JP regions to match EU/UK
  • Fixed a regression with restricted categories
  • Fixed an issue where a quote tied to a canceled order couldn’t be re-used with Amazon Pay
  • Fixed an issue where the billing address would not be shown (thanks @ptylek!)
  • Fixed compatibility with jquery-migrate that doesn’t like self-closing tags
  • Updated some strings and translations


  • Fixed an issue where autoloader is needed to detect version of phpseclib used


  • Added compatibility with Adobe Commerce / Magento Open Source 2.4.4
  • Fixed an issue with email population
  • Updated validation on Private Key field to allow SANDBOX- or LIVE- prefixes (thanks @cmorrisonmvnt!)


  • Added signin REST endpoint
  • Fixed an issue that could occur when rendering the Amazon Pay button more than once
  • Fixed an issue with configuring payment methods at a store scope when the admin user doesn’t have access to the default scope (thanks @barbazul!)
  • Fixed an issue with configuration wizard executed in a store where the admin doesn’t have access to the default store
  • Fixed MFTF tests to allow for different flow on the Amazon authentication popup
  • Updated to allow partial/split capture in EU/UK regions
  • Updated REST endpoints to allow loading session from the user context instead of passing masked cart ID


  • Fixed issue with umlauts in PayNow button flow
  • Updated config labels for Magento Checkout redirect paths


  • Added custom Carrier Code mapping
  • Added config options to allow headless integrations to change return urls
  • Changed validation on private key to allow empty values
  • Fixed issue with processing an invalid Amazon response
  • Fixed issue with One Step Checkouts having stale data in the Payment Methods button


  • Added log message if we are unable to complete checkout session due to an existing order with same quoteId
  • Added email when asynchronous order processing is declined
  • Fixed issue with Magento Open Source when configured to only allow a single address line
  • Fixed API output for config endpoint to return key/value pairs
  • Fixed issue generating Swagger docs (thanks @ebaschiera!)
  • Fixed issue with canceling transactions started prior to upgrading to CV2/Marketplace module
  • Fixed issue where the Amazon Pay payment method button on Onestepcheckout_Iosc would not trigger when clicking Place Order


  • Fixed issue when phone number not required and entered in Magento
  • Updated API calls to take in a masked cart ID so they can be used without relying on Magento sessions
  • Updated logging to sanitize some data


  • Changed the response of completeCheckoutSession API call to include both increment ID and order ID
  • Fixed issue with logging in when a customer has an empty password hash (thanks @rafczow!)
  • Fixed issue with sending too many decimal points to Amazon API, particularly an issue when using TaxJar as it uses more decimal points than Magento typically does (thanks @vkalchenko!)
  • Fixed issue where the Address Form would not be shown even though Amazon address did not provide a needed field, particularly State/Province
  • Fixed issue where using Amazon Pay in the Payment Methods section did not work on one step checkouts
  • Fixed issue where using Amazon Pay in the Payment Methods section could bypass agreeing to Terms and Conditions
  • Removed usage of isPlaceOrderActionAllowed in js components
  • Updated response validators to look for specific response code and states


  • Changed the merchantReferenceId to be set on the charge permission after the order is completed
  • Changed IPN handling so that it wouldn’t re-try capture on duplicate messages
  • Changed flow so any changes at billing step route back to shipping details as address could have changed
  • Fixed issue where only the first invoice created would capture payment
  • Fixed issue where sometimes the payment method isn’t set on the payment if the PayNow button is used
  • Fixed issue where the street on German addresses could get set twice
  • Fixed issue with the mobile tooltip being truncated


  • Add url to csp_whitelist.xml
  • Fix issue with the payment method button and UK addresses


  • Added Auto Key Exchange for configuring the credentials
  • Added PayNow functionality for the button on the final step of checkout
  • Added more logging to the Alexa feature
  • Added more logging to capturing flow
  • Added validation that Amazon API always returns a buyerId
  • Changed Sandbox config to be available at store view scope
  • Fixed admin stylesheets for non-US locale
  • Fixed issue with one Amazon account logging into multiple stores (thanks @flaviy!)
  • Fixed race condition that could happen when re-drawing the button


  • Fixed credential validation when inheriting from parent scope
  • Fixed issue to properly handle when Amazon Pay returns empty buyer ID
  • Fixed issue with using Alexa notifications and custom carriers
  • Fixed issue where a quote could be submitted to Magento multiple times


  • Support for OneStepCheckout v1.2.047+
  • Added sort order to payment method config
  • Changed the REST requests to pass in the Amazon Checkout Session ID instead of the cart ID
  • Fixed bug where multiple url parameters would cause reloading in checkout
  • Fixed bug with the way serializer was called in Alexa notification processing
  • Fixed incorrect exception messaging in Alexa notification (thanks @dmitriyklyuzov!)
  • Removed quote to Amazon Session mapping table
  • Updated how javascript customizations are implemented
  • Updated the cart and success redirect behavior to be configurable


  • Added Sign in with Amazon to the authentication modal
  • Fixed bug where pressing enter on a text input config field would open the file selector for Amazon Private Key
  • Fixed usage of a php8 str_contains so that installations that don't have the Symfony polyfill will still work correctly
  • Fixed issue that crawlers could trigger by hitting the login/checkout path without an Amazon checkout session
  • Modified Amazon Pay button rendering so that it will be triggered by customer data loading after the Amazon javascript runs
  • Updated MFTF tests to handle authentication popup that happens in desktop view now
  • Updated composer.json requires to specify a few additional dependencies that are used


  • General availability release
  • Added tests for refund, multi auth refund, and multi auth with capture initiated
  • Added Japanese translations and updates translations for other languages
  • Change to use the button page URL as the redirect back when cancelling the session.
  • Fixed bug with updating configuration without changing the private key.
  • Fixed customer data not getting cleared when getting signed in via Amazon Pay checkout
  • Replaced PHP8 only function being used for a more compatible one.
  • Updated Alexa feature name
  • Updated private key field to also allow usage of a .pem file.
  • Updated the platform_id for the new module version


  • Removed reliance on legacy config value being set.


  • Beta release, replacing all versions that were included as part of the "Vendor Bundled Extension" (VBE) program in previous Magento releases.
  • Added input validation and test upon saving for credentials.
  • Changed calling closeChargePermission instead of cancelCharge when voiding an order.
  • Changed the button to create the session directly instead of through Magento.
  • Fixed creating a credit memo against a split capture invoice.
  • Fixed loading correct config when switching store view before a cart is initiated.
  • Fixed product page button hover and tooltip button placement.
  • Removed redirect to cart on login if the customer has products in cart.