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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Apr 09:41
· 26 commits to main since this release

Major Changes

  • 5e167de: BREAKING: moved formatHelpers away from the StyleDictionary class and export them in 'style-dictionary/utils' entrypoint instead.


    import StyleDictionary from 'style-dictionary';
    const { fileHeader, formattedVariables } = StyleDictionary.formatHelpers;


    import { fileHeader, formattedVariables } from 'style-dictionary/utils';
  • 90095a6: BREAKING: Allow specifying a function for outputReferences, conditionally outputting a ref or not per token. Also exposes outputReferencesFilter utility function which will determine whether a token should be outputting refs based on whether those referenced tokens were filtered out or not.

    If you are maintaining a custom format that allows outputReferences option, you'll need to take into account that it can be a function, and pass the correct options to it.


      name: 'custom/es6',
      formatter: async (dictionary) => {
        const { allTokens, options, file } = dictionary;
        const { usesDtcg } = options;
        const compileTokenValue = (token) => {
          let value = usesDtcg ? token.$value : token.value;
          const originalValue = usesDtcg ? token.original.$value : token.original.value;
          // Look here 👇
          const shouldOutputRefs = outputReferences && usesReferences(originalValue);
          if (shouldOutputRefs) {
            // ... your code for putting back the reference in the output
            value = ...
          return value;
        return `${allTokens.reduce((acc, token) => `${acc}export const ${} = ${compileTokenValue(token)};\n`, '')}`;


      name: 'custom/es6',
      formatter: async (dictionary) => {
        const { allTokens, options, file } = dictionary;
        const { usesDtcg } = options;
        const compileTokenValue = (token) => {
          let value = usesDtcg ? token.$value : token.value;
          const originalValue = usesDtcg ? token.original.$value : token.original.value;
          // Look here 👇
          const shouldOutputRef =
            usesReferences(original) &&
            (typeof options.outputReferences === 'function'
              ? outputReferences(token, { dictionary, usesDtcg })
              : options.outputReferences);
          if (shouldOutputRefs) {
            // ... your code for putting back the reference in the output
            value = ...
          return value;
        return `${allTokens.reduce((acc, token) => `${acc}export const ${} = ${compileTokenValue(token)};\n`, '')}`;