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Data Integration Challenge

Code Climate Travis CI Coverage Status

Obs.: That's a technical challenge applied by @alcmoraes to Neoway

Obs².: Refer to go-data-integration-challenge for the Go version of this challenge


  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose
  3. Ports 3005, 8081 and 8082


It will build a mongo and restify docker containers, where the restify container automatically starts two proccess in background

  1. The API client on port 3005
  2. A node-schedule cronjob that runs each 15 seconds and takes the last file from csv/uploaded folder to import into the database.

CSV's uploaded via API are not imported right away. They are stored in csv/uploaded folder so the node-schedule crobjob can import it in another thread.


Use make to show the following commands in your terminal

Command Description
help Gets this table in your terminal
setup Installs the docker containers and import initial data
start Starts the project and open API on port 3005
stop Stops the project
logs Shows the logs from the project
check Run unit tests
nyc Serve the Tests Coverage UI on port 8081
docs Serve the Swagger Explorer UI on port 8082
lcov Output coverage lcov data
remove Stops and removes the containers from this project

API Documentation (Swagger)

Ensure the project is running (make start).

Execute make docs, this will start server on port 8082.

For running the api docs outside localhost, remember changing the host config parameter on config/{environment}.json.

Project Coverage (NYC/Mocha)

First ensure project is running. If not go and start it with make start. Execute make check. To see the coverage UI, go for make nyc. It will start a server on port 8081.

Import file via command line

The project have an importer that works via command line:

  docker exec -it yawoen_api bash

Now you can execute the following command to be given help

  node /var/www/tasks/import_from_file.js help

Example output Example output

Obs.: Please be aware that by default this script WILL NOT MERGE the content from the CSV file. For merging source into database instead of creating new entries, remember to use merge=true flag.