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Github Action to generate a visually stunning Allure test report


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GitHub Action to generate Allure Report

Generates a visually stunning Allure test report. The report show history of previous tests results with links to them.

Could be published on the GitHub Pages or any other static web server.


Checkout git hub pages

We can skip the step if we don't want to show the history of tests in the Allure report.

If your github pages are in default gh-pages branch, to checkout them to folder gh-pages-dir use:

    - name: Checkout github pages with previous Allure reports
      uses: actions/checkout@v4
      continue-on-error: true
        ref: gh-pages
        path: gh-pages-dir

We use continue-on-error: true to not fail the workflow if there are no previous reports.

Run tests with writing Allure results

In case of Python install allure-pytest package and use --alluredir=./allure-results option to save results to allure-results folder.

    - name: Install pytest Allure plugin
      run: pip install pytest allure-pytest
    - name: Test with generating Allure results
      run: pytest --alluredir=./allure-results tests/

Generating Allure report

This is where we need the action.

    - name: Generate Allure test report
      uses: andgineer/allure-report@v3.3
      id: allure-report
      if: always()
        allure-results: allure-results
        website: gh-pages-dir
        reports-site-path: builds/tests

website is the directory with our website.

reports-site-path is where the reports located in the website, empty if in root.

The Allure report will be created inplace in the website / reports-site-path, in separate folder named as github run number.

In the root of website / reports-site-path will be created index.html that auto-redirect to the last report.

Note we use if: always() to create report even if the tests failed.

Publish the report back to the github pages

    - name: Publish Allure test report
      uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
      if: ${{ always() && (steps.allure-report.outcome == 'success') }}
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        publish_branch: gh-pages
        publish_dir: ${{ steps.allure-report.outputs.reports-site }}
        destination_dir: ${{ steps.allure-report.outputs.reports-site-path }}

We use outputs of the previous step so no need to copy&past your paths.


See full example in the test with report workflow

Important note

If you also publish some site to the same github pages, make sure you backup the reports so the site publishing won't delete them. See example in creating docs with reports backup


This is Dockerfile action, so it runs only on Linux runners.


Name Description Default
allure-results Allure test result directory created by tests. allure-results
website Website directory (e.g., checkouted from the gh-pages branch). gh-pages-dir
reports-site-path Allure report path within the website. builds/tests
reports-site Allure reports directory, to be pushed to the website repository at the reports-site-path. If specified the old reports copied here from website. [create report inplace in website/reports-site-path]
website-url Custom URL to use instead of the default GitHub Pages URL for the website where Allure report will be published
report-name The name to be shown on top of the Overview tab in the Allure report Allure Test Report
ci-name The name of the CI server GitHub Action: {{ env.github_workflow }}
max-reports Number of previous Allure reports to keep. Set to 0 to keep all reports. 20
summary Summary text for the action to be shown in the GitHub Actions UI. Set to empty string to disable. \n## Test report\n[Allure test report]({{ outputs["REPORT_URL"] }})\n\n


Name Description
report-url URL of the created report
reports-root-url Root of all reports with index.html that auto-redirect to the last report
reports-site-path Copy of input reports-site-path
reports-site Folder where the reports located. To be published in reports-site-path in your website

Working details

Report is generated from Allure results folder specified in allure-results.

Read the Allure docs to know how to create them. For example, in Python, you can use allure-pytest package. It adds to pytest option --alluredir. So to generate Allure results in allure-pytest, use pytest --alluredir=./allure-results.

History reports expected in website / reports-site-path.

If allure-report is specified, the history reports is copied to it and the new report generated in it. Otherwise, the report is generated inplace in the website / reports-site-path.

Each report is stored in folder with the github run number.

In the root of the reports folder the action creates index.html with redirect to the last report.

All specified in action input folders could do not exist, they will be created if needed.


To create/activate a virtual environment (note the space between the two dots):

. ./

For formatting and linting install pre-commit hooks:

pre-commit install

Tests uses local docker-compose to run the action. It sets env vars like in Github action environment (from tests/resources/.env file)

python -m pytest tests/

You can run the action in the Docker locally with:

inv run
inv logs

for experiments inside the container use:

inv container

All the commands

inv --list

Coverage report