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(aio)REDIS wrapper to deal with cluster redirect exceptions MOVED


    redis.exceptions.ResponseError: MOVED 4085

When Redis returns a MOVED exception, it indicates that the client should repeat its request for the specified host.

This exception can occur in the following situations:

  1. Your Redis configuration is incorrect. In this case, you should fix your Redis settings, redis-redirect cannot help you in this scenario.
  2. You are connecting to the wrong host. For instance, if you're using Amazon managed Redis (ElastiCache), Amazon provides a fixed DNS name for the configuration node and an IP address for the work node. The IP address may change in the future. In such cases, you should just use the DNS name, redis-redirect cannot help you in this scenario.
  3. You're using a multi-node Redis cluster. In this case, you can use the redis-redirect to automatically switch between Redis nodes or shards.

The redis-redirect is designed to handle MOVED exceptions seamlessly and transparently.


    pip install redis-redirect


    import redis_redirect

    redis = redis_redirect.Redis(host='', port=6379, db=0)
    redis.set('foo', 'bar')

How it works

The redis-redirect is designed to transparently handle Redis server redirection exceptions.

When a client sends a request to the Redis server, the redis-redirect checks if the server has returned a MOVED exception.

If a MOVED exception is received, the redis-redirect updates the address of the Redis server and resends the request to the new address.

After the redis-redirect updates the Redis server address, it transparently forwards subsequent requests to the new Redis server address.

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