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MongoDB advisory string locks patterned after MySQL GET_LOCK() et al.

The locks are implemented with small documents inserted atomically into the collection given to the constructor. The locked resource name strings are used for the document _id, and are limited to 1000 characters by mongodb.

Small, flexible, and no dependencies (not ES6, not even mongodb); tested down to node-v0.6.

const MongoLock = require('mongo-lock');
const locks = new MongoLock(mongodb.db('lockDb').collection('locks'));
locks.getLock(resourceName, ownerName, waitMs, lockTimeoutMs, (err) => {
    if (err) throw new Error('unable to acquire resource');
    // resource acquired by owner, mutex expires in lockTimeoutMs


locks = new MongoLock( db )

Create a mongodb advisory lock agent. The locks will be set using the database gateway provided to the constructor; it can be a mongodb collection object.

The database gateway db must have methods

  • insert( entity, options, cb )
  • findOne( query, cb )
  • update( query, entity, options, cb )
  • remove( query, options, cb )

The options used will be { w: 1 } and, for update, { w: 1, upsert: 1 }.

getLock( name, owner, waitTimeMs, [lockTimeoutMs,] callback(err) )

Set a mutex for name owned by owner. name and owner must be strings. If the mutex is already set, retry for up to waitTimeMs milliseconds. If the lock cannot be acquired, returns an error to the callback. Once a mutex is set, it must be cleared or renewed by the same owner. Unless renewed, a mutex will time out after lockTimeoutMs milliseconds (default 20 seconds).

releaseLock( name, owner )

Clear the mutex for the string name. The owner must be the same that set the mutex.

renewLock( name, owner, lockTimeoutMs, callback(err) )

Renew the expiration time of the mutex for the string name. The lock will be set to expire lockTimeoutMs milliseconds from now. The owner must be the same that set the mutex.

isUsedLock( name, callback(err, owner) )

Return the owner of the named lock, else falsy (null). Owners are identified by strings.

isFreeLock( name, callback(err, yesNo) )

Return true if the lock is free (mutex not set), false if it not.


  • 0.8.2 - first published version


mongodb advisory locks like mysql get_lock()






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