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LearnGitBranching as SCORM

This repository contains scripts to wrap into SCORM 1.2 package. I use it to grade students' activity in Moodle.

The latest automatically built SCORM package can be downloaded from Releases.

Live demo with simple SCO run-time test environment (click "Launch SCO" in top-left corner).

Moodle SCORM activity settings


    Display package:                        New window
    Width:                                  100%
    Height:                                 100%
    Options:                                [all unchecked]
    Student skip content structure page:    Always
    Disable preview mode:                   Yes
    Display activity name:                  [unchecked]
    Display course structure on entry page: No
    Display course structure in player:     Disabled
    Display attempt status:                 No


    Grading method:                         Highest grade
    Maximum grade:                          1 (see notes below about adjusting)

Attempts management:

    Number of attempts:                     1
    Force new attempt:                      No
    Lock after final attempt:               No

Compatibility settings:

    Force completed:                        No
    Auto-continue:                          No
    Auto-commit:                            No
    Mastery score overrides status:         Yes

Adjusting maximum grade

SCORM cmi.core.score.max value is set to 1, so by default (as described in the section above) Maximum grade should be set to 1. If you want to give e.g. 6 points for this activity, then change settings in:

  1. the SCORM activity: Grade > Maximum grade to 6;
  2. Gradebook setup page the grade item related to the SCORM activity: Grade item > Multiplicator to 6.

Manual build

Local GitHub Actions with Docker

Install Docker, act and add act to $PATH. You can use medium Docker Ubuntu image.

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd learn-git-branching-scorm
$ act -r -j build
$ docker cp act-Build-and-release-build:$(pwd)/dist .
$ docker container rm act-Build-and-release-build -f
$ ls dist/*.zip


Clone this repo and init learnGitBranching submodule:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules
$ cd learn-git-branching-scorm

Install dependencies:

$ sudo make deps

Build site:

$ make site

Build SCORM zip file in dist directory:

$ make scorm