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Integration with Python model simulator

Andrea Vandin edited this page Jun 17, 2021 · 5 revisions

How to integrate MultiVeStA with your python simulator

  1. Download

    • The python file to integrate your simulator/model with MultiVeStA (
      • The file contains comments regarding the simple changes needed to perform the integration.
    • MultiVeStA itself (multivesta.jar)
  2. Once this is done, you should install some necessary python libraries. You can do this by typing in a terminal

python3 -m pip install numpy
python3 -m pip install matplotlib
python3 -m pip install py4j
  1. Once this is done, you should be able to run your analysis by running
java -jar multivesta.jar -c -m -sm true -f query.multiquatex -l 2 -sots 1 -sd vesta.python.simpy.SimPyState -vp true -bs 30 -ds [10] -a 0.05 -otherParams "python3"

Where you should provide the following parameters:

  • -f your multiquatex query
  • -l the parallelism degree to use (across how many processes should the simulations be distributed)
  • -ds a single delta (of the confidence interval) value for all the properties in the query, the list of delta with one value per property in the query
  • -a the alpha value (of the confidence interval) 
  • -otherParams the command you type in your terminal to run pyhton 3.

In addition, 

  • -sots is used to generate the list of random seeds used by MultiVeStA. If you provide it, the very same analysis (very same simulations) will be performed every time you run this command (for replicability). If this is not of interest, just remove -sots 1
  • -vp can be used to disable the generation of interactive plots if not needed.