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Tosta is a low-power terminal interface module built around the STM32G030 microcontroller. The module features:

  • 48x84 monochrome pixel matrix (Nokia 5510 LCD using PCD8544 controller)
  • configurable dimmable backlight
  • configurable display standby timer
  • a rotary encoder with central switch
  • a D-Pad joystick with central switch
  • 4 tactile switches
  • a speaker
  • an UART interface @ 115200 baud/s
  • an I2C slave interface @ 400KHz (address 0x7D)
  • 150uA consumption in standby mode


User guide

The main communication interface (characters based) is UART @ 115200 baud/s. I2C (binary based) is used for fast display update among other things.

UART Inputs

When the module receive an input, it send a corresponding command character as follows:

Event Hex Char
SW1 pressed 0x41 A
SW1 released 0x61 a
SW2 pressed 0x42 B
SW2 released 0x62 b
SW3 pressed 0x43 C
SW3 released 0x63 c
SW4 pressed 0x44 D
SW4 released 0x64 d
D-Pad button pressed 0x45 E
D-Pad button released 0x65 e
D-Pad left pressed 0x46 F
D-Pad left released 0x66 f
D-Pad right pressed 0x47 G
D-Pad right released 0x67 g
D-Pad up pressed 0x48 H
D-Pad up released 0x68 h
D-Pad down pressed 0x49 I
D-Pad down released 0x69 i
Encoder button pressed 0x4A J
Encoder button released 0x6A j
Encoder turn clockwise 0x2B +
Encoder turn anti-clockwise 0x2D -

Display matrix

The display matrix comprises 84 horizontal by 48 vertical pixels. Each individual pixel is either on (1) or off (0) which corresponds to the status of a single bit. Individual bits are grouped into bytes, representing a sub-column of 8 pixels.

Bytes endianess

The next byte is the nearby sub-column, on the right side. The display frame buffer contains a total 504 bytes: 84 for the upper sub-columns, 84 for the next ones and so on, for a total of 6 (84x6 bytes, row-major ordering).

LCD addressing

Characters are a logical subdivision into a 14x6 matrix, in which each cell is a 6x8 pixels sub-matrix (see blue lines).

LCD addressing

h   0x7f 0x08 0x04 0x04 0x78 0x00
e   0x38 0x54 0x54 0x54 0x18 0x00
l   0x00 0x41 0x7f 0x40 0x00 0x00
l   0x00 0x41 0x7f 0x40 0x00 0x00
o   0x38 0x44 0x44 0x44 0x38 0x00
!   0x00 0x00 0x5f 0x00 0x00 0x00

UART outputs

Writing characters works as usual on a tty device, using standard ASCII encoding (printable characters from 0x20 up to 0x7F). There are few special characters:

  • \a (bell): play a C4 note from the speaker for 250ms
  • \b (backspace): delete the last displayed character
  • \n (line feed): newline
  • \f (form feed): clear screen
  • \r (carriage return): move cursor to the beginning of the current line

The user can also add non-standard custom characters (from 0x80 to 0xFF) using parametric escape sequences.

Escape sequences

Escape sequences are used to obtain special behaviours. In order to start an escape sequence, the special character \e (or \x1B or \033) must be used.

Basic sequences are:

Sequence Effect
\es Put the display in standby
\ew Wake up the display from standby
\el Display an awesome logo

Advanced sequences allow passing numerical parameters, and they're started using \e[ (i.e. \x1B[ or \033[).

Sequence Effect
\e[Nb Set display backlight brightness, with N in [0, 127]
\e[N,A,B,C,D,E,Fc Set user character N, specifying bytes in the character sub-matrix from left to right (N in [128, 255]; A,B,C,D,E,F in [0, 255])
\e[F,Tp Play sound (immediate) having frequency F for T milliseconds
\e[F,Tq Enqueue sound playing with frequency F for T milliseconds
\e[Ts Set the display standby timer in T milliseconds (0 to disable standby)
\e[X,Yz Set cursor position to X in [0, 13] and Y in [0, 5]
stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
echo -ne "\e[128,12,30,60,30,12,0c" >>/dev/ttyUSB0
echo -ne "\f\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80Frere Jacques\n\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80\x80" >>/dev/ttyUSB0
echo -ne "\e[1047,500q\e[1175,500q\e[1319,500q\e[1047,500q\e[1047,500q\e[1175,500q\e[1319,500q\e[1047,500q\e[1319,500q\e[1397,500q\e[1568,500q\e[0,500q\e[1319,500q\e[1397,500q\e[1568,500q" >>/dev/ttyUSB0


  • Send 1 byte to address 0x7D for command (0), necessary to wake the MCU from stop mode nicely
  • Send the framebuffer (504 bytes) to address 0x7D
  • ...


Firmware is written using the STM32 Cube IDE.

MCU pinout

Peripherals assignment:

  • TIM1: speaker PWM
  • TIM3: LCD backlight PWM
  • TIM14: Inputs debounce
  • SPI1+DMA: LCD data output
  • UART: main serial communication interface
  • I2C1: secondary communication interface (slave)



PCB front

PCB back


0x7D == ('t' ^ 'o' ^ 's' ^ 't' ^ 'a')


The ultimate front panel interface!






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