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A dependently typed programming language prototype


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Mini Yu

Mini Yu is a dependently typed programming language, similar to Agda, Idris, Coq, Lean. It is an experimental language to test dependently typed language features and runtime implementation.

The mini yu compiler is implemented in Haskell. It compiles mini yu source code to C code, which is further compiled to machine code with gcc. Mini Yu uses reference counting as garbage collection strategy, inspired by Lean 4 and Koka.

Related Work

A list of some work I have relied on while developing mini yu:


In order to build the mini yu source code, you need to be running on a Unix system, Mac, Linux, FreeBSD, etc.

Before building, make sure you have stack installed on the system. You can obtain version of stack with the command

stack --version

If you have an old version of stack, then you may need to upgrade it. This can commonly be achieved with the command

stack upgrade

To build mini yu quickly, go to the project root and enter the commands

git submodule update --init
make config
make stdlib

This will clone the mimalloc submodule, which mini yu uses as memory allocator. The make commands will configure and build the project. The SPLITSTACK=0 option disables a split stack feature used for automatically growing/shrinking the runtime stack(s). This feature requires a custom gcc version. The stdlib target builds the Mini Yu standard library.

In order to build mini yu with split stack feature, make sure you have MP 4.2+ and MPFR 3.1.0+ and MPC 0.8.0+ installed, then issue the following commands:

git submodule update --init
make config
make -j8 custom-gcc
make stdlib

This will build mimalloc, the custom version of gcc, and the mini yu compiler. Beware that building the custom gcc will take some time.

When the build has finished, the yuc executable in the project root can be used to compile mini yu source code. The next section describes how to get started.


This section describes some of the features of Mini Yu.

Hello World and effects

To get started, here is the Hello World program in Mini Yu:

## Import basic functionality from standard library:
import yu/prelude
of (...)

## Function main is the program entry point:
val main : {} ->> {}
let () => "Hello, World!" .println

Note that line comments start with ##.

Copy the code and put it in a file named hello-world.yu. Compile it with the command

path/to/yuc hello-world.yu -c -o

The -c command line argument tells mini yu to compile the program, not just type check. The -o command line argument tells mini yu to optimize the program. This will produce a binary file called hello-world.yu.exe, which prints Hello, World! when executed.

The type of main is effectful function type {} ->> {}, which is indicating that the main function has one argument of type unit {}, is effectful ->>, and codomain (return type) is unit {}. The effectful arrow type ->> allows us to apply the .println postfix operator and print Hello, World! to the standard output device.

Currently, the only supported effect is ->>, which allows printing strings to standard out. I am working on extending mini yu with a more powerful effect system.

An effect system is used to control where observable side effects may occur. The pure function type -> is used for functions which do not have side effects. Hence, we cannot print from inside such a function. Mini Yu will not accept the following program

import yu/prelude
of (...)

val customPrint : Str -> {}
let s => s .println

val main : {} ->> {}
let () => customPrint "Hello, World"

Change the type of customPrint to Str ->> {}, and then it will work.

Algebraic data types

Mini Yu has algebraic data types. For example, the natural numbers can be defined with

data Nat : Ty
of 0 : Nat
of succ : Nat -> Nat

Note that the examples may not type check if you import files from the standard library at the same time, because of name clashes with the standard library.

The identity type can be defined with

data Id [A] : A & A -> Ty
of refl [A] [a : A] : Id a a

The square brackets mark implicit arguments [A : Ty] and [a : A], and A & A -> Ty is a binary function type.

Dependent pattern matching

Values are declared with val and defined by (dependent) pattern matching. Addition on natural numbers can be defined by

val plus : Nat & Nat -> Nat
let m 0 => m
let m (succ n) => succ (plus m n)

And transitivity of identity

val trans [A] [x y z : A] : Id x y & Id y z -> Id x z
let refl p => p

Operator overloading

Mini Yu supports definition and overloading of operators. There are 3 kinds of operators:

  • prefix operators,
  • infix operators,
  • postfix operators.

Prefix and infix operators start with an operator symbol, such as +, &, !, =, etc. But the symbols \ and # are treated specially, not regarded as operator symbols. Postfix operators start with a period . for example .length, .is-true?. Variable identifiers start with an alphanumeric character, such as A, 1st, a*b. Note that if we insert space a * b, then it will mean the infix operator * applied to two arguments, a and b, rather than the variable a*b.

We can define the natural numbers by using a prefix operator ++ for the successor constructor,

data Nat : Ty
of 0 : Nat
of (++#Nat) : Nat -> Nat

The #Nat is indicating that this is the operator ++ for Nat.

Now define 1 and 2 by

val 1 : Nat
let => ++ 0

val 2 : Nat
let => ++ 1

Addition on natural numbers as infix operator +,

val (+#Nat) : Nat & Nat -> Nat
let m 0 => m
let m (++ n) => ++ (m + n)

A .is-even? postfix operator on natural numbers,

val (.is-even?#Nat) : Nat -> Bool
let 0 => true
let (++ 0) => false
let (++ ++ n) => n .is-even?

where Bool is the type

data Bool : Ty
of false : Bool
of true : Bool

We can overload operators based on type of an argument. It is possible to define addition of booleans by

val (+#Bool) : Bool & Bool -> Bool
let true b => true
let false b => b

For left associative infix operators, such as +, mini yu uses the type of the first argument to determine which operator to apply. So true + x applies +#Bool and 1 + y applies +#Nat.

Details on operator precedence

The associativity and operator precedence of infix operators is given by the first operator symbol. The infix operator precedence table is:

^ @        (right associative)
* / %      (left associative)
$ | &      (right associative)
+ -        (left associative)
= : ? !    (right associative)
< > ~      (left associative)

The operators in the top have higher precedence than those in the bottom, so infix + is left associative and has lower precedence than infix *.

For right associative operators, mini yu uses the second argument to determine which operator to apply, and the type of the first argument of both prefix and postfix operators is used by mini yu to determine which operator to apply.

Note that these associativity and precedence rules do no apply to the few built-in operators, such as =>, -> and :. For example function type -> has lower precedence than infix <, and -> is right associative.

Lazy evaluation

By default, mini yu evaluates function arguments eagerly, but it is possible to mark arguments as lazy. For example, in the definition of addition of booleans, it is often desired to have the second argument evaluated only when the first argument is false. This can be achieved with

val (+#Bool) : Bool & ([] -> Bool) -> Bool
let true b => true
let false b => b []

The type [] -> Bool is the lazy Bool type. The operator +#Bool evaluates the second argument only when the first argument is false.

Delayed evaluation

Delayed evaluation is similar to lazy evaluation, but it will not memoize its result, like lazy does. The below definition of Bool product demonstrates delayed evaluation.

val (*#Bool) : Bool & (() -> Bool) -> Bool
let false b => false
let true b => b ()

Dependent types

Define the vector data type by

data Vec : Nat & Ty -> Ty
of nilv [A] : Vec 0 A
of (::#Vec) [A n] : A & Vec n A -> Vec (++ n) A

Note that infix :: is right associative, so it overloads on the second argument, which is Vec in this case.

As demonstrated earlier, mini yu supports dependent implicit arguments. For an example of a dependent (explicit) arguments we define a (dependent) function which returns the zero vector of any length n, where the codomain of the function Vec n Nat depends on n:

val 0v : (n : Nat) -> Vec n Nat
let 0 => nilv
let (++ n) => 0 :: 0v n

Importing and standard library

Mini Yu comes with a standard library with some basic functionality. For example, to import the list type, one can write

import yu/List
of List
of nil
of (...#List)

This puts List and nil into scope, and (...#List) all operators on List from the module yu/List. One can specify an aliases for modules with

import L => yu/List
of List
of (...#List)

This puts List and it's operators into scope, and we can use nil.L to refer to nil from module yu/List. In general x.L will refer x from module yu/List.

Alternatively, use (...) to import everything from the module

import yu/List
of (...)

Take a look at the stdlib/yu/ directory to see what is available in the standard library. If an import string starts with yu/, such as yu/List, then mini yu will search for files in the standard library.

Users can specify custom packages with the -p command line option. For example if we have a directory path/to/package, then we can invoke yuc with -p path/to/package, which will bring modules with package/ prefix into scope. One can imagine a file called path/to/package/mod.yu, consisting of

import yu/Nat
of Nat

import L => yu/List
of List

val empty : List Nat
let => nil.L

By running yuc with yuc main.yu -c -p path/to/package, then we can refer to the module with package/mod. For example, in main.yu containing

import yu/prelude
of (...)

import M => package/mod

val main : {} ->> {}
let () => empty.M .len .println

This program will print 0 when executed.

More examples

For more examples, take a look at the examples/ directory and the stdlib/yu/ directory, implementing the standard library.