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IFDIFF - A Matlab Toolkit for ODEs with State˗Dependent Switches

The software package IFDIFF deals with the solution and algorithmic generation of sensitivities in ordinary differential equations with implicit (state-dependent) non-differentiabilites ("switches") in the right-hand side that is given as Matlab program code with non-differentiable operators such as min, max, abs, sign, as well as if-branching. IFDIFF automatically generates only necessary switching functions, outputs them as Matlab code, and detects switching points accurately up to machine precision.

Sensitivities can be generated w.r.t. the initial values and w.r.t. a given parameter set

See the IFDIFF page for a mathematical introduction with example.

The file Readme_Example.m contains a self-explaining Matlab script similar to the contents below.

First Run Prerequisites

Before using IFDIFF, it is mandatory to run the make_mtreeplus script once.
After starting Matlab, change to the IFDIFF directory and type make_mtreeplus.
This scripts generates a modified copy of Matlab's own parser class mtree, on which IFDIFF heavily relies.

It is also advisable to initialize the paths needed for IFDIFF by invoking initPaths(); once on every new matlab session.


Make sure that you've followed the First Run Prerequisites.

The following commands exemplarily show the usage on the canonical example.

1. Preprocessing of Right Hand Side

The preprocessing analyses and transforms the right hand side function canonicalExampleRHS.m. Preprocessing generates the datahandle, the central structure for switching detection and handling.
We set ODE solver and its options as usual. If not set, default values are used.

   initPaths();  % Initialise the paths for ifdiff
   integrator = @ode45; 
   odeoptions = odeset('AbsTol', 1e-14, 'RelTol', 1e-12);
   datahandle = prepareDatahandleForIntegration('canonicalExampleRHS', 'integrator', func2str(integrator), 'options', odeoptions);

2. Integration (Forward Solution)

Define initial values, parameter values, and integration horizon, and call solveODE to start the integration. solveODE returns a Matlab sol structure, that can be evalated using deval. It is an augmented version of the solution structures returned by Matlab's very own integrator suite (see

   tspan         = [0 20];
   initialvalues = [1;0];
   parameters    = 5.437;
   sol = solveODE(datahandle, tspan, initialvalues, parameters); 
   T = 0:0.1:20;  
   X = deval(sol,T);

3. Sensitivity Generation

The sensitivity generation currently supports 1st order forward sensitivities w.r.t. initial state and parameters. It is possible to generate sensitivities using external numerical differentiation (flags END_full, END_piecewise) or using the variational differential equations (flag VDE).

Usually, method VDE delivers vest results in terms of accuracy, as it calculates error-controlled sensitivities. It uses the variational differential equations on each interval and performes updates at the switching points to ensure accurate sensitivities at the precalculated forward solution. However, the occuring augmented differential system might be large size and thus slow to compute.
Required state derivatives of the right hand side are approximated using automated finite differencing.

The method END_piecewise computes the interval sensitivities using external numerical differentiation (finite differencing) and connects these using the same updates as used in the VDE method. This requires multiple evaluations of interval solutions, but might be faster on larger systems.

When using END_full, external numerical differention is used on multiple full horizon solutions. The individual trajectories are calculated with switching point detection. Thus, no updates between switches are required. In general, this approach is less accurate and slower than END_piecewise, but might be the a good choice for highly instable ODEs.

  1. Choose step sizes for finite differencing (also used in method VDE for generating state derivatives of the rhs).

       dim_y  = size(sol.y,1);                // state dimension
       dim_p  = length(parameters);           // number of parameters
       FDstep = generateFDstep(dim_y,dim_p);

    The generateDFstep function accepts several options influencing e.g. step length. See the documentation or the file for more information

  2. Build the sensitivity function. In this example, the END_piecewise method is chosen.

       sensitivity_function = generateSensitivityFunction(datahandle, sol, FDstep, 'method', 'END_piecewise'); 

    The following table lists several name-value pairs that can be used to configure generateSensitivityFunction

    Parameters Possible values Defaults
    calcGy true/false - flag indicating to calculate state sensitivities true
    calcGp true/false - flag indicating to calculate parameter sensitivities true
    Gmatrices_intermediate true/false - flag indicating to store update matrics false
    save_intermediates true/false - flag indicating to store intermediate calculations true
    integrator Function handle for ODE solver in Matlab (e.g. ode45) Integrator used by ifdiff
    integrator_options Options struct generated for ODE solver Integrator options used by ifdiff
    method String with VDE/END_piecewise/END_full VDE
    directions_y Matrix containing directions for directional derivatives w.r.t initial values. Identity matrix with dimension n_y
    directions_p Matrix containing directions for directional derivatives w.r.t parameters. Identity matrix with dimension n_p
  3. Evaluate the sensitivity function at specific times.

       t = 0:0.1:20;
       sensitivities = sensitivity_function(t);


A Matlab Toolkit for ODEs with State˗Dependent Switches







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