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Docker image to run a Node container. Ideal to experiment with JavaScript code in a sandbox.


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Node Docker Image

Docker image explosing Node as a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), ideal to play with JavaScript in a sandbox.



The Docker image is created via an automated build and is hosted on DockerHub:

To install it on your system, execute the following command:

$ docker pull andreburgaud/node

Display Help

$ docker run --rm -it andreburgaud/node help
  docker run --rm -it andreburgaud/node [<options>] [<arguments]: Node.js REPL
  docker run --rm -it andreburgaud/node [<command>] [<options>] [<arguments]:
    shell [options] [arguments] : starts a Node shell with rlwrap
                                  (with all harmony features enabled)
    bash                        : starts a Bash shell
    help                        : displays this help
    version                     : displays Node.js version

Start Node REPL

$ docker run --rm -it andreburgaud/node
Welcome to Node.js v13.10.1.
Type ".help" for more information.
> for (const[k, v] of Object.entries(process.versions)) { console.log(`${k} = ${v}`); }
node = 13.10.1
v8 = 7.9.317.25-node.29
uv = 1.34.2
zlib = 1.2.11
brotli = 1.0.7
ares = 1.15.0
modules = 79
nghttp2 = 1.40.0
napi = 5
llhttp = 2.0.4
openssl = 1.1.1d
cldr = 36.0
icu = 65.1
tz = 2019c
unicode = 12.1
> .help
.break    Sometimes you get stuck, this gets you out
.clear    Alias for .break
.editor   Enter editor mode
.exit     Exit the repl
.help     Print this help message
.load     Load JS from a file into the REPL session
.save     Save all evaluated commands in this REPL session to a file
> .exit

Execute a JavaScript File

Without any parameters, it lauches the Node REPL. To access files, like JavaScript files, you need to bind a volume when starting the container. For example, with the file js/hello.js in the repo, execute the following:

$ docker run --rm -it -v`pwd`/js:/js andreburgaud/node /js/hello.js
Hello, world!

A js directory exists in the container. You map a volume from your local environment to this directory to execute any JavaScript files existing on your drive.

Start Node with Harmony Options

To enable all harmony options, even those that are usually set to false, you can start the container with the command harmony:

$ docker --rm -it andreburgaud/node harmony
All harmony options turned on, including:

Welcome to Node.js v13.10.1.
Type ".help" for more information.
> .exit

List of explicitely enabled harmony options when sarting the container:

  • --harmony: enable all completed harmony features
  • --harmony-regexp-sequence: enable "RegExp Unicode sequence properties" (in progress)
  • --harmony-weak-refs: enable "harmony weak references" (in progress)
  • --harmony-regexp-match-indices: enable "harmony regexp match indices" (in progress))
  • --harmony-top-level-await: enable "harmony top level await" (in progress)
  • --harmony-optional-chaining: enable "harmony optional chaining syntax"
  • --harmony-nullish: enable "harmony nullish operator"
  • --harmony-private-methods: enable "harmony private methods in class literals"
  • --harmony-intl-add-calendar-numbering-system: enable "Add calendar and numberingSystem to DateTimeFormat"
  • --harmony-intl-dateformat-day-period: enable "Add dayPeriod option to DateTimeFormat"
  • --harmony-intl-dateformat-fractional-second-digits: enable "Add fractionalSecondDigits option to DateTimeFormat"
  • --harmony-intl-other-calendars: enable "DateTimeFormat other calendars"
  • --harmony-intl-segmenter: enable "Intl.Segmenter"



  • Removed rlwrap and vim, as the editor mode via .editor works well
  • Moved to Alpine alpine 3.10
  • Added an command harmony to explicitely start Node with harmony options that are turned off by default


  • Initial release
  • Debian Buster Slim
  • rlwrap and vim used to help editing files in the Node REPL
