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@ajhalili2006's digital garden, but monorepo edition as a website.


CC-BY-SA-4.0, MPL-2.0 licenses found

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~ajhalili2006's personal wiki and digital garden

open in agora badge kooky insane stuff repo gitlab pages pipeline status Built with Material for MkDocs

Home of my digital garden (and more) in one monorepo, powered by Obsidian + Foam for VS Code and Material for Mkdocs.

Directory Map

. You are here!
├── .devcontainer - Devcontainer files for GitHub Codespaces and Remote Dev Containers
├── .foam
│   └── templates - Foam templates, including daily notes
├── api - Experimential API to compliment with the wiki, currently prototyping in local devenv.
│   └── lib
├── overrides - theme overrides
│   ├── assets
│   └── hooks
└── src - Source Markdown and other files
    ├── garden - Digital garden
    │   └── daily-notes
    │       └── posts (default directory for blog posts, see docs)
    └── multiverse


I'll be open this up for community contributions once I ironed up the needed infrastructure on it soon.


MPL-2.0 for the source code, CC-BY-SA-4.0 for the wiki content + original media, unless otherwise specified.