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SimCLS: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Abstractive Summarization

PyTorch reimplementation of the work described in SimCLS: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Abstractive Summarization published at ACL 2021.

This project was part of the reproducibility challenge in the Machine Learning II Course at DataScience Master's at the University of Ljubljana.


Check in Google Colab: Open In Colab


git clone
cd simcls-pytorch
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio transformers sentencepiece
from src.model import SimCLS, GeneratorType

# example for CNN/DailyMail summarization
summarizer = SimCLS(generator_type=GeneratorType.Bart,

article = "This is a news article."
summary = summarizer(article)

You can check out notebooks/simcls-testing.ipynb for more examples (colab link).

All the models are available at Hugging Face Hub for easy usage:

Dataset Generator Scorer
CNNDM facebook/bart-large-cnn andrejmiscic/simcls-scorer-cnndm
XSum google/pegasus-xsum andrejmiscic/simcls-scorer-xsum
BillSum google/pegasus-billsum andrejmiscic/simcls-scorer-billsum


Important folders:

  • src/ contains all the code to build datasets, train, evaluate models and reproduce results of other experiments
  • run/ contains bash scripts with predefined parameters to run dataset building, training and evaluation

1. Setup

git clone
cd simcls-pytorch

virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Build datasets

The project currently supports CNNDM, XSum and BillSum datasets, however, more can be added by modifying src/

You can build the SimCLS data for the aforementioned datasets by simply running the accompanying bash scripts:

bash run/  # or or

If you want to modify the default parameters, you can get a list of all the options in src/ or by running python src/ --help.

3. Training / evaluation

To train and test the models you can also use accompanying bash scripts with predefined parameters:

bash run/  # or or

The script will additionally evaluate baseline approaches on the provided test set. The list of all possible hyperparameters is available in src/ or by running python src/ --help.

4. Additional experiments

Besides the standard ROUGE evaluation of the models, the authors also carry out a fine-grained analysis (on entity- and sentence-level) on the CNN/DM dataset.

You can run these additional experiments with:

bash run/

This will produce a figures/ directory with visualizations of positional bias and the effect of the number of candidates. Additionally, it will print out the entity and sentences alignment performance.


All of our results are reported together with 95% confidence intervals computed using 10000 iterations of bootstrap.


System Rouge-1 Rouge-2 Rouge-L
BART 44.16 21.28 40.90
SimCLS paper --- --- ---
Origin 44.39 21.21 41.28
Min 33.17 11.67 30.77
Max 54.36 28.73 50.77
Random 43.98 20.06 40.94
SimCLS 46.67 22.15 43.54
Our results --- --- ---
Origin 44.41, [44.18, 44.63] 21.05, [20.80, 21.29] 41.53, [41.30, 41.75]
Min 33.43, [33.25, 33.62] 10.97, [10.82, 11.12] 30.57, [30.40, 30.74]
Max 53.87, [53.67, 54.08] 29.72, [29.47, 29.98] 51.13, [50.92, 51.34]
Random 43.94, [43.73, 44.16] 20.09, [19.86, 20.31] 41.06, [40.85, 41.27]
SimCLS 46.53, [46.32, 46.75] 22.14, [21.91, 22.37] 43.56, [43.34, 43.78]


System Rouge-1 Rouge-2 Rouge-L
Pegasus 47.21 24.56 39.25
SimCLS paper --- --- ---
Origin 47.10 24.53 39.23
Min 40.97 19.18 33.68
Max 52.45 28.28 43.36
Random 46.72 23.64 38.55
SimCLS 47.61 24.57 39.44
Our results --- --- ---
Origin 47.16, [46.85, 47.48] 24.59, [24.25, 24.92] 39.30, [38.96, 39.62]
Min 41.06, [40.76, 41.34] 18.30, [18.03, 18.56] 32.70, [32.42, 32.97]
Max 51.83, [51.53, 52.14] 28.92, [28.57, 29.26] 44.02, [43.69, 44.36]
Random 46.47, [46.17, 46.78] 23.45, [23.13, 23.77] 38.28, [37.96, 38.60]
SimCLS 47.17, [46.87, 47.46] 23.90, [23.59, 24.23] 38.96, [38.64, 39.29]


System Rouge-1 Rouge-2 Rouge-L*
Pegasus 57.31 40.19 45.82
Our results --- --- ---
Origin 56.24, [55.74, 56.74] 37.46, [36.89, 38.03] 50.71, [50.19, 51.22]
Min 44.37, [43.85, 44.89] 25.75, [25.30, 26.22] 38.68, [38.18, 39.16]
Max 62.88, [62.42, 63.33] 43.96, [43.39, 44.54] 57.50, [57.01, 58.00]
Random 54.93, [54.43, 55.43] 35.42, [34.85, 35.97] 49.19, [48.68, 49.70]
SimCLS 57.49, [57.01, 58.00] 38.54, [37.98, 39.10] 51.91, [51.39, 52.43]

* we used summary level Rouge-L which could explain the substantial difference with Pegasus results

Additional experiments

SimCLS paperOur results
entity-levelOrigin40.7059.1348.2235.39, [34.93, 35.84]41.27, [40.74, 41.80]38.11, [37.65, 38.55]
SimCLS43.3659.7950.2736.41, [35.95, 36.88]42.62, [42.10, 43.14]39.27, [38.82, 39.72]
sentence-levelOrigin38.1138.6537.1838.07, [37.62, 38.52]38.20, [37.73, 38.66]38.13, [37.69, 38.57]
SimCLS42.5840.2240.1240.30, [39.85, 40.75]40.72, [40.26, 41.19]40.51, [40.07, 40.95]
Rouge-1 with different num. of candidates Positional bias of aligned sentences

References & Citations

    title = "{S}im{CLS}: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Abstractive Summarization",
    author = "Liu, Yixin  and
      Liu, Pengfei",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)",
    month = aug,
    year = "2021",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    doi = "10.18653/v1/2021.acl-short.135",
    pages = "1065--1072",


PyTorch reimplementation of the paper "SimCLS: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Abstractive Summarization"







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