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Udagram Microservices

Udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the Udacity Cloud Engineering Nanodegree. It allows users to register and log into a web client, post photos to the feed, and process photos using an image filtering microservice.


Installing Node and NPM

This project depends on Nodejs and Node Package Manager (NPM). Before continuing, you must download and install Node (NPM is included) from

Setup Docker Environment

You'll need to install docker Open a new terminal within the project directory and run:

  1. Build the images: docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml build --parallel
  2. Push the images: docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml push
  3. Run the containers: docker-compose up

Install Kubernetes on AWS Cluster using KubeOne and Terraform

  1. Install Terraform
  2. Install KubeOne and follow the instructions to create the needed infrastructure to deploy the project.
  3. Create k8s resources:
kubectl apply -f env-config.yml
kubectl apply -f env-secret.yml
kubectl apply -f aws-secret.yml

kubectl apply -f feed-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f backend-feed-service.yaml

kubectl apply -f user-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f backend-user-service.yaml

kubectl apply -f reverseproxy-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f reverseproxy-service.yaml

kubectl apply -f frontend-deployment.yml
kubectl apply -f frontend-service.yaml