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Auto Install FAQ

Alexander Piskun edited this page Feb 14, 2022 · 10 revisions
  • On which OS it works?

    Auto install works on Debian 10/11, Ubuntu 20/21, Centos 8, Fedora 34. On other OS it probably can succeed too.

  • What about non x86_64 CPUs? Does it supports different ARM?

    Partial. Required packages seems to work. Optional - not all. You can look at manual install and try to install them yourself. We work to fully support ARM with auto install.

  • Can auto install break my system? How return system to previous state?

    No, it cant break anything in system. All you need to do is to remove local folder inside MediaDC app or the app itself.

  • Can I perform partial manual install and end it with auto install?

    Yes, those python packages that are already present will be not installed second time. More info.

Known Problems

  1. Install fails on Debian/Ubuntu systems with error: No module named 'distutils.cmd'

    If errors contains such string then execute in terminal: sudo apt install python3-distutils -y

  2. Install of boost package hexhamming fails(Debian/Ubuntu/Centos/Fedora)

    Seems you have non x86/arm8 CPU. If you really want this package(it boosts only hash comparisons and needed if you compare more then 15k images), then you need to install c++ compilers in your system.

    For Debian/Ubuntu execute in terminal:

    sudo apt install build-essential python3-dev -y

    For Centos/Fedora:

    sudo dnf install gcc-c++ python3-devel -y

  3. Install of optional packets fails

    If package pillow_heif(used only for .HEIC and .HIF .AVIF file formats) is not installed after auto install, please create issue here, and I will try to fix it. For all other optional packages - come here.

  4. My problem with auto install is not listed here.

    Feel free to contact us or report here.

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